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Feedback on the State of the Mesmer [merged]

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> @"Yukio blaster.9082" said:

> and i will list here the real broken classes:

> * The one shot power rev .

Yea, i'm sick of revenants in every game. Players purposely reroll to revenants. Everytime i see revenant i run away, because they will oneshot me and i will not be able to do anything.(sarcasm) If you somehow met revenant in ranked, it probably was me or neighbor's cat.

> @"Yukio blaster.9082" said:

> i'm just scared that mirage gonna be the next renegade ,because mirages burst are...

Ofc you are scared. you just don't wanna lose class that good against any foe.

Condition damage burst. Condition damage. Burst. Condition damage. Damage over time burst. Sounds strange. Also it seems familiar, right? With scourge, that does the same, bursts you with bouquet of conditions. Difference is that Mirage has over20 stacks of one condition, scourge has over20 condition with one (ofc not) stacks. These two are overtuned. It's clear as day.


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> -Jebro and team had to ban the class because it trumped almost every class in a 1v1 in their tournament

Conceptually, a class designed for 1v1 shouldn't lose to a class whose 75% of skills are aoe, with group gameplay.

The biggest issue we had is with HoT they try to make everyone 1v1 viable giving few to nothing to core duelling class (and, no, chrono was never at the same teamfight utility as ele/necro/gard in PvP/WvW.).

So if you play a profession like that, better be prepared to cut the majority of your skills (making all of them single target and so on.).


>We don't need mirage to be gutted, we need an actual thorough balance patch that adresses all classes. so that mirage relatively isn't kitten.



And I always laugh about the on death clone removed for the reason of cheesy (3rd of mesmers mecanics) and passive (it was not and I can discuss for days about it.) then we look at war/holo/thief evade : is has way less couterplay than on death and it's a lot more effective than it was.

Seems that somes are allowed to be cheesy.

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> @"Yukio blaster.9082" said:

> and i will list here the real broken classes:

> * The one shot power ele .


I guess you said Broken for "out of order" something like that eh ? In that case, you're right. The Fresh Air ele, is a High risk high reward on bad thieves only.


Really, dont speak about a class you dont know, that's tiresome.


The Mirage isnt OP. His ability of quick confusion stacking is. That's why they'll change the confusion work system on next BP.

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> @"Sleepwalker.1398" said:

> > @"Yukio blaster.9082" said:

> > > @"Cyric.7813" said:

> > > Stop reading after Mirage cant oneshot

> > Can you tell me the burst combo to one shot a necro like the fresh weaver can and i ll be thankful .

> >

> >

> For lols

> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEOk2Wtj95I


> Full guide



hahahahaha that's hilarious balouga is crazy, that's probably a core mesmer full berserker with mantra's need a rework too one shooting shouldn't be a thing.

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Looks like someone is scared that Anet might nerf this cancer spec lol but dont worry, i am pretty sure that even if they touch Mirage, the end result will be very little, Mirage needs a whole rework on Traits and Skills, a +5% or -5% damage or cooldown like Anet is used to do aint gonna anything against Mirage...lol "broken builds", ele and rev...this cant be serious lol

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> @"Felipe.1807" said:

> Looks like someone is scared that Anet might nerf this cancer spec lol but dont worry, i am pretty sure that even if they touch Mirage, the end result will be very little, Mirage needs a whole rework on Traits and Skills, a +5% or -5% damage or cooldown like Anet is used to do aint gonna anything against Mirage...lol "broken builds", ele and rev...this cant be serious lol


ele one shot is all over the place in plat 1 and above the rev in the other side is rare cos the condi cleans is so bad but still if they nerf condi damage then you will see him a lot with there lovely bursts.

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> @"Theros.1390" said:

> > @"Yukio blaster.9082" said:

> > and i will list here the real broken classes:

> > * The one shot power ele .


> I guess you said Broken for "out of order" something like that eh ? In that case, you're right. The Fresh Air ele, is a High risk high reward on bad thieves only.


> Really, dont speak about a class you dont know, that's tiresome.


> The Mirage isnt OP. His ability of quick confusion stacking is. That's why they'll change the confusion work system on next BP.


The one shot ele is more effective in team fights and bad thiefs are just bad and i'm saying that cos the ele is all over the place now in plat 1+ we literally plan at the start of the game to target the ele first before the necros and you likely gonna die from that burst before you start paying good attention of the placement of the ele in the map.

