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power renegade pvp


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I also want renegade work but ...

this video shows nothing special, u rly had always your team covering u

and kalla as legedn is a waste ... take jalis if ur not into herald , everything else is a waste

lets hope for some REAL buffs for Kalla, I will and give advise to NOT use kalla in pvp ... its rly dissapointing

we get a pve legend and all other classes get something useful for pve and pvp


take this http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vlAQNAscin3guNSuQ7JRboVlsP0rS4IaWJ4EdskFNFyegHshsjZNtpdAB4BA-jJR6QAtyAgnAQ9UAg3fAA and learn outplay ppl

hf and gl

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> @"Arkantos.7460" said:

> I also want renegade work but ...

> this video shows nothing special, u rly had always your team covering u

> and kalla as legedn is a waste ... take jalis if ur not into herald , everything else is a waste

> lets hope for some REAL buffs for Kalla, I will and give advise to NOT use kalla in pvp ... its rly dissapointing

> we get a pve legend and all other classes get something useful for pve and pvp


> take this http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vlAQNAscin3guNSuQ7JRboVlsP0rS4IaWJ4EdskFNFyegHshsjZNtpdAB4BA-jJR6QAtyAgnAQ9UAg3fAA and learn outplay ppl

> hf and gl


i am tired of herald. and i dont like hammer as it too slow. watch top players play it and they hardly hit beside #3 evade.

i know i didnt put the whole length of the fights but our mesmer and necro always died about 4-6 times. they chase off point holo....

i died 2 times trying 1v2... and when get into focus i manage to cover my team along side amazing job of holo on far 1v1 and 1v2.

i res 2 team mates, also res another one while doing dmg and also res another 1 by finishing off enemy player while mesmer could have use f4 to stomp...

who cover who... you decide. i had fun as the enemy comp is basically counter me with 2 scourge, holo, s/d thief and mesmer. but this build design into team fights.


mad king rune proc on 3 targets with 16 attacks from 900 range and if you stand on soulcleave the attacks procs life siphon dmg which buff the dmg and also assassin annihilation and also vindication and focused siphoning and also vulnerability. soulcleave hasnt an icd.

so each attack proc about 280-330 dmg +400-444 and 62 which means 742-836 dmg and each second another 414

add to it icerazor and you can do the math. the enemy or draw back the point or use 2 dodges and easy to immobilize and kill


yes its gimmick build and cannot hold 1v1 much versus several meta classes but the dmg on points and can do is huge for you and your team.


jalis i also like and use it. but so far renegade with this concept is unique and fun

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OP deserves a thumbs up for simply posting a PvP video from the perspective of a Rev. I reckon the Rev forums ought to be just about the nicest profession sub forum (to other players, that is) on account of everyone being the equivalent of a sick puppy that gets kicked in its cute little puppy teeth with each patch.

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