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GW2 drops my connection every 5-10 mins

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So during the last 2-3 days whenever I play GW2 my internet connection drops for a couple of seconds (not the client, my actual computer's internet connection) every 5-10 mins of playtime (if I'm lucky maybe 30-60 mins). Nothing has changed with my PC. I've updated drivers and installed Windows updates and even tried different Wi-fi dongles and nothing helps. I tried other games as well as just browsing the internet and it's always stable except with GW2. What's going on with it? It's been fine for the entire year up until now. About 4 people use the Internet in my house and none of them are complaining of disconnects, it's just my PC.


I'm on the EU servers.

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Having the same issue here, has been progressively getting worse for about a week. Sometimes it will work fine for several hours, then multiple DC's within 15 minutes, it will also cause Discord to drop out. But doesn't happen on any other games, and it doesn't affect my GF watching TV on AmazonFire.

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having the exact same problem. every speed test i do says my internet is stable and is happening only on gw2.

add 800 ping in game for good measure...

for the record i live in south america, although it never have been a problem in the 5 years ive been playing, until it started like a month ago, and have been getting worse.

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Yes the servers are now showing at Amazon. While connected to GW2 you can go to your resource monitor or any Network Monitoring tool and see that it's Amazon. I'm experiencing Packet Loss myself but only to the servers located in VA. I'm North of Maine, so I'm really not that far. It's making PvP unplayable at times. The best tool IMO to use right now is https://sourceforge.net/speedtest/ It shows if you have any packet loss and any jitter , not just your speed. you could also do a ping test to google, so for my case I did performed ping -n 9999 google.ca . Let that run for about 1 minutes or so, and see how often you get "Request timed out". CTRL+C stops that from running. As for me, I have 0% packet loss. There are other tools you could use as well such as the GW2 Diagnostics tool. I'm not sure what servers are 100% accurate after the move. As some show to NCSoft and others show to Amazon.


To use the GW2 Diag. Create a new shortcut on your desktop, right click on it and go to properties. Then add -diag after the " in the target. Double click it, and let it run. Open the results and you will see the ping tests. You are looking for something that looks like this....


Hop RTT Lost/Sent = Pct Lost/Sent = Pct Address

1/ 50 = 2% |

1 1ms 1/ 50 = 2% 0/ 50 = 0%

0/ 50 = 0% |

2 --- 50/ 50 =100% 49/ 50 = 98%


This will give you insight on where the trouble lies.

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Major packet loss still, esp in PvP. While playing the matches this was my ping -n 9999 to google.ca


Ping statistics for

Packets: Sent = 931, Received = 931, Lost = 0 (0% loss),

Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:

Minimum = 19ms, Maximum = 32ms, Average = 20ms



Here's another ping to google.com just in case of any dispute I'm not going into the US.


Ping statistics for

Packets: Sent = 674, Received = 674, Lost = 0 (0% loss),

Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:

Minimum = 19ms, Maximum = 29ms, Average = 20ms

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same problem anet never admit they have all the time


servers die, they do nothing at all until it effects one of them directly then they make the simple request for it to be reset and it all works fine for a few more weeks until the data backs up again and the problem starts all over again

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  • 2 years later...

Got the same problem and 7:11 connect issues, strongest lagg I've ever experienced in gw2 since 7.5 years of playing, this started about 3 days ago for me.

Just checked my internet connection, download speed is 48 mbps and upload speed is 0,4 mbps so that uploading part might be the issue for me.

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