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condi soulbeast PvP


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Not atm.

Reliavle condi weapons such as dagger and axe dont bring enough utility to the table to be viable in PvP.

Sword is a thing but rather on the Power/Hybrid side.

Torch OH has not enough utility either and dagger is kinda lack luster but still the most useful n PvP as condi weapon.


Atm power has better competitive position with soulbeast.

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> @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> Not atm.

> Reliavle condi weapons such as dagger and axe dont bring enough utility to the table to be viable in PvP.

> Sword is a thing but rather on the Power/Hybrid side.

> Torch OH has not enough utility either and dagger is kinda lack luster but still the most useful n PvP as condi weapon.


> Atm power has better competitive position with soulbeast.


so power longbow soulbeast build is better? whats 2nd weapon set.

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> @"weaponwh.9810" said:

> > @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> > Not atm.

> > Reliavle condi weapons such as dagger and axe dont bring enough utility to the table to be viable in PvP.

> > Sword is a thing but rather on the Power/Hybrid side.

> > Torch OH has not enough utility either and dagger is kinda lack luster but still the most useful n PvP as condi weapon.

> >

> > Atm power has better competitive position with soulbeast.


> so power longbow soulbeast build is better? whats 2nd weapon set.


Mainly GS because if the galore of utility is gives to you.

Blocks, evades, gap closer, burst and CC.


Sword MH still has some use because of nice evades and nice disengage.

LB is better in WvW than PvP but still the way to go range weaponry.

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If you really want to condi soulbeast, you could Bristleback merge + Shortbow. It gives you a nice stack of bleed.


The problem with condi ranger is defense/support and also cover conditions. It's easy to cleanse them. You don't have the same oppressive AoE factor as a burn guardian/fb or condi scourge. Yes, you have traps, but lol. So, you're mostly a single target damage, which is ehhh. Scourge and FB are also support oriented elite spec, they can fall back on their skills to defend themselves. If you go MH Axe route, then Torch has 0 defense/support and Dagger has an evade, but only 3 bleed on a long cooldown Crippling Talon (which has been requested by many to get charges and bounce). Again, MH Axe route won't give you hard CC. Shortbow gives you stun/daze and immob.


Power coefficient on Shortbow is pretty terrible too, so you can't rely on it to do damage if you happen to not be able to inflict enough conditions. When you look at how Burn works on Guardian, they work with symbols (which has good power damage already) and other high damaging power spells (Tomes, SoJ, torch, etc.). Ranger doesn't have that, even if I feel they are ~~trying~~ with MH Axe, lol.



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> @"weaponwh.9810" said:

> so power LB with sword/warhorn or GS. what about traits, I've been using Marksmans, what about other two trait line? also for skills I use chill trap, entangle, any recommended skills/signet to use.


As a power Sbeast beastmastery is a must.

It gives passive movement speed and stats when in beastform. Taunt is always nice and the GS trait is fantastic for opening strike procs if you use remorseless in MM.

In MM stonefirm is a must and as a utility it is the stone signet.

QZ or LR are nice utilities too. Also dolyak stance is a fantastic skill especiallly in WvW.

As elite i would take SotP.

Nature magic is fantastic in conjunction with the fresh reinforcement trait on soulbeast for boonspam.


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Mostly people use smokescale and brown bear as pets. I use them as well because I'm not a big customizer on Ranger yet. They work well as offensive/trixy and defensive. Explore the possibilities of the pet skills. There's also a tips and tricks thread here that offers some insight into Ranger pvp and pet usage, will post link of I find it.


I'd like to add my 2 cents on the trait lines as well. As established I follow the meta because I'm not that familiar with the Ranger, so the meta offers a good start for your journey. As insaneqr said Beastmastery is a must, but for the second line I'd recommend Wilderness Survival with:

- Soften the fall.

- Shared anguish.

- Wilderness knowledge.





Link to the very helpfull thread, as promised.

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> @"weaponwh.9810" said:

> so whats good pet for PvP,



Its probably the best PvP pet because of the smokefield you can use to stealth and the evade and CC on each one of the beastmode skills.

Rock gazelle is not bad either due to mobility and CC but ut dies not hit reliable.

Jacaranda is not bad because you have 2 heals in beastmode but the aoe and F2 are difficult to land.

Wolf is not bad because of CC inside and outside beastmode and the increased mobility. It does not provide any benefits though in terms of stats.

Electrowyvern hits the same spot as rockgazelle, nice CC but does not always hit reliable.

Blackbear and brownbear are maybe an option to consider. Bears can defy pain and blackbear can do it twice with the F3 in beastmode and brownbear has a built in heal in beastmode and can cleanse condis outside of it.

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