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Account suspension discussion [merged]

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@"usnedward.9023" It appears your thread was merged with this one. While I clearly am 100% against you utilizing cheats in the game, what I can say is that I do appreciate your honesty about the situation. It's a breath of fresh air from the rest of the dubious "but I only used TacO/ArcDPS" posts that are present, and despite your offense, I have more respect for you, despite the cheating, than I do for those that cheat and then have the audacity to come to the forums to complain about ANET, lie and try to curry favor with the community for using software(s) specifically designed to CHEAT (cheat being the operating word here).

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I'm one of the suspended guys (and I'm not going to claim anything there, I've already sent a ticket to the support), and one of my guildie contacted me recently and said that in guild roster my banned acc was online some hours ago. I joined guild with my free account and yes, roster said "I" was online six hours ago though, as all of you know, I was suspended 12.04. Have anyone noticed something like that with their\others accs? Kinda creepy.

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> @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> I will say this all who got suspended is guilty for other wise they wouldnt be suspended so stop pretending innocence we all know what you people are


There were cases in the past of people being wrongfully banned. What do you have to say about this?


Also, read this:

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > I will say this all who got suspended is guilty for other wise they wouldnt be suspended so stop pretending innocence we all know what you people are


> There were cases in the past of people being wrongfully banned. What do you have to say about this?


> Also, read this:


A.net needs to address this because it's proper shady if this stuff is true. The fact that the Tweets about the bans are now gone doesn't look good either.

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> @"Vyrulisse.1246" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > > I will say this all who got suspended is guilty for other wise they wouldnt be suspended so stop pretending innocence we all know what you people are

> >

> > There were cases in the past of people being wrongfully banned. What do you have to say about this?

> >

> > Also, read this:


> A.net needs to address this because it's proper shady if this stuff is true. The fact that the Tweets about the bans are now gone doesn't look good either.


Yes, I was cautious about judging Anet after this thread but the fact that Chris removed his tweets confirms this whole case smells bad.


Main problem is, if I understand correctly, their tool only scanned processes, they never checked if they actually affected the game. Can' wait to see the outcome.

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> @"Sojar.1495" said:

> @"usnedward.9023" It appears your thread was merged with this one. While I clearly am 100% against you utilizing cheats in the game, what I can say is that I do appreciate your honesty about the situation. It's a breath of fresh air from the rest of the dubious "but I only used TacO/ArcDPS" posts that are present, and despite your offense, I have more respect for you, despite the cheating, than I do for those that cheat and then have the audacity to come to the forums to complain about ANET, lie and try to curry favor with the community for using software(s) specifically designed to CHEAT (cheat being the operating word here).


Yeah that is a shame they merged this. Didn't even tell me it merged. lol...maybe that's more punishment but takes away from my original post. Regardless, after some hard thoughts I am done with MMOs. Game has been uninstalled and I wish the community well.


Maybe 5 years is my limit as that is about the time I spent on WoW before changing it up to a few others then 5 years here. The game is growing and really there was nothing more to do but I enjoyed WvW and many ruined it, ruined me and then I ruined it.


Good luck to you all!

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> @"Vova.2640" said:

> > @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > > @"Vova.2640" said:

> > > It amazes me how many people here are pitying those who got banned.

> > > Most games out there give out perma bans for stuff like this. These people are lucky enough to only get 6 months.

> > > Like, this 6 month ban is not harsh at all and is completely deserved for those who willingly chose to do this.

> >

> > I've got quite a lot of sympathy for those who, for example, used the software that came with their keyboard to bind dodge and jump to the same key for SAB.

> >

> > I have absolutely none for anyone who installed and used a 3rd party hack or gear check tool.

> >

> > They're two entirely different leagues of offenses IMO.


> I doubt people who used just that got banned.

> I have a Razer keyboard and have Razer Synapse running all the time. My account is completely fine.



Took my time and checked everything and here's what I got besides TacO and Arc

: Alienware TactX (integrated in my notebook) - used it a long time ago for guild recruitment

: Logitech Gaming mouse with macro option and the only button that I assigned myself last year (thanks to sab) was a DJ (I take it is dodge jump) which helped a great deal in saving time in tribulation mode. (Saving time is essential when u got 2 kids and work 3 shifts - also the infinite coin (; )


Now my guess is that the dodgejump got me and the sad fact my wife got hit is probably this, that I offered her to do her annual w2 trib on my notebook. If that's the case there hasn't been "a time they were looking into the problem or were observing" because I did it for her last week.


But 6 months seems a bit unfair for players that just played sab all alone. Seeing how real hackers get the same treatment lets you feel like the guy that is caught for theft and is thrown into a cell with a murder and the worst kitten of criminals (talking about child related kitten).

