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How long more will Deadeyes go unchecked?

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> @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:


> Already quite a bit of Counterplay, the Majority of Classes have Access to Reveal Skills, WvW keeps/towers have mechanics to show on map the location of anyone even Stealthed opponents, there are Reveal Traps that can be laid accessible to everyone in WvW.... just saying, most issues boil down to L2P


Not really, because many of those reveal skills are locked behind specific builds, and specializations. Not to mention almost all of them require you to be quick enough to both target the the stealthie and pop them with your skill in the few seconds certain builds will be out of stealth. Seconds, I might add only happen while they are attacking, if they are competent. Which means a target player is already busy trying to avoid damage. Reveal traps in WvW are a joke. They only work if the stealthie didn't see you drop it or they are stupid. If the traps were instant cast . . . maybe. What I'm talking about is a baseline and relatively minor ability for any player to detect stealth in melee range, if they happen to be facing in the right direction.


It doesn't hurt a stealth player's ability to engage, as that is usually initiated outside of melee range, for Deadeye you're out in pew pew range, for D/P thief, you usually initiate from steal range. Even mesmer doesn't start in melee. But what it does do is allow a non stealthie player who's paying attention to apply more pressure to the stealthie in an intelligent and organized way, while STILL allowing a stealth player to juke them by not being in front of them.


> @"kash.9213" said:

> Pretty much anything I can do to you has a sound or giveaway to it. If I'm not being put in stealth then it has to be called something else, so you can suggest we take stealth out of the game and put something else in it's place. You'll also need elaborate on what's going to go in it's place since most stuff in this game can one or two shot me if my build is going to kill anything. Don't suggest giving yourself an obvious advantage and try to dress it up as "counter play".


You are still in stealth. Don't blow smoke about a melee range "a stealthie is near" if you are facing them alert being total removal of the stealth mechanic. All it would do is give a player smart enough to be right on top of you and facing you a clue that now would be a good time to use a skill. I do agree if we are going to reduce stealth's effectiveness there would have to be some compensation in survivability, simplest for thieves being a buff to Resilience of Shadows either increasing the amount of damage mitigated in stealth, and/or extending it's benefits to the first second or two of revealed. Melee-ranged directional stealth detection is not an obvious advantage, it's long overdue counterplay. As you correctly point out ranged stealth attacks already have clear indicators.


> @"MUDse.7623" said:


> WoW has a diffrent combat system, i dont think copying parts of it into this one is a good idea. real perma stealth for example has the advantage, that you are not vulnerable in stacking the stealth effects. in gw2 the stacking process is one of the things you can use against the stealther, in WoW its other detection options.


> a competent player has a reasonable chance to kill a stealth heavy player, if both engage in a fight. but you want a counter to someones ability to avoid a fight, once i attack you i will be visible and you will have a chance to kill me without randomly spamming AoE. but if i do not want to fight you, instead remain in stealth, why do you need more options to deny that?

> i dont have issues getting other stealthers out of stealth and killing them, because there are options to preassure their stealth stacking. just play it yourself and you will quickly realize what is preassuring you.



We aren't talking about something that requires a change to the combat system. Once again, it's a MELEE RANGE alert if you are facing the stealthie. That's a very narrow window that's still asking a lot of the player to use effectively. It's not going to hurt anyone much if they are already masters of positioning, and thieves specifically aren't immediately vulnerable in melee range when stacking stealth because of blind. There's more danger in accidentally hitting a target and revealing yourself.

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> @"Basharic.1654" said:

> > @"MUDse.7623" said:


> > WoW has a diffrent combat system, i dont think copying parts of it into this one is a good idea. real perma stealth for example has the advantage, that you are not vulnerable in stacking the stealth effects. in gw2 the stacking process is one of the things you can use against the stealther, in WoW its other detection options.

> >

> > a competent player has a reasonable chance to kill a stealth heavy player, if both engage in a fight. but you want a counter to someones ability to avoid a fight, once i attack you i will be visible and you will have a chance to kill me without randomly spamming AoE. but if i do not want to fight you, instead remain in stealth, why do you need more options to deny that?

> > i dont have issues getting other stealthers out of stealth and killing them, because there are options to preassure their stealth stacking. just play it yourself and you will quickly realize what is preassuring you.



> We aren't talking about something that requires a change to the combat system. Once again, it's a MELEE RANGE alert if you are facing the stealthie. That's a very narrow window that's still asking a lot of the player to use effectively. It's not going to hurt anyone much if they are already masters of positioning, and thieves specifically aren't immediately vulnerable in melee range when stacking stealth because of blind. There's more danger in accidentally hitting a target and revealing yourself.


correct they are already very vulnerable in melee while stacking stealth because of self reveal, but get a brief time to reposition in between were they are rather safe.

in a 1 vs 1 scenario you wont even get close to a stealther that will try to hide .

the only thing this will become an issue is hiding 1 vs 20+ in a keep, not ' for a competent player to turn the tables using skillful gameplay '.

because you simply wont get close to êven a bad thief in stealth on your own in an open area.

i am just against seeing the stealthed person. you can have stealth noise without direction tho even for more than melee range, this will ensure you are not ganked from stealth but wont give you a free gank on the stealther.


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