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[EU]/[PvX] / Hapless Hares - a casual guild looking for members in friendly, fun & relaxed gameplay


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Hiii!!! So my name is Afiranlee and I created a **brand new guild** called "Hapless Hares [HaHa]" that is aimed toward players who enjoy doing whatever content the game has to offer (yes, dungeons, fractals, and eventually raids, and whatever else) !!


I'm co-running this guild with my bf Beanpop! We're both **active consistent players** who like to do everything the game has to offer and we would like for like minded people to join us!


* **So who is this guild for?** This guild is for anyone who loves the game, either casually and/or non-casually, wants to do all sorts of content (even high end content), in a drama-free, relaxed, friendly and helpful environment!

* For the most part, we enjoy doing PvE, fractals, dungeons and we plan on doing so much more! As of now, **our main goal** is to build a nice friendly community that would love to spend their time having fun and adventuring with us!


We encourage new players and returning ones to join us, we think it's important that you're having fun while playing a class/build that you love to play and you're comfortable with! **We strongly believe that the game should be played how you want to, and not be dictated by the meta.**


* **Now, what else can you expect from us?** Once we have an established guild roster, we'd love to do guild missions and such to level up our guild for even more goodies! We also plan on doing dungeons and fractals, some very casual chillax PvP and WvW, ahcievement hunting, participating in festivals and so on and on !

* I guess you could say our ultimate end goal would be raids _(again, very casual! friendly! figuring stuff out and having fun along the way! kinda thing)_, so we can FINALLY claim a guild hall etc. and more! :)


**Our rules of the guild are simple:** be respectful of others, be kind to others, and absolutely NO drama, harassment, verbal abuse or discrimination in any form. **We want people to feel welcomed and feel like they fit in, and any trouble makers who break the rules will be dealt with!**


* **We are an 18+ guild**, since there's probably going to be swearing, adult/mature-ish conversations, banter, whatever.. however we don't age check so if you lie about your age that's completely on you ;)

* **We** also **accept players of all backgrounds** _(young folks, oldies, LGTBQ+, students, parents, etc.)_, so don't worry about feeling out of place or anything like that


**We have a discord server set up** (this is our main point of communication), we have text and voice channels, and if you're feeling bit shy, you are completely free to join voice channels to just listen in and type back a response! There's no pressure whatsoever.


**This is our discord link:** https://discord.gg/ZTC7kUd !!


* _Take note, when you join, you'll be put into a "welcome channel" and from there (after a few words of introduction from your side), you'll be "approved" as a guild member! This is put in place so it's easier to detect any trouble makers that maybe want to pass through, as our goal is to create a safe, calm and friendly place for people to enjoy the game !_

* _Before you join our discord, you can reply to this thread or PM me with your ingame account name so you could be added to the GW2 guild :)_


You can also ask any questions you have and I'll do my best to answer!


Thank you for reading! <3

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Hello Afiranlee o/


Your guild sounds like a great community to be a part of!


Since returning to GW2 I have been looking for a guild that sounds as relaxed as yours. I'm a casual player and only have a few hours spare during the week due to work.

Currently I am leveling up a new toon to get the feel for the game again but would love a bit of guild chat to get involved with or just to read whilst leveling.


I am mostly a PvE player and would love to be able to run dungeons and be reintroduced to fractals again when the time comes.


I hope I sound like someone who can fit right into your community :)


Thanks for reading! o/

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Hey! Sorry for the late reply!

You're free to join our guild! You can join through our discord server, say a little bit about yourself in the introduction channel and you'll get approved as a guildie :D


And you sound perfect to join :) We'd be glad to have you abroad!

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> @"papeliaa.6245" said:

> I'm looking for a guild like yours, here is a post about me.

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/36639/lfguild-pve-wvw-piken-square-semi-hardcore



Hey! I'm so so so so sorry for the late reply! I ready our thread, and if you think you're a good fit for our guild, you are free to join! :)

We would like to have you and welcome you with open arms!

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Btw, this is my latest reply, and will contain **the newest guild info:**


* WE NOW HAVE A GUILD HALL! It's a level 3 guild hall lol BUT WE'RE GETTING THERE!

* We are a guild with around ~20 or so members and are still growing, day by day!

* We do guild missions each week as they refresh!


* We try our best to do daily fractals, but not every one can join due to work, school, life etc (which is a-okay!)


That's pretty much it? Our discord link is still the same as the one in the OP, which is: https://discord.gg/ZTC7kUd


If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask me here, or send a PM or just contact me in game (my game id is.. well my forum username, but my main char name is Afiranlee) !


Thanks for reading :)

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Im a returning player, of sorts (played at release and not since), I'm currently levelling up a brand new character and am desperate for some conversation while i fill them hearts! Im a casual player - lucky if the family lets me get a few hours a night, but I'm aiming for dungeons, fractals, raids etc with a generous sprinkling of pvp.

Your guild sounds like a good space to play the game and so i'd like to join.

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Hey guys! Thank you for writing! You've both been added the the guild!

Welcome abroad! :)


And for any new potential members, unless we state otherwise- we do accept new members!!

So you're free / encouraged to join! :D



* We now have a level 4 guild hall hehe

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> @"hyperwolfy.6079" said:

> Hello,

> I'm not really an active consistence player but I would like to join a guild, never have before. And the feeling I get from this guild so far seems right. I wonder if I might join (and how it works because I'm still a newbie that takes her time =p)


Of course you can join! :)

Everyone is welcomed!


You can just join our discord, introduce yourself a little bit on our "welcome channel" for new folks, and we'll go from there!

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"NightBlade.2146" said:

> Hello,

> I am a returning player and I am looking for a relaxed and fun guild. I was wondering if you were still looking for new members. I am pretty active and just want to play the game without any drama involved.


Of course we are! You can join us, we'd be happy to have you! :)


We don't have a number cap on how many people can be in our guild so if any new person sees this and wants to join-- feel free to! We're always here!

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Hi! I am a new player, only couple of weeks probably. Only do PvE atm and still learning, interested in doing dungeon and fractals as well soon. I'm looking for a casual guild because I have work to do as well. Thought it'll be nice to get some advice from veterans out there and some casual chat whilst I'm playing :D. Hope I can join your guild. Cheers!

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Hey - another returning player here that seeks a nice relaxing athmosphere I can get back into GW2 with ;-)

The last time I really played actively was around Living World Season 1 so there is alot of stuff I need to catch up with. Your guild sounds like a friendly place and I would love to become a part of it! I'm 99% interested in PvE and it's always more enjoyable to do stuff with other people rather than alone.

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  • 7 months later...

Aand me too, fairly new player, interested in joining a relaxed and casual guild. I do like roaming about ingame by my own, but a little company would be nice. I am a bit shy and feel I am not very good at the game yet, tho... but it sounds like this is a guild where one can learn in one’s own pace...?

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