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Any definite pve power renegade builds?


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This is one that I found a little over a week ago. I've just been using it for open world, but the guy that posted it showed about 28k DPS with realistic buffs. The main thing about it is using the Kalla elite skill to add life siphon damage to your group, which unfortunately isn't tracked by DPS meters.

Rotation Video: [https://youtu.be/ld0xC_mnjV4](https://youtu.be/ld0xC_mnjV4 "https://youtu.be/ld0xC_mnjV4")

Build: [en.gw2skills.net/editor/?vlAQNAscmnXMvNSum7JRZzVlst5rSY3cWJ4beskFNlidMOj34PIPyksdACgGA-jhRBABmpE8hTBwV7PK/oU9H80HAwTAIAwBw5Nv5nH48zP/8zPvrP/8zP/8zP/8zPvUARMZD-e](http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?vlAQNAscmnXMvNSum7JRZzVlst5rSY3cWJ4beskFNlidMOj34PIPyksdACgGA-jhRBABmpE8hTBwV7PK/oU9H80HAwTAIAwBw5Nv5nH48zP/8zPvrP/8zP/8zP/8zPvUARMZD-e "en.gw2skills.net/editor/?vlAQNAscmnXMvNSum7JRZzVlst5rSY3cWJ4beskFNlidMOj34PIPyksdACgGA-jhRBABmpE8hTBwV7PK/oU9H80HAwTAIAwBw5Nv5nH48zP/8zPvrP/8zP/8zP/8zPvUARMZD-e")

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Ive heard great words of how powerful soulcleave is in groups, pretty underestimated.


This build is pretty interesting, actually. Seems to be mainly relying on soulcleave from the spirits, due to being the only upkeep skill for Kalla. Plus you want to have an upkeep skill for the +7% damage buff. Running yourself low, then swapping to gain 75 energy and allowing for more rapid draining. And Citadel Bombardement becomes much stronger. Though with chaining two heavy upkeep skills in both legends, it seems you will mainly only be able to pop a Citadel Bombardement and relying on autoattack. At least you can channel for longer if you proper get the 75 energy per round


But I am questioning the choice of the Wrought Iron trait. It seems counterintuitive with Brutal Momentum that enhances your crit while at full endurance, and wrought iron encourages you to dodge. Wouldnt blood fury be a more reliable choice for gaining kallas fervor? Since its much easier to gain fury, and becomming easier to stack up Kallas fervor with the short duration of 8s.

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Honestly (again, I just found this, haha), I think Wrought-Iron Will is just the least useless out of the three traits. When I'm in combat my crit is usually around 101%, so I don't really need the Kalla's Fervor from the trait. Considering that your bleed damage is going to be pretty low, I suppose that the retaliation on dodge is there to give you a better chance at avoiding damage. Although I think you could go with either and not notice much difference.

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Yeah soulcleave summit is really legit if you play with people that understand power renegade and dont constantly walk out of its range, the thing is that life steal doesnt show in arc dps for some reason and dps appears lower than it is. Some guy estimated the additional dps to be between 3k and 10k for the party. Problem is, in fracs and such there is a lot of cc so your kalla summons will get thrown all over the place.. Also this build has "not terrible" sustained dps, but a horrible burst. In the end it's better than anticipated but most likely not strong enough to take a spot away from a weaver or some other class

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Some good words here. Citadel bombardement seems to do pretty good damage tho, especially with its related trait.

But yeah, increasingly starting to sound like that power renegade is misunderstood. Reminds me of in vanilla Wow, how disicpline priests was considered useless and weak, because absorbs from power shield did not show up in the logs. But once it was added, people quickly became aware of what they had unjustly slagged.

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The hammer feels a lot more useful than the shortbow for a power renegade, most notably because of better range and skills. The shortbow doesnt compare at all.

I rarely use a staff switch, with the cc from sword offhand and hammer 5 i feel pretty pretty set. And its hard not having a hammer when kiting a mob like one of the big dinos around whom wants to charge and knock you down. Which is much harder to avoid in melee range.

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Been trying different builds and testing on lower hill and upper right hill in Tangled Depths.. whispers waypoint and having to deal with Tormenter's condi ... Is there any way to remove conditions other than using dwarf #6 util ???? trying s/s s/a and prefer assassin for speed move and ability to use 2 utils for 45 energy than 2,1 etc.... really tough to clean up on both but did get it done once... a real pain though....any thoughts for facing zergs in pve would be appreciated..... all other classes ...nP... Rev is driving me nuts....lol

btw I am trying use Renegade...

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> @"Zaronis.8236" said:

> Been trying different builds and testing on lower hill and upper right hill in Tangled Depths.. whispers waypoint and having to deal with Tormenter's condi ... Is there any way to remove conditions other than using dwarf #6 util ???? trying s/s s/a and prefer assassin for speed move and ability to use 2 utils for 45 energy than 2,1 etc.... really tough to clean up on both but did get it done once... a real pain though....any thoughts for facing zergs in pve would be appreciated..... all other classes ...nP... Rev is driving me nuts....lol

> btw I am trying use Renegade...


as rev we are locked , and it sucks , conditions are a pain outside chill , inmo and crippled (shiro can remove those) , but burning poison ect ugh the kara heal give 10s of -50 condi dmg , but 30s cd :/

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