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XP Booster: from time to amount.


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In Diablo III Pool of Reflection gives a certain quantity of bonus XP you can acquire in any amount of time.


Laurel XP booster lasts 1/2 hour which is 2-3 sPvP games giving 1-1.5 bonus games worth of reward track per booster, not very incentivising and forcing you to play without break.


If instead it would last some points of XP/reward track it would be much more convenient.


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> @"paShadoWn.5723" said:

> Laurel XP booster lasts 1/2 hour which is 2-3 sPvP games giving 1-1.5 bonus games worth of reward track per booster, not very incentivising and forcing you to play without break.


Why without break? The timer only counts down while you're playing that character.



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