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Would you buy SAB content in the Black Lion market to support the World 3 development?

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Another year without SAB world 3.


I admited that I got a bit optimist when I saw the Halloween event of this year, but well...


I wonder what could we, as fans and players, do to support and encourage the team to eventually make another chapter for Super Adventure Box.


For example, maybe they could make some outfits SAB style, and destinate its income for the SAB world 3 development?

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It doesn't matter how much you offer to support it, developing it would mean taking away from something else. In the case of SAB, it would essentially mean sacrificing one of the living world episodes, so until they're no longer focused on adding new maps, SAB is simply not feasible.

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> @"Healix.5819" said:

> It doesn't matter how much you offer to support it, developing it would mean taking away from something else. In the case of SAB, it would essentially mean sacrificing one of the living world episodes, so until they're no longer focused on adding new maps, SAB is simply not feasible.


That's the why I was thinking in the Black Lion market, if they manage to get some extra income, they could use it to hire some extra hands that could work on SAB3 without requiring them to make huge sacrifices in other contents.

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and like others have said, I wouldn't want it to take away from the current teams that provide content like Living World Season Episodes etc.

SAB doesn't personally interest me at all, and I think to those that it does, it's a small niche group (in the sense of overall community).

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I'd love to have SAB purchasable for the year, but I doubt even with the price ( plus any merchandise) it would cover enough wages to get all the worlds finished.

Eitherway, I just hope SAB is back each year the very least, as the skins/AP are pretty much one of the most important things to farm, next to the fun content it provides.


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This game was always about the festivities and it's a sad thing. GW2 lost it's vibe when HOT was released and now we follow the model of a typical MMO when it clearly isn't one. 2012 to 2015 (before the June overhauled mechanics /traits and wardrobe) was the heyday of this game and not from just the old vanilla playing but just the simple excitement of real world timed events in Season 1 (however some lasted too long exceeding for months which was a bit much, but the Karka raid was exciting and even the Mad Kings arrival on first Halloween of release) . I would love for SAB to actually be finished but it sadly won't as they simply don't care for tradition anymore. I mean Dragon bash and queens gauntlet hasn't even been back for years and they don't even need new content but last was said was a fix in the physics. I rather have polishing of the world and current content over constant new storylines you finish in an hour and do bigger releases of the story but I'm sure ill be hated for saying that lol.

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If it was explicitly stated that they had a target, and that buying these items would work toward that target, then sure, but if it's just some vague "well maybe if people support it. . ." non-promise, then no. I noted in another thread that it would be interesting to see them launch a Kickstarter or something specifically earmarked for SAB development, separate from the normal game budget.

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Hell no.


I don't begrudge players who enjoy SAB, but for me I wouldn't bat an eyelid if it never came back.


Dabbled in it for a bit during the first year it came out, which was a fun change at the time but don't care for it at all anymore.


Yes I delete the free 5 continue coins they give you in the mail and ignore everything to do with it.

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Nope. I prefer the (for the most part) separation of SAB and the rest of the game. Minis, mail carriers, and weapons are small and don't look terrible, but that art style (super blocky and bright) clashes too much with the rest of the game for anything larger or more common.


It's also not just about just getting enough money to hire someone. Coding and art design is unique among companies. There's the general basics, sure, but a new hire would need to spend time just learning how to work with the game engine and not have it explode, which means an experienced person spending time to teach instead of working on content. And when/who would create the SAB outfits to fund the development of world 3? Either it would be an artist who gets pulled away from more widespread appealing items/content in the hope that it would somehow pay enough to fully employ someone for a year+, or they'd hire someone in the hopes that they can create world 3 and some outfits that are popular enough to pay for their own salary.


And that's assuming they just hire one person (a person who is skilled enough who would willing to take a temporary job instead of a permanent one, no less).


In short, it's a gamble and no matter what would pull resources away from the rest of the game to appeal to a very small group of players.


I can understand and sympathize with the frustration of being left hanging because something got cancelled, but that's life. Media isn't permanent and there's no guarantee it will finish where it was intended, especially when it comes from small companies with finite resources.

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I would pay them full box price for SAB and all the eyesore it brought in the game to be completely removed.

As a compensation to SAB fans I would suggest 8-bit party hats and flags,only usable in one's home instance.

It would be great as a stand alone game though,for multiple platforms including mobile.

Anet would make a killing,instead of killing their main game and our eyesight once a year.

Win win.

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Default answer is no. Especially after World 2. It's just too long. And the rewards for SAB just don't appeal to me. I'm leary that World 3 would just be ... obnoxious.

I do want to see 3 and 4 completed, and hopefully that will start next year, but I'm not going to participate in a crowdfunding project of some kind for it.

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While I really like SAB, I don't find it necessary to let people pay to continue development on it. The best part in the game is when Taimi actually uses Motos tech for her own ends. And continuing development in a story direction like that, is much more valuable to me than continue developing a possible world 3. (Even if I would play the hell out of it either way)


In fact I would find it funny if SAB W3 would come with a graphical update that would go in the style of Evoland or maybe even into a direction where the SAB game would break down rather than continuing the story. Making it more fitting within the GuildWars universe and hinting towards how hard it can be within game development.

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No, perversely I believe the opposite action is the only way we will see more content added to SAB.


If every player who wants to see new content in SAB boycotted the BLTC until a confirmation that W3 was in development, if Anet were fully aware of the reason for the reduced income, we would have an announcement within months.


Money Talks.

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