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Is a pure support like ele healer auramancer not much useful in low elo to carry/go up in ladder?


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Hello, after the nerfs on the Warrior I left i and started to play the ele, the auramancer (aqua + earth) to give some support to my team, bufs, and tons of healing points. I love him, i enjoy him so much but... I was gold 2 aprox (gol1 - 3) with the warrior (perma gold, 150-200 rankeds) but with this auramancer I getting down and down on the ladder (currently Im silver 3). Im always first at healing (400k aprox) and at defense but I feel like if i dont do the dmg in this elo i wont win by myself. I feel that I cant carry with this healder auramancer (in premade 5vs5 tournaments I guess is a good pick...). Any though on this?

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lets start by addressing supports in general. Supports in ranked in gw2 even in their prime strength are hard to carry on. Because if you don’t do the damage you don’t decide which target to focus and you can’t increase the damage output by making sure you hit skills etc. thus this is all in your team’s hands.


People like to use this saying “as a support you’re only as good as your teammates are”.


While not entirely true, because a support can make their life easier by relieving pressure and allowing them to focus on doing damage properly. So yes, you have less carry potential.


More in specific lets talk about current meta.

Current meta is heavy burst oriented and even things like FB support who are extremely potent are shifting out due to team dying so quickly they can’t be possibly healed fast enough.

And then in specific tempest is an overnerfed spec that is simply not good enough right now.


Hope this answers your question.

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To be honest I believe pretty much any build can be good in low ELO. The only thing that really matters in that mmr is your knowledge, such as rotations, mechanical skill and map awareness. I reckon as long as you are confident in those areas there should be no problems in playing a UP class like auramancer, so go ahead and play what you want. Obviously you were playing warrior before and now you've decided to switch to a support build. This will take you some time to get used to, so just practice by playing and getting used to the philosophy of prioritising your allies. Playing support role is very different, so it could just be a case of you not being used to it yet

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> @"allias.1420" said:

> To be honest I believe pretty much any build can be good in low ELO. The only thing that really matters in that mmr is your knowledge, such as rotations, mechanical skill and map awareness. I reckon as long as you are confident in those areas there should be no problems in playing a UP class like auramancer, so go ahead and play what you want. Obviously you were playing warrior before and now you've decided to switch to a support build. This will take you some time to get used to, so just practice by playing and getting used to the philosophy of prioritising your allies. Playing support role is very different, so it could just be a case of you not being used to it yet


I cam from League of Legends, in which I was main support but in this game I think I cant do the same for the team. One of the thing I see as a problem is that any fucking body wants to def a point, and me as a fucking 0 dmg class I have to go there. how the fuck i can def a point if i cant kill the foe? When I play with a buddy is a little better being this auramancer because he knows what can i do but meh... In general I think "Or I do the dps or is imposible to go up"

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