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Small FIX to Legends skills


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here are some ideas how you can with small changes (and easy one i think) can help revenant

i know everyone want bigger changes but i see anet difficulties atm so i want to inspire anet to continue with the way they have started with small easy fix to %, number and splits

the changes are for wvw and pvp



strong duelist but with weak heal and useless elite skill. his movement abilities should be bit below a thief but better than warrior or mesmer.


heal skill - base heal for wvw and pvp should be higher or reduce the recharge to 20 sec. the total heal should be the same where the only variable is on the numbers of the healing of the enchanted daggers. so for 20 sec you gain 4 enchanted daggers or less healing like 512 base heal for each dagger.

Riposting Shadows - two easy options. nrg reduce to 25 or the range increase from 600 to 900. atm even warrior can travel faster than us and chase us.

Phase Traversal - reduce nrg from 35 to 30.

Impossible Odds - when turned off give swiftness of 5 sec. the skill should be with 4 sec cd but also cleanse 2 conditions when turned off. - this might be consider big change probably for anet.

Jade Winds - somehow it should be powerful skill with 600 range and 3 sec stun. but in fact it cost too much to be much effective. i would have change it to kd or kb as it wind. or reduce nrg to 35 with stun duration of 2 sec and 10 stacks of vulnerability. if its might be to good than increase cd to 8 sec.



nice dmg mitigation and sustain but still weak to conditions dmg and easy to interrupt with corrupt boons abilities.


Soothing Stone - activation time should be 0.75 sec. please fix the skill to cleanse first than heal later.

Forced Engagement - increase taunt and slow duration to 3 sec

Vengeful Hammers - increase healing from 53 to 75. or add reduce condition duration by 20% (much harder i guess).

Rite of the Great Dwarf - i think the trait Versed in Stone should be deleted and the elite should also effect condi dmg. the activation time should be reduce to 0.75 sec



the idea here is not cleanse conditions rather to have them all and be able to handle them while pressure the enemy. also our resistance should be better than warrior if we support our team. and way to handle corrupt boons. changes here could effect wvw so might consider changes only in pvp


Pain Absorption - conditions transfer increase from 1 to 2. the self resistance decrease duration from 2 sec to 1 sec but increase to number of stacks for each ally in range with interval of 1 sec. could be consider big change but atm this skill function dont help much revenant with all the conditions and the corrupt out there.

so the player consider as 1 so he gains 2 stacks of total of 2 sec (no change here). so with 5 allies like in wvw you will have 6 sec duration resistance and with 100% boon duration 12 sec. if it sound too strong than apply it to only pvp where you usually have 3 allies so it will be 4-7 sec.

Banish Enchantment - increase the direct dmg by 100%. i will drop the confusion at all as it belong to mesmer. i would give instead burning for 5 sec.



the changes here focus on condition cleanse as it is the missing link with the support legend


Purifying Essence - increase condition cleanse form 3 to 5 in pvp. reduce the healing per condition cleanse from 325 to 200.




easy change to all utilities.

reduce cast time from 0.75 to 0.25 sec.

the idea here is to make the enemy focus the npc i summons and not me. so with faster cast time it will be harder to interrupt them. the dmg increase was nice direction but atm they are still easy kills and cc.

if they could proc with with 3 stacks aegis of 1 sec it could be great

range of the skill should be increase from 600 to 900 to be par with the sb range.


what do you think - are they small fix or big fix which consider harder to implement.

do you think it will help build diversity (sustain dmg, support healer and pure dmg)

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