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Testing new build


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I am sure everybody knows about the “on-steroids” Chrono-Phant build that the pvp forums are complaining about.

I tried to make a version for mirage and more condi oriented.

These are two ranked matches in mid gold, which I am aware do not say much… but I wanted to hear about what you think.


[https://youtu.be/A5rkQGapW4M](https://youtu.be/A5rkQGapW4M "https://youtu.be/A5rkQGapW4M")




The build

[gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQNAndWnsICFqhlpBWqBMMjlejyMAugMyP8P/2/MFKhWD-jJxHABA8EAEf/hBOFAFVGAA](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQNAndWnsICFqhlpBWqBMMjlejyMAugMyP8P/2/MFKhWD-jJxHABA8EAEf/hBOFAFVGAA "gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQNAndWnsICFqhlpBWqBMMjlejyMAugMyP8P/2/MFKhWD-jJxHABA8EAEf/hBOFAFVGAA")


Things to note. The CP version has all phant doubled up and this means double might per phantasm summoned and double quickness.

Going mirage, I cannot have so much might and quickness. In order to have that much might I should go inspiration for Illusionary Inspiration (2 mights per phant) and Illusions for Phantasmal Force (2 mights per phant when they become clones), but in this setup I would feel not tanky enough. Not wanting to drop Chaos, I tried to go with inspiration to take full advantage of the celestial ammy. I could try to switch to illusions and have some torment on shatter instead of quickness for more pressure. In this case celestial could possibly not be the right choice. Which other amulet would you reccomend?


The general feeling was good, not overpowered of course. But I wonder if the disenchanter and defender utilities do indeed make good synergy with CP because it is a power based build (the latest version I saw was with Knight amulet) and not so much with my iteration of the same build because I am trying to make it work with a more condi/hybrid version.

PS: dropping the two utilities would defeat the meaning of the Signet Heal and phant build in general.


For the weapons, if I had to drop focus (legitimate) what would you go with? Sword or torch?


Let me know, thanks


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