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(PvE) Another one of "Please help with a Profession" Post


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Greetings guys,


To begin, I have 4 level 80 characters (one was boosted). I did not rush or anything - I took my time and enjoyed as much as I could - those are Warrior, Ranger, Necromancer and Guardian.


