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Queue system needs change

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1. Allow player who DCed 2 mins timer to come back in without losing spot, pve/wvw

2. can also increase the timer based on wvw rank and mastey rank and current meta contribution

3. This will also allow players to change class without losing spot

4. a new queue score system with list of current queue spot and players rank and contribution .

5. players with higher rank+ contribution get top queue spot (50%+50%)= total queue score

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> @"Limodriver.4106" said:

> 1. Allow player who DCed 2 mins timer to come back in without losing spot, pve/wvw

> 2. can also increase the timer based on wvw rank and mastey rank and current meta contribution

> 3. This will also allow players to change class without losing spot

> 4. a new queue score system with list of current queue spot and players rank and contribution .

> 5. players with higher rank+ contribution get top queue spot (50%+50%)= total queue score


I am quite often on a crappy internet connection but play on a really fast laptop so I can appreciate the thought. The problem with this is that is can abused. Players already F4 to prevent from being spiked in WvW. Add in this and those players, if they had fast enough rigs would just alt-F4 and re-enter the game without a blink. Right now you at least know in WvW they are locked out for bit if there are queues. No its the risk of us with crappy connections that if we DC its on us and it's another reason to give our service provides grief for being subpar.

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> @"Limodriver.4106" said:

> 5. players with higher rank+ contribution get top queue spot (50%+50%)= total queue score

What does rank have to do with it other than showing that you've played the game for longer (and possibly farmed rank in EotM or something like that)? I know many good wvw players that contribute a lot more to the server's cause than I do but still have considerably lower rank simply due to the fact that I've been in and out of wvw for 5+ years while they only started the game a couple of years ago (and no, I never farmed rank, but playing casually over the years you can't really avoid accumulating rank).


Same goes for measuring contribution really. Players out to game the system can easily max their contribution while not contributing to their server's cause at all, while those actively helping (defending, scouting, escorting dolyaks and such) may have a much harder time to get their contribution up.

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