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Can't even log on to my character

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I'm sure there are more than a few of you with this problem, It's a god damn joke I tried to do the story for a few hours today and last night, had to give up since you know ERROR ERROR ERROR! but now even getting past toon select is impossible. Nice way to treat your paying customers Here, let me make your game unplayable! How about stop pissing about with minor bugs that can wait and fix the major ones? Or better yet how about making sure the product you are releasing actually works! Shocker I know but not every company can be a Bethesda and not everyone puts up with even their crap anymore.


TL;DR version Gj devs keep up the good work, looking forward to the next pile of broken shit you push out. I hate you all even more because I know I'll buy it.

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Also, in case anyone gets butthurt over this, I love the guild wars franchise. I'm just fed up of broken shit being pushed out on launch, remember EotM launch, HoT, the "new" WvW map or basically anything people want to log in for. I get there are problems with servers but, come on! it's getting ridiculous now they should have learned from all the other colossal cock-ups *Launching of incomplete or unplayable content* that problems will occur with login for a good number of ->PAYING CUSTOMERS<-why haven't the servers been pre-checked and made sure that they can handle the launch day loads.

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