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Is "Terror" bugged?


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Title says it all. Terror should make Fear deal damage but for me it doesn't. Tested it with Staff 5 and Shroud 3 and Fear doesn't deal any damage. Am I doing or understanding something wrong?


Edit: I'm testing it for 10 minutes now and it's really strange. Most times it doesn't deal damage then there are times it deals damage but very low (much lower than the tooltip says and yes I know enemies have different mitigations). Is the miss chance for Terror so high on enemies?


Edit 2: Staff 5 seems to be the problem. 4/5 cases it doesn't deal damage. Trying to figure out when it does and when it doesn't.


Edit 3: Does Terror decrease in strenght the more often you use it on the same target?

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Well, I tested it for quite some time on different and similar mobs and it's like I said in my first post. Shroud 3 works quite correctly (although in like half of the cases it dealt less than 50% of the damage it should and no, enemies did not have any boons on them reducing the damage and I did not miss any boons on me increasing my damage) but Staff 5 seems to be bugged. Felt like a 20% chance of dealing damage and not like the 100% it should. If fear always hits the target the damage should always apply, right? Then Terror is def. bugged. I checked everything 1) via combat log and 2) via looking at the damage numbers above the NPCs. For example when I fear a target with no conditions it deals more damage than when I fear a target with conditions. Another thing I noticed: sometimes I fear the target once and Terror procs twice, once for low and once for high damage. So two Terror procs with one fear? It's very strange and I don't know what's the "rule" for this or if it's just not working correctly.


> @Lahmia.2193 said:

> I've been using it on scourge (and reaper in wvw pre PoF) and it works fine.


Well, it might work fine for you but it doesn't work fine for me. Very strange. Would you mind testing it with Staff 5?

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Always does dmg for me. Most fears will get two ticks if you have extremely high duration. If your fear last 1.5 seconds it will deal a full damage tick and then half a damage tick. If 2 seconds, then 2 full dmg ticks. Also it does much less damage if there is no other conditions on your target.

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> @Famine.7915 said:

> Always does dmg for me. Most fears will get two ticks if you have extremely high duration. If your fear last 1.5 seconds it will deal a full damage tick and then half a damage tick. If 2 seconds, then 2 full dmg ticks. Also it does much less damage if there is no other conditions on your target.


Have you tested it with Staff 5? I mean why should it be bugged for me and not for others.

And why does it have more damage ticks? Is it a "DoT"? I thought it's just one burst of damage, the tooltip is very vague though.

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> @Nyel.1843 said:

> > @Famine.7915 said:

> > Always does dmg for me. Most fears will get two ticks if you have extremely high duration. If your fear last 1.5 seconds it will deal a full damage tick and then half a damage tick. If 2 seconds, then 2 full dmg ticks. Also it does much less damage if there is no other conditions on your target.


> Have you tested it with Staff 5? I mean why should it be bugged for me and not for others.

> And why does it have more damage ticks? Is it a "DoT"? I thought it's just one burst of damage, the tooltip is very vague though.


Fear is indeed a DOT. But it is also considered a hard CC. As such, it can be removed by condition cleanse AND stun breaks and will not apply to a target with stability. If any of those conditions are met then fear will either not be applied or will be removed from the target and thus negate the damage. Resistance will negate the damage and CC from fear, but it will not remove fear itself from the condition bar.


P. S. Staff 5 does work. It is more likely one of the previously mentioned scenarios were happening to you instead.

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> @Famine.7915 said:

> P. S. Staff 5 does work. It is more likely one of the previously mentioned scenarios were happening to you instead.


Well, not really. I tested it on (similar) PvE mobs without any conditions / boons on them. And it did not happen once or twice where I would say I did something wrong, it happened several dozen times during my test. That's the strange thing. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it doesn't. without any obvious reason why it failed.

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