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Unsplit empathic bond would it be OP?


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Yes, but if you make this suggestion in the PvP forums, heads would explode. Sadly, rangers are not to be given a chance to be dangerous. Personally, I want all the nerfs due to PvP reversed in PvE for both rangers and their pets.


Sadly, the damage is done, and I don't think it's going to be reversed. As far as I can recall, the only reverse we've seen in the on with the smokescale's assault (F2) ability, and Irenio had to fight tooth-and-nail for that is my understanding.


That's it.

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Jupp it would be OP against condi builds.

Especially in WvW. Because you could tune down condi duration to negligible numbers just with the use uf empathic bond, second skin and certain runes.

You would conpromise build diversity though and it is questionable how strong you would be against powerbuilds.


IMO i think this trait sucks and it could be made better in many different ways,because atm it is just loading your pet with condis and does jit get rid if them, both suffer half the way but both suffer.

Possible ideas to improve it:

You convert certain number of conditions into boons when swapping pets

OR you and your pet transfer conditions to your target when afflucted with certain number of condis and steal a boon per condi transferred OR swapping pets reduces incoming Condi Duration and improves concentration for a certain duration




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