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Ascended jewelry sold at vendor devalues the jewelcrafting and ores.

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Jewelry and cooking. Cooking they’ve undercut by handing out food and nourishments during holidays, enough for each person to have stacks. Jewlery was only good until they added ascended trinkets and then for some unknown reason they made them a purchase instead of adding to the crafting. Both of these decisions effectively killed those crafting professions as well as hurting the value of many mats used in both.

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I like to craft. That said having map currencies and achievements tied to ascended jewelry is a nice connection into creating replay-ability/demand for those maps. There should be more material syncs for gold/silver but I think at this point the ship has sailed for ascended jewelry crafting. But....being able to craft items that allow select-able stat jewelry to be reset could be a nice sink and even more so if its and item that can be traded on the TP. Now granted I am talking in ranges of like a hundreds of ingots of gold/silver and then a mix of dragonstone, dust, emphyreal. Could also see jewelry craft gain the ability to create extractors as well.

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> Jewelry and cooking. Cooking they’ve undercut by handing out food and nourishments during holidays, enough for each person to have stacks. Jewlery was only good until they added ascended trinkets and then for some unknown reason they made them a purchase instead of adding to the crafting. Both of these decisions effectively killed those crafting professions as well as hurting the value of many mats used in both.


Food crafting I think is a miss right now. Considering the system we have and to your point that food is given out at events and rewards, to elevate it to the next level we should be able to (at 500) craft food of a superior quality. Picture our typical two stat foods now, at 500 we should be able to craft either longer version of that food or 3/4 stat food. Again utilizing additional resource that the original recipe calls for and then more of the ascended mats that in reality should hold more value then they do now. Picking on dust/ore/frags again, picture you need those and something else to create a preservative that extends the time of an existing recipe. Now add in a group of higher level mats to an addition stat or karma or gold fine or some other stats to a recipe. That way we now take the food we have as the green level of food, the rare is the extended version, the 3 stat food as exotic and the 4 stat food as the ascended. And again each level up requires more materials and to create both a sync and supply/demand/effort balance. And again, trade-able so that players that don't want to craft/gather can still access these options.


Edit: I do think tying zone currencies into advanced food recipes is a good move and leaves a constant demand on those maps if you use those foods.

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> @"paShadoWn.5723" said:

> The whole point of leveling a craft is to produce ascended->legendary gear and laurel vendor makes whole craft useless as confirmed by the prices on gold/silver on TP.


This topic is rather dated:

rings and back items were introduced November 16, 2012

amulets were introduced January 28, 2013

accessories were introduced February 26, 2013


Although it might have been interesting to be able to craft those items, it is years too late now. Availability is so abundant and the items so cheap to acquire that people just wouldn't bother going another way.

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> @"MarshallLaw.9260" said:

> > @"paShadoWn.5723" said:

> > The whole point of leveling a craft is to produce ascended->legendary gear and laurel vendor makes whole craft useless as confirmed by the prices on gold/silver on TP.


> This topic is rather dated:

> rings and back items were introduced November 16, 2012

> amulets were introduced January 28, 2013

> accessories were introduced February 26, 2013


> Although it might have been interesting to be able to craft those items, it is years too late now. Availability is so abundant and the items so cheap to acquire that people just wouldn't bother going another way.


Yeah, there's really no way back from this now, I also challenge the OPs assertion that the whole point of levelling a craft could be to make ascended or legendary equipment when that craft _never_ allowed you to make ascended or legendary equipment.

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Good, I personally prefer to farm only one currency instead of multiple resources.

And I don´t like being in need to go through multiple recipes in order to get only ONE piece in the process.

GW2 has already some effort/value/reward-issues, there´s no need to add more.

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> @"MarshallLaw.9260" said:

> > @"paShadoWn.5723" said:

> > The whole point of leveling a craft is to produce ascended->legendary gear and laurel vendor makes whole craft useless as confirmed by the prices on gold/silver on TP.


> This topic is rather dated:

> rings and back items were introduced November 16, 2012

> amulets were introduced January 28, 2013

> accessories were introduced February 26, 2013


> Although it might have been interesting to be able to craft those items, it is years too late now. Availability is so abundant and the items so cheap to acquire that people just wouldn't bother going another way.


Well that aside there are also the ring, accessory and amulet. Those are slightly less cheap but they render everything else forever obsolete once obtained.