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > I will say this all who got suspended is guilty for other wise they wouldnt be suspended so stop pretending innocence we all know what you people are


> There were cases in the past of people being wrongfully banned. What do you have to say about this?


> Also, read this:


So ANET utilized an addition to the client to gather data on processes used for cheating.



They did it in a temporary fashion. Sure, it brings up some valid bits about privacy, etc, but unfortunately, when people decide to cheat and ruin the game for everyone else, they make the majority suffer at expense of the minority.


To me, this reads as "I figured out how I got caught. I was up to no good, but how they did it is wrong!" It doesn't change the fact that what they were doing wasn't wrong, it's what we call a red herring.

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> @"Sojar.1495" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > > I will say this all who got suspended is guilty for other wise they wouldnt be suspended so stop pretending innocence we all know what you people are

> >

> > There were cases in the past of people being wrongfully banned. What do you have to say about this?

> >

> > Also, read this:


> So ANET utilized an addition to the client to gather data on processes used for cheating.

> #iseenoissue


> They did it in a temporary fashion. Sure, it brings up some valid bits about privacy, etc, but unfortunately, when people decide to cheat and ruin the game for everyone else, they make the majority suffer at expense of the minority.


> To me, this reads as "I figured out how I got caught. I was up to no good, but how they did it is wrong!" It doesn't change the fact that what they were doing wasn't wrong, it's what we call a red herring.


Did you read it all? His contention is that the spyware could have detected possible "cheat" programs that weren't even used for GW2 but still flagged them anyway just for being there. Until we get a real answer on whether or not that's true, it's a possibility.

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Finally I can talk... The length of going to making a new account and purchasing it is irritating at best. ANYWAY. I've been watching this, and to those of you saying Anet is always right, what little world do you live in?... False Positives happen false Bans/Suspensions happen. Now on to my Issue. I will admit I've used a 3rd party program, which do you ask? ArcDPS? No I'm vehemently against DPS meters in this game and think they shouldn't be allowed at all. TACO? Never heard of it till now, don't plan on using it. First before I say, to clarify I'm a Pre-Releaser, Beta-Weekend Player, Collectors Edition Owner. over 6k hours almost 11k AP, Kind of low yes but I'm lazy... I've never once had a reason to exploit or cheat in this game.


When did I last do SPvP? Month or two ago I played one unranked match with a couple of guildies. When was the last time I played WvW? A month or two ago cause I'm forced to grind the place should I desire a legendary for the gift of battle, Short answer, I hate the PvP and Competitiveness of the modes although I will admit I like to duel in my guild hall, I'm a PvE'er, There is no fun or satisfaction in cheating an AI. Now with that cleared up, the 3rd party software i used is called..... RESHADE, Yes the mod that lets you beautify your game making it look less bleached and washed out. Oh I'm such a criminal aren't I? I deserved to get banned right? Just like all you idiots are preaching about the suspensions.... By Balthazars burning buttox people...


Now of all the things I've seen one thing hasn't come up... has anyone even considered Steam? Or maybe Discord? They Inject 3rd party Overlays into the game right? Oh guess what that could be another harmless false positive offense too! Oh boy isn't Anet such good little hacker hunters? I have my game linked into steam, I even have a custom Steamcontroller profile for the game, granted I barely use it cause it's a tad awkward to use... but it's fun to play around with. But who knows! The steam controller macros/keybinds could be throwing a false positive, Oh no! Anet is banning/suspending people for using 3rd Party controllers, whats next? Razer? Logitech? I use the Logitech Gaming Software, G13 Gamepad, and G600 MMO mouse, who's to say they aren't catching that either!? With the utter vagueness and broad swing of these Suspensions with no clear statement on what Arena Net is hunting for, this is a clear over reach.


The sheer fact I received no Email notification on this either baffles me. You proud Ban wave supporters can say what you want, but is a guy like me really what you want targeted? A Harmless individual who never PvP's or WvW's in the competitive sense who just likes to Duel sometimes with his friends, and loves the PvE content? Quite the shameful display.. on both you and Arena Nets lack of communication.... but hey I can't say I'm surprised either. Good Job Anet, I hope to see a response on my ticket... sooner or later.... If not well, I guess after 6 months you'll lose a veteran who's been here since 2007 and sunk countless amounts of money and gems into this game.... But hey who am I kidding, The Ban Wave Supporters will just claim on lying and a butt hurt hacker. Oh isn't internet life fun? have fun Kiddo's and Adults alike!

