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Question for you Chronos out there / Why bother?


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Ok, so I have a tank/support Chrono now with leadership/commanders and all that fun stuff...for support/tanking. My question is this:

Beings that Power Chrono is now "on par" with Holosmith in terms of benchmark DPS (note didn't say raid dps) is it worth it to have a set of gear to run said Power build, if someone else is doing the tank/support and just dps is needed? Maybe a PUG group wanting just dps? But something tells me that if I joined a pug that was asking for dps and said I was that dps, amongst the giggles and all that I would be kicked, fast. ?

So is it even worth it to make another set for power or don't bother and bring something else if a dps is needed (like my Holo)? Why I was thinking this way is in my mind and practice the more I play a class the better I will get at it, therefore play Chrono in as many roles as I can and just get gud. ? Or focus the get gud part on tank/support and let dps do just that?

While on one hand I am thrilled Power Chrono has seen some love and is viable (makes playing it that much more fun) I cant help but think that I would get trolled and aksed to please bring a dps class, if that's what I want to do. I think back to WOW and my Death Knight. Rarely, if ever, did I dps on him as Blood spec, that was tank and tank alone. But.... I could stay on that toon and swap to say Frost or unholy Dk for pure dps, so there is that. If others see this different or have had actually positive experiences playing Power Chrono in a raid please share!!

Cheers all!


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It's been my experience in PUG fractals that everybody assume the chronomancer is always running support. Because I don't like the DPS build that much, I've never _not_ been a support chrono, so I don't know how the players will react. If an LFG is asking for a mesmer, then they want a support chronomancer build.


If you're in a yolo no-demands group, you can bring whatever you want. If you're joining a team specifically asking for DPS, you can probably bring a DPS chrono. If you want to play the DPS chrono, chances are the fun it will bring will far eclipse the inconveniences you'll get, so I say go for it.

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> It's been my experience in PUG fractals that everybody assume the chronomancer is always running support. Because I don't like the DPS build that much, I've never _not_ been a support chrono, so I don't know how the players will react. If an LFG is asking for a mesmer, then they want a support chronomancer build.


> If you're in a yolo no-demands group, you can bring whatever you want. If you're joining a team specifically asking for DPS, you can probably bring a DPS chrono. If you want to play the DPS chrono, chances are the fun it will bring will far eclipse the inconveniences you'll get, so I say go for it.


Yea, definitely wouldn't just jump into a pug without stating I was joining as dps, even if that's what was asked for, just to keep it clear for them. But yea, most times if they asking for Chrono it is support so would have to ask first and go from there.

"If you want to play the DPS chrono, chances are the fun it will bring will far eclipse the inconveniences you'll get, so I say go for it."

Oh for sure! I always liked Mesmer but the personal damage was so under-performing for awhile and then as tank, well it was/is just so different from what I am used to, i.e aggro ,taunts, blocks and all that junk. But now that I can dps as well it a green light for me!! Question with gear.....do I make a dps or would running commander be ok for dps also? Thinking runes would be an issue?

Anyways, cheers guys and thanks!! ;)

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