About the mesmer confusion only noobs get's more than 10 stacks of confusion in a time or if you are stunned and you wasted yr stun breaks .

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> @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

> A mirage that thinks power rev is op, you know I don't even know what to say.


You all missed my point the power creep is real you cant deny that the rev can one shot too but the lack of condition cleans in most of good rev build make that class less effective in the new meta .but that don't mean that rev is bad it's just there are more damage focus classes now with better sustain(HOLO hello) .

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> @"Yukio blaster.9082" said:

> > @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

> > A mirage that thinks power rev is op, you know I don't even know what to say.


> You all missed my point the power creep is real you cant deny that the rev can one shot too but the lack of condition cleans in most of good rev build make that class less effective in the new meta .but that don't mean that rev is bad it's just there are more damage focus classes now with better sustain(HOLO hello) .


How does it one shot? The highest damage skills it has top out at like 8k even with 25 might against a no extra toughness enemy, and they all have cast times, so can't string them all together to call it a one shot.

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> @"Zintrothen.1056" said:

> "...if you play sword and if so the condi damage is minor." You lost all credibility with that line. 10 stacks of confusion isn't minor. Add on 4-6 stacks of burning that you have to cleanse and you have even more insane damage.


minor compared to axe condi damage or staff and scepter the sword have no condi stacking not so ever and all the damage you talking about is from the chatter and just for you to know the condi mirage with sword and not axe is harder to master ,and to stack condi's with by using the illussionary leap or the ambuch leap shutter. and you should know that 5 stacks of confusion or less isn't that good .

and what you said don't sound insane cos i can dodge the burning burst with ez the sound of stealth and after 3 sec the burning chatter however being dead before you have the chance to cleans anything or to dodge the damage or what ever that insane and that exactly what an ele can do.

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Mesmer isn't OP and hasn't been for the majority of the life of the game. In fact, I recall years when it was generally agreed that Mesmer was "trash tier" after the big glamour nerf. It's not a straightforward, "swing the sword" class.


It requires a certain level of skill, situational awareness and knowledge to fight a reasonably proficient Mesmer. That is the reason it may be perceived as OP. Mesmer will continue to be regarded that way for as long as it wins fights.


A big example was clone death. **It was condemned as "toxic." Yet, Necromancer has virtually the same skill and has had it since gw1.** One possible takeaway is that it's "toxic" because it's a Mesmer skill. Removing that ability downgraded quite a few builds. I'd love to see clone death return to today's aoe spam environment.


My point is that Mesmer takes a lot of flack simply because it can be tricky to play against. Two possible paths present themselves; one is to learn the other is to scream for nerfs.



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The one shot CORE guard... This guy. If all these classes are one shotting you then it is an OBVIOUS l2p issue. You have so much utility against these builds that you should barely even be touched. Not to mention these classes you mentioned (besides the ele) has next to no sustain. For as long as I can remember mesmers have ALWAYS been a top tier class. You NEVER saw a "pro league" team running without one. Granted it takes a high amount of skill to play one effectively but that furthers my point that it is a L2P issue. I wouldn't say mirage is OP but it does need to be toned down. A GOOD mirage is near impossible to lock down and should win vs EVERY class 1v1. Funny you didn't even mention spellbreaker, the only class that can out sustain you and give you a hard time. HoT thief is probably the only counter to mirage.

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> @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

> > @"Yukio blaster.9082" said:

> > > @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

> > > A mirage that thinks power rev is op, you know I don't even know what to say.

> >

> > You all missed my point the power creep is real you cant deny that the rev can one shot too but the lack of condition cleans in most of good rev build make that class less effective in the new meta .but that don't mean that rev is bad it's just there are more damage focus classes now with better sustain(HOLO hello) .


> How does it one shot? The highest damage skills it has top out at like 8k even with 25 might against a no extra toughness enemy, and they all have cast times, so can't string them all together to call it a one shot.


The handsome power rev being removed from the list.

