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Are you content with the State of PvP since the launch of Path of Fire?


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No. POF launch did massive amounts of damage to the pvp scene and is still recovering from the damage done till this moment.




Longtime terrible balance


Scourges, Spellbreakers and holosmiths were so overtuned in the beginning that they practically pushed out the melee style out of the meta and with that I meant that doing any form of melee spec not a spellbreaker or holosmith was at a massive disadvantage. not impossible but really an hard and arduos task. Massive AOE boon corrupt, absurd mine damage, compared with spellbreaker's then higher damage just made engaging them in melee just really annoying. Then the second tier of specs while not OP at that time were still responsible for bassically pushing hot specs out. Berserker, gone, tempest gone(replaced by firebrand) all top specs replaced thier meta specs. DP still had a place and druid really. Weaver, soulbeast, deatheye and renegade were the only classes that did not push the rest out.


Renegade even till now is a useless spec is now only getting it's numbers inflated while the core problem is that u litterally can walk out of it's AOE and migitate the brunt of it's damage. Heck I played staff ele and even I could not believe there could be an spec in wich it was even harder to pull of AOE. well what was I surprised. U can litterally walk out of it. I know in this time and age we tend to have several meanings for a word and catastrophise words. But here it is litterally what i means. U can litterally walk out of AOE.


Deatheyes while bieng somewhat OK was ridden with bugs. And while not meta or shit tier have absurd amounts of damage. Heck somebody in pvp managed to to dn 102 k death's judgment.


Soulbeast was okayish but had quite few bugs some still needing to be fixed till this time.


Then yes the balance finnally start taking better direction, spellbreaker not so op. holosmith nerfed, druid nerfed and a lot of meta specs nerfed yet mesmes is now top dog. However we are now just seeing the change that is not enough for me to say that the balance is good now. we are getting there


I mean back to renegade, it's a damn shame that this class is almost unplayable now so fucking long after the release of POF. And all we got and even recently is some more number tweaking. It's sad that the only way to play renegade is some yolo high damage shiro/jallis build some with hammer. And it sucks because renegade like a lot of traitlines is massively tweaked for kalla. but u can't fucking use kala because u can't hit jack fucking shit. but that's not just with renegade same with herald. or salvation traitline. I mean fucking npc's that can be cc'ed and killed with a long ass animation? While knowingly letting these kind of absurd damage exist and only now shaving damage? I mean if u are gonna make traitlines legend specific atleast have it be functional. I mean who knows how many months we have to wait before renegade is made pvp viable? Could take litterally a fucking year. Cause we aren't guaranteed that A-net will even start with an rework the next patch. and even if they did it would likely be babysteps and take multiple patches. Honestly it's a dam shame cause i really did develop an interest for renegade.

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