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Visual clutter


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When this will get fixed ? There are just too many flashy animation going on during a teamfight that hide the most important skills to see. Try understand what is happening on a node where a mesmer, a scourge and a firebrand are fighting (3 for each team). I just see explosion people appearing badaboom badabam you are dead or they are dead making a teamfight basically a spam fest. You want to nerf passive invuln, passive traits etc. etc. Fine with me, but do something for the visual effects then! If i don't have any panic buttons at least i would love to be able to see what is happening to react accordingly!


Reducing particles just make you also miss things that are happening. Maybe reduce it just for pvp ? When i am fighting 1 vs 1 i have no problem with all the animations, the problem is when there are more than 2 players.....


This system just makes teamfighting so boring or frustrating that make me wanna sto pvping. (It's the same reason why i never go WvW zerg)

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It started with the Heart of Thorns expansion and will just get worse as more powerful classes with bigger and more flashy skills are created to sell future expansions. People complained about visual clutter in core Guild Wars 2, but this tournament from March 2015 looks pretty clean compared to what we have now.

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^ Lmao. Someone should make a short compilation video of PvP from 2012 to 2018, just to show how far it has strayed. Can search for older gw2 videos on youtube and get depressed. Would love for Anet to make some coherent response explaining why it has gone this way.

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> @"Celtus.8456" said:

> ^ Lmao. Someone should make a short compilation video of PvP from 2012 to 2018, just to show how far it has strayed. Can search for older gw2 videos on youtube and get depressed. Would love for Anet to make some coherent response explaining why it has gone this way.


To cater to shitty players, and to artificially increase damage. When every skill hits everything on your screen, you feel like you're doing more.

All combat is now is massive AoE's, massive cleave attacks. Nothing is single target damage anymore. It's awful.

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> @"bLind.6278" said:

> > @"Celtus.8456" said:

> > ^ Lmao. Someone should make a short compilation video of PvP from 2012 to 2018, just to show how far it has strayed. Can search for older gw2 videos on youtube and get depressed. Would love for Anet to make some coherent response explaining why it has gone this way.


> To cater to kitten players, and to artificially increase damage. When every skill hits everything on your screen, you feel like you're doing more.

> All combat is now is massive AoE's, massive cleave attacks. Nothing is single target damage anymore. It's awful.


Nothing was ever single target really. I think 80% of the skills in game are aoe. The other 15% would be thief skills, which were mostly single target. The other 5% is from misc skills lol.

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> @"Waffler.1257" said:

> It started with the Heart of Thorns expansion and will just get worse as more powerful classes with bigger and more flashy skills are created to sell future expansions. People complained about visual clutter in core Guild Wars 2, but this tournament from March 2015 looks pretty clean compared to what we have now.


Ah happier times. You could actually see the capture point.

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> @"Aza.2105" said:

> > @"bLind.6278" said:

> > > @"Celtus.8456" said:

> > > ^ Lmao. Someone should make a short compilation video of PvP from 2012 to 2018, just to show how far it has strayed. Can search for older gw2 videos on youtube and get depressed. Would love for Anet to make some coherent response explaining why it has gone this way.

> >

> > To cater to kitten players, and to artificially increase damage. When every skill hits everything on your screen, you feel like you're doing more.

> > All combat is now is massive AoE's, massive cleave attacks. Nothing is single target damage anymore. It's awful.


> Nothing was ever single target really. I think 80% of the skills in game are aoe. The other 15% would be thief skills, which were mostly single target. The other 5% is from misc skills lol.


There's a difference between skills that cleave and skills with 180 degree cones or the current necro garbage, especially when so much more damage is being thrown around at the same time. Enormous aoe fields shouldn't do anywhere near equivalent damage to smaller cleave skills.

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I used to play since gw2 core, pvp felt way more fun and clear.

I don't really care for the competitive aspect of the game, but when i play a pvp match i want to play it, not mash random buttons on my keyboard and hope that the enemy team mashes slower than me

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It's not that bad to be fair. Mesmer is probably the one problematic here after the rework, but you can notice the key skills in teamfight.


Scourge shade animation might be a bit over the top when there are two or more and Ghastly breach can sometimes get lost for a while, but it slightly toning the color palette down and increasing one of elite could fix it.

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