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> @"lethotix.2973" said:

> The one shot CORE guard... This guy. If all these classes are one shotting you then it is an OBVIOUS l2p issue. You have so much utility against these builds that you should barely even be touched. Not to mention these classes you mentioned (besides the ele) has next to no sustain. For as long as I can remember mesmers have ALWAYS been a top tier class. You NEVER saw a "pro league" team running without one. Granted it takes a high amount of skill to play one effectively but that furthers my point that it is a L2P issue. I wouldn't say mirage is OP but it does need to be toned down. A GOOD mirage is near impossible to lock down and should win vs EVERY class 1v1. Funny you didn't even mention spellbreaker, the only class that can out sustain you and give you a hard time. HoT thief is probably the only counter to mirage.


yeah the scary SB i forgot tnks for the reminder and in the pro league the mesmer is chosed for the portal that it and if you watch them again you will see the amount of dead mesmer's in the games especially helseth .

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> @"Yukio blaster.9082" said:

> > @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > Looks like someone is scared that Anet might nerf this cancer spec lol but dont worry, i am pretty sure that even if they touch Mirage, the end result will be very little, Mirage needs a whole rework on Traits and Skills, a +5% or -5% damage or cooldown like Anet is used to do aint gonna anything against Mirage...lol "broken builds", ele and rev...this cant be serious lol


> ele one shot is all over the place in plat 1 and above the rev in the other side is rare cos the condi cleans is so bad but still if they nerf condi damage then you will see him a lot with there lovely bursts.


I havent pvp on this season yet, but...really, is Fresh air ele is all over the place on Plat? Its not Scourge/Firebrand/Mirage? Anyway, whatever is true or not, i guess that says a lot about this Season, where a bad gimmick build can reach Plat 1...we all have some bias towards our main professions on the game, but what you doing here is just ridiculous, lol trying to compare the most underperfoming builds to one that is considered top tier...Helseth himself said that Mirage is greatest cancer that Anet have ever made, maybe second only to bunker chrono.


> @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

> Mesmer isn't OP and hasn't been for the majority of the life of the game. In fact, I recall years when it was generally agreed that Mesmer was "trash tier" after the big glamour nerf. It's not a straightforward, "swing the sword" class.


> It requires a certain level of skill, situational awareness and knowledge to fight a reasonably proficient Mesmer. That is the reason it may be perceived as OP. Mesmer will continue to be regarded that way for as long as it wins fights.


> A big example was clone death. **It was condemned as "toxic." Yet, Necromancer has virtually the same skill and has had it since gw1.** One possible takeaway is that it's "toxic" because it's a Mesmer skill. Removing that ability downgraded quite a few builds. I'd love to see clone death return to today's aoe spam environment.


> My point is that Mesmer takes a lot of flack simply because it can be tricky to play against. Two possible paths present themselves; one is to learn the other is to scream for nerfs.




Yes, this is all a conspiracy from the pvp community, Mirage is the pinnacle of balance, but we are just bad and want to see Mesmer and all its specs nerfed to the ground...in truth mesmer mains are the best players, they are not getting carried by bad designed skills and traits, we are just bad and must L2P.

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Portal, moa, good damage and sustain. I have watched a lot of pro league games and you even see helseth 2v1ing a point for a long time even. He MADE the class op with the high skill ceiling. Regardless mirage is a different beast altogether. Too much sustain AND damage. One needs to be toned down.

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> @"lethotix.2973" said:

> Portal, moa, good damage and sustain. I have watched a lot of pro league games and you even see helseth 2v1ing a point for a long time even. He MADE the class op with the high skill ceiling. Regardless mirage is a different beast altogether. Too much sustain AND damage. One needs to be toned down.


The Pro league is long over. The skills have been changed and those builds are no longer in primary use. This illustrates the point I made earlier.

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> @"Felipe.1807" said:

> **I havent pvp on this season yet**, but...really, is Fresh air ele is all over the place on Plat? Its not Scourge/Firebrand/Mirage? Anyway, whatever is true or not, i guess that says a lot about this Season, where a bad gimmick build can reach Plat 1...we all have some bias towards our main professions on the game, but what you doing here is just ridiculous, lol trying to compare the most underperfoming builds to one that is considered top tier...Helseth himself said that Mirage is greatest cancer that Anet have ever made, maybe second only to bunker chrono.


The bold emphasis is mine. You admit not PvP'ing this season and then go on to speak at length about how Mirage is OP. This is the type of response Mesmer deals with often.



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