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> @"Sojar.1495" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > > I will say this all who got suspended is guilty for other wise they wouldnt be suspended so stop pretending innocence we all know what you people are

> >

> > There were cases in the past of people being wrongfully banned. What do you have to say about this?

> >

> > Also, read this:


> So ANET utilized an addition to the client to gather data on processes used for cheating.

> #iseenoissue


> They did it in a temporary fashion. Sure, it brings up some valid bits about privacy, etc, but unfortunately, when people decide to cheat and ruin the game for everyone else, they make the majority suffer at expense of the minority.


> To me, this reads as "I figured out how I got caught. I was up to no good, but how they did it is wrong!" It doesn't change the fact that what they were doing wasn't wrong, it's what we call a red herring.


Privacy is not a problem. UE is dealing with this next month and UE citizens will be able to demand from anet removal of such data.


The issue is they gathered list of processes but unless they did further investigation, the list doesn't tell you that the process in question was affecting game client. If this is true, which we don't know, the possibility of false positives is much higher than I estimated at the beginning.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > I will say this all who got suspended is guilty for other wise they wouldnt be suspended so stop pretending innocence we all know what you people are


> There were cases in the past of people being wrongfully banned. What do you have to say about this?


> Also, read this:


Khel.. the fact that it now seems this has been an exercise that ANET have been monitoring for a whiles now to catch cheats and then putting out a definitive statement of no appeals .. suggests they have already looked closely at the this and are pretty sure they have snagged players for the right reasons.. sure there might be a few that have some chance to fight it but what happened in the past does not mean it has happened this time.. the circumstances and surrounding this whole thing seem more measured and planned... at least to me.

Dig around the net and you might find some interesting things being said.. by those cheaters, polar opposite to what is being said on here by some that have been caught.

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> @"Vagrant.8613" said:

> A lot of people on reddit are saying they've been banned for having cheat engine open even though they don't actually use it in GW (they use it in other games).


It might be true in my case too, I use Cheat Engine sometimes for other (not even MMO) games and forget to close it. But how can a program, not related to GW2 and not used to modify anything there, lead to a ban? That's just absolutely unfair. It's the same as to accuse someone of murder because this person has knives in his kitchen.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Sojar.1495" said:

> > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > > > I will say this all who got suspended is guilty for other wise they wouldnt be suspended so stop pretending innocence we all know what you people are

> > >

> > > There were cases in the past of people being wrongfully banned. What do you have to say about this?

> > >

> > > Also, read this:

> >

> > So ANET utilized an addition to the client to gather data on processes used for cheating.

> > #iseenoissue

> >

> > They did it in a temporary fashion. Sure, it brings up some valid bits about privacy, etc, but unfortunately, when people decide to cheat and ruin the game for everyone else, they make the majority suffer at expense of the minority.

> >

> > To me, this reads as "I figured out how I got caught. I was up to no good, but how they did it is wrong!" It doesn't change the fact that what they were doing wasn't wrong, it's what we call a red herring.


> Privacy is not a problem. UE is dealing with this next month and UE citizens will be able to demand from anet removal of such data.


> The issue is they gathered list of processes but unless they did further investigation, the list doesn't tell you that the process in question was affecting game client. If this is true, which we don't know, the possibility of false positives is much higher than I estimated at the beginning.


We shall see.... we shall see.

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> @"Tasida.4085" said:

> Here's an idea.......don't use anything. Play the game as is with no extras. Easy peasy and no worry about bans.....Gosh so simple to do. Otherwise those banned more than likely deserve what they got imo and hopefully will know better when their ban is over.


How should people "know better" if they have no idea what they were banned for?

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> @"Vulcaruss.9567" said:

> Finally I can talk... The length of going to making a new account and purchasing it is irritating at best. ANYWAY. I've been watching this, and to those of you saying Anet is always right, what little world do you live in?... False Positives happen false Bans/Suspensions happen. Now on to my Issue. I will admit I've used a 3rd party program, which do you ask? ArcDPS? No I'm vehemently against DPS meters in this game and think they shouldn't be allowed at all. TACO? Never heard of it till now, don't plan on using it. First before I say, to clarify I'm a Pre-Releaser, Beta-Weekend Player, Collectors Edition Owner. over 6k hours almost 11k AP, Kind of low yes but I'm lazy... I've never once had a reason to exploit or cheat in this game.


> When did I last do SPvP? Month or two ago I played one unranked match with a couple of guildies. When was the last time I played WvW? A month or two ago cause I'm forced to grind the place should I desire a legendary for the gift of battle, Short answer, I hate the PvP and Competitiveness of the modes although I will admit I like to duel in my guild hall, I'm a PvE'er, There is no fun or satisfaction in cheating an AI. Now with that cleared up, the 3rd party software i used is called..... RESHADE, Yes the mod that lets you beautify your game making it look less bleached and washed out. Oh I'm such a criminal aren't I? I deserved to get banned right? Just like all you idiots are preaching about the suspensions.... By Balthazars burning buttox people...