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Still hoping for the day to come, when Anet will fix this Jeweler Mess they created by themself when they implemented ascended equipment and flooded via Fractals the game by so much ascended accessoires, that they seem to have thought, it makes no sense anymore to implement Jeweler 500 - by finally implementing Jeweler 500 with new jeweler crafting recipes that gives this crafting job again a reason for it's existance by the ability to craft quicker and faster any ascended accessoire in a **reliable** way, than by the RNG reward BS that is Fractals and with recipes that enable you to craft **unique ascended accessoires which you can receive only via jeweler 500**, together with the final implementation of crafting recipes unique to Jeweler 500 for making **ascended Sigils and ascended Runes**, that are accountbound and used as Upgrade Unlockers for your account, so that these account unlocked Upgrade Effects can be then used unendlessly unlike normal characterbound upgrades in the finally by ANet implemented own self made official **Build Template System**... so that people don't have to use for that any kind of obsolete third party programs anymore, but in fact an official integrated game mechanic, that is part of the game and by this fact also OPTIMIZED for the game, it's UI and so on ...


One can dream and hope ...

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> @"Orpheal.8263" said:

> Still hoping for the day to come, when Anet will fix this Jeweler Mess they created by themself when they implemented ascended equipment and flooded via Fractals the game by so much ascended accessoires, that they seem to have thought, it makes no sense anymore to implement Jeweler 500 - by finally implementing Jeweler 500 with new jeweler crafting recipes that gives this crafting job again a reason for it's existance by the ability to craft quicker and faster any ascended accessoire in a **reliable** way, than by the RNG reward BS that is Fractals and with recipes that enable you to craft **unique ascended accessoires which you can receive only via jeweler 500**, together with the final implementation of crafting recipes unique to Jeweler 500 for making **ascended Sigils and ascended Runes**, that are accountbound and used as Upgrade Unlockers for your account, so that these account unlocked Upgrade Effects can be then used unendlessly unlike normal characterbound upgrades in the finally by ANet implemented own self made official **Build Template System**... so that people don't have to use for that any kind of obsolete third party programs anymore, but in fact an official integrated game mechanic, that is part of the game and by this fact also OPTIMIZED for the game, it's UI and so on ...


> One can dream and hope ...


Uhm... LS3 maps have loads of trinkets in abundance. Farmable with ease.

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The point was not, how overflown this game has become with ascended accessoires, that you can basically think of them having by now lesser worth than toilet paper.

The point was to make Jeweler finally again important and useful. Somethign that would be the case, if Jeweler woudl receive finally unique crafting recipes for Gear Stat Combinations that you can then obtain only via Jeweler 500 and nowhere else in the game.

Neither through Fractals, nor through boring farming grind of LS3 maps.


It would be again meaningful and important, if it would become the only craftign job, with that you would be able to craft accountbound ascended sigil and rune unlockers that you could use then for the by then integrated official implemented Build template System to switch out quickly per 1 click all your Upgrades from your saved up Builds out.

Changing Upgrades same as fast and simple, as like switching out Skills in Pvp in the Lobby to change your Build.

Build templates need to dictates the game, which kind of Upgrades, Skills, Traits, Weapons and so on it should switch to from your previous used setup.

In regard of Sigils and Runes can work this only, if these Upgrades become accountbound finally for the Build Templates, because a Build Template System can work only, if all of its parts and components are based on accountbound data.

If there is still something in the game, that is characterbound, then it can't work and will cause only problems. A BTS is there to manage fast and comfortable your Builds for the character that you play.

It is not there to manage every single Character of your account and who of them has the upgrades, that you need at the moment for the Character you want to play - that is why it is a must that Sigils and Runes need to become for an official Build Template System accountbound.

Plus it would help making Jeweler more unique and impactful... all those cheap upgrades in this game would become instantly alot more valuable, if Jewelers on Rank 500 could use them then to turn weaker Upgrade versions then into accounbound ascended versions.


That way could receive all this minor and major trash finally some value in this game and the exotic versions surely woudl also raise in their value, but surely not as much as like minor and major upgrades would raise the most and gain the biggest increases in their values!!

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> @"Orpheal.8263" said:

>if Jeweler woudl receive finally unique crafting recipes for Gear Stat Combinations that you can then obtain only via Jeweler 500 and nowhere else in the game.


Sure, as long as they add options that cannot be gained by anyone who has leveled their jeweler to 500.



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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > @"Orpheal.8263" said:

> >if Jeweler woudl receive finally unique crafting recipes for Gear Stat Combinations that you can then obtain only via Jeweler 500 and nowhere else in the game.


> Sure, as long as they add options that cannot be gained by anyone who has leveled their jeweler to 500.

Of course, the first thing they'd do after that would be to add those stat combinations to raid vendor gear. And after that they'd have to follow with fractals, pvp, wvw. And by then they could as well add them to LS vendor trinkets. Additionally, possibly it would be a stat set noone would care about.

So, if they are going to revitalize jewelcrafting, it's better not through stat sets, but through something that would be completely unique to that craft.



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