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Limit 1x class ( and obviously remove class swap )


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Definitely for locking class and then class leaderboards. We will also need solo Q for ranked. I realy will be sad if i can´t duo with a partner but if we ever want a haf decent ladder it´s needed to have a clear sructure (only solo or only full team or only duo in a 4:4 or 6:6). Class stacking itself should be minimized by the MM but with the option to stack (with max +1) if needed due to population and FOTM classes. I actually get doubles but it´s clearly visible that the MM tries avoid stacking in the first place. If possible the MM seems to target mirror matches with single classes. But if you have an environment with 30% mesmers, 20% scourge, 20% druid and 20% firebrand what shall the MM do ?

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I voted no the last time anet made a poll for it actually, but kinda changed my mind considering how things are going with balance since pof.

I'm not a huge fan of stopping class swapping pre-match because it rewards multi-classers (I'm not one yet actually, but i appreciate people who take the time to be) but It might overall be healthier.


This should have more emphasis in the AT environment, which still allows class swap MID-GAME which is unacceptable.


However, I like Jebro's idea that maybe just banning the same Elite Specializations from being stacked rather than the whole class (best example would be core guard vs firebrand). but then do you really stop people from changing traits prematch ?

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> @"BeLZedaR.4790" said:

> but then do you really stop people from changing traits prematch ?


I think the idea is not to disallow trait swapping, but to (1) only place together the same profession if they do not share the same elite spec, and (2) allow trait swapping but build in a check/notification that disallows selecting an elite spec if an ally already has it.


I have no idea with regards to feasibility or difficulty in implementation, but I think that encompasses the idea behind the alternative suggestion.



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This still isn't the best option, especially considering the population size. There will always be way more people playing the strongest builds like necro or mirage, and so they should because they are incredibly strong.


Limiting it to elite specs might be more appropriate might be an ok idea.


Creating a class selection system after starting a match or queuing on a couple of characters, might be a better idea but would not really accommodate for class mmr.


A role based system I believe would be a better option still. Not only does this allow for class specific mmr, but also build tracking. However because it typically takes the form of a trust based system it is very open to exploitation.


So I really think the best is some combination of the last 2. Just giving some interface to the team to communicate and plan before a match begins, would really improve the quality of matches.



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