> Now of all the things I've seen one thing hasn't come up... has anyone even considered Steam? Or maybe Discord? They Inject 3rd party Overlays into the game right? Oh guess what that could be another harmless false positive offense too! Oh boy isn't Anet such good little hacker hunters? I have my game linked into steam, I even have a custom Steamcontroller profile for the game, granted I barely use it cause it's a tad awkward to use... but it's fun to play around with. But who knows! The steam controller macros/keybinds could be throwing a false positive, Oh no! Anet is banning/suspending people for using 3rd Party controllers, whats next? Razer? Logitech? I use the Logitech Gaming Software, G13 Gamepad, and G600 MMO mouse, who's to say they aren't catching that either!? With the utter vagueness and broad swing of these Suspensions with no clear statement on what Arena Net is hunting for, this is a clear over reach.


> The sheer fact I received no Email notification on this either baffles me. You proud Ban wave supporters can say what you want, but is a guy like me really what you want targeted? A Harmless individual who never PvP's or WvW's in the competitive sense who just likes to Duel sometimes with his friends, and loves the PvE content? Quite the shameful display.. on both you and Arena Nets lack of communication.... but hey I can't say I'm surprised either. Good Job Anet, I hope to see a response on my ticket... sooner or later.... If not well, I guess after 6 months you'll lose a veteran who's been here since 2007 and sunk countless amounts of money and gems into this game.... But hey who am I kidding, The Ban Wave Supporters will just claim on lying and a butt hurt hacker. Oh isn't internet life fun? have fun Kiddo's and Adults alike!


I admire your wall'o'text honesty.. but if your using those nice little tools that come with things like the Logitech gaming mouse/keyboard gaming software for macro purposes whether its competitive pvp type gameplay or not.. your still gunna get flagged and that is not a false positive when your using macro's that are not allowed, pure and simple. No idea what the steam controller macros are as i dont use steam but it sounds just as risky to me.

I too use the G600 and a Logitech gaming keyboard but wouldn't even risk using their respective macro capabilities because . ya know.. macros are not allowed except for music making purposes, which it appears yours was not or you might of mentioned it.


So while I do not at all think your lying I do think you might of been your own worst enemy.

As for ANET making any kind of statement as to what they are looking for, other than saying ToS over and over why would they give you detail like that, it just opens the door for the hacksters to immediately look at ways to counter ANETS detection methods even quicker than they will anyway.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:



> enjoy the lecture


So basically, anet gotten a list of processes and ban you because you running that processes, regardless if the app is actually doing anything to gw2.exe.


On a second note, does TOS include scanning background processes? The anti-cheat software has those TOS but gw2 has it? Then again, anti-cheat actually access the memory to obtain concrete evidence that you are hacking. What a sloppy way to ban people.

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I doubt that they went on that alone, if they used it all. If they thought there was going to be false positives, they would wait until they had concrete evidence. That they didn't give a chance to appeal states that they are pretty confident in their discovery. If they did do something illegal, then there's a complaint there.


However, much of this is the desperate whinging of those who got caught. Accept the fact that you cheated and got caught. Even if there is an action about the spyware, that's not going to make your ban go away.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > I will say this all who got suspended is guilty for other wise they wouldnt be suspended so stop pretending innocence we all know what you people are


> There were cases in the past of people being wrongfully banned. What do you have to say about this?


> Also, read this:


Thanks for the link. It was interesting. Now we also know why the game lagged so much last month.

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I'm not banned, I know nobody who got banned, however something weird is happening with games, not sure if its just coincidence. Few days ago Gta V had also wave of bans. Forums full of people with high money, loyal and have no idea why they got banned. Recently same with dota 2. Wave of bans for some scripters. And now this with GW2. I mean it could all be coincidence but its weird and morbid as hell that multiple games are having same issues. This should be investigated.

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> @"DaShi.1368" said:

> I doubt that they went on that alone, if they used it all. If they thought there was going to be false positives, they would wait until they had concrete evidence. That they didn't give a chance to appeal states that they are pretty confident in their discovery.


> All of this is the desperate whinging of those who got caught. I hope they don't come back after there ban.


There is no such thing as 100% accurate. If there is, AI would have replaced human. I highly doubt anet validate every single account they banned.


I don't even think they did signature detection, much less heuristic analysis.


Most important, doubt the program can detect memory reading which is the basic of what anti-cheats softwares nowadays do.

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