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Disconnection Issues


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> @DarcShriek.5829 said:

> > @Fenom.9457 said:

> > > @Daniel.5428 said:

> > 2 days and is still impossible to play.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Well, there are problems but ive finished the primary story


> Then it's not impossible.


Well actually it was impossible yesterday for some in EU, Anytime i did managing to get into the first instance it ended up crashing the client after a few mins (basically I can go to pof maps but cant progress mastery or xp or story) . I will cut Anet some slack though I get the sense they are working hard on issues and i tend to trust them - hopefully today is better.

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I love all the NA people pouring in like "We don't have any problems. lololol"

That's great for you. On EU this was downright unplayable.


I wasn't even trying, so I just wanted to play some PvP.

Guess what?

Getting into a match was a gamble, players stuck in matches, lags...

It was so bad, they had to delay the Monthly AT.


If stress due to high amount of players was the problem (which I think it wasn't), I would have preferred a login queue. I'd rather wait 30 min and play on a stable server than this mess.

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> @Daniel.5428 said:

> To be prepared for a situation like this is what makes the difference between Good devs and Bad devs. 2 days and is still impossible to play it. Is just about luck. If the map is full you will just be disconnected. Is impossible to play like this. The forum is full of posts about problems and Anet was just absent. They post only when things are good. In conclusion, it was the worst major patch launch I've ever seen in a MMO game.


No offence friend, but this is not even near worst ever,

You should have tried playing Albion Online, a PVP game with full drop on death being so laggy and unplayable for several weeks before something happened.


Diablo 3 release? Battlenet was down, people couldn't connect for many hours.


ect ect ect.


Yes I agree companies should by no be better at releaseing major content, but its not the worst not even near.



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Nah this isn't the worst not even close. Just a couple disconnects and small rollbacks. Most recent Diablo 3 where you couldn't login at all.


Kids these days should be forced to do an old school vanilla EQ corpse run after a DC. Go get your jboots back after camping them for 24 hours straight.

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> @Daniel.5428 said:

> To be prepared for a situation like this is what makes the difference between Good devs and Bad devs. 2 days and is still impossible to play it. Is just about luck. If the map is full you will just be disconnected. Is impossible to play like this. The forum is full of posts about problems and Anet was just absent. They post only when things are good. In conclusion, it was the worst major patch launch I've ever seen in a MMO game.


They weren't absent. They were fixing the issues. I'd rather have a dev team that works their kittens off all weekend trying to fix the problems that inevitably occur when a complex piece of software (which is what a game is, essentially) goes live and doesn't waste their time replying to each whiner on the forums individually than a dev team that coddles people and tells them they're working on it every other minute but never get it done.


As of yesterday, after that one short login server crash, everything worked absolutely fine and even before that the issues weren't THAT bad - I've seen worse. Definitely nothing to get your panties all in a bunch over.


I believe they WERE prepared for this launch. If they had not been, things would have gone out of hand way more than they have. But preparing for a launch isn't an exact science. You can prepare as well as you like, there will still be unexpected issues that can and will arise. They did a good job of tackling those. I don't have an insight into their codebase, but as a software developer I know that even seemingly simple issues can be extremely complex and difficult to fix under the hood.

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Overall I felt the launch went very smoothly. It could have gone better of course. I ran into only a few problems myself (a few dcs, a small rollback, moderate lag, one crash) but I was pleasantly impressed. However based on the forums, it sounds like some couldn't even log on, or were dcing repeatedly and couldn't play the new areas. That's much worse than anything I faced so my perception would certainly differ from theirs. I'm hopeful it will be functional for everyone soon enough.

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> @Daniel.5428 said:

> To be prepared for a situation like this is what makes the difference between Good devs and Bad devs. 2 days and is still impossible to play it. Is just about luck. If the map is full you will just be disconnected. Is impossible to play like this. The forum is full of posts about problems and Anet was just absent. They post only when things are good. In conclusion, it was the worst major patch launch I've ever seen in a MMO game.


Look up the launch for Final Fantasy XIV's "Stormblood" expansion and trust me, the issues with this launch will seem like a *cakewalk* in comparison to what happened to their servers. The game was practically unplayable for four whole days because they had to bottleneck the queues to keep the instance servers from crashing, meaning people were stuck on a story instance that was literally about 1-2 hours into the expansion's storyline and unable to progress. (Not to mention all the dungeons and class quest instances were broken too, so people couldn't even do that.)


Heck, every WoW expansion except Legion has had similar problems too.

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Worst? Least I can play in it. Most mmos will stop everything, kick Everyone out and wait couple days. They update on the way. Anything first developed with software is gonna be like this. It's good. We don't have floating heads and stuck mounts on the air. Or mounts stuck in a mountain while riding air. I've seen worse. This stuff will be fixed soon. Everything is playable.

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Geez, are we entitled... *brings out cane and starts shaking it* I remember back in my day, we would have to wait a month to play an MMO after an expansion, and we were thankful!!!


Get some perspective ppl, or better yet, find a comparable product for this cost. I think they are doing a great job and I hope they continue to actively care about the players.


BTW, notice how no one is complaining about identifying anymore, after the forums blew up after the preview weekend? It seems ANet is listening... :)

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> @Bod.8261 said:

> I love all the NA people pouring in like "We don't have any problems. lololol"

> That's great for you. On EU this was downright unplayable.


I think it was more complex than that. I am on NA and was still having crash/rollbacks more than 48 hours after the rollout. Yesterday was the first day I could actually do stuff without the constant fear of a rollback hitting me (fortunately I had the day off). From what I hear EU had it worse though.

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> @Shyanmar.5936 said:

> I believe they WERE prepared for this launch. If they had not been, things would have gone out of hand way more than they have. But preparing for a launch isn't an exact science. You can prepare as well as you like, there will still be unexpected issues that can and will arise. They did a good job of tackling those. I don't have an insight into their codebase, but as a software developer I know that even seemingly simple issues can be extremely complex and difficult to fix under the hood.


Which is why I marvel every time they do something major. I am sure lots of stuff exists in that code now that was not even dreamed of when the code was first written. Sure, you can say make the code as generic as possible, but for efficiency/speed if nothing else you have to draw a line at some point and say 'ok, this will NEVER happen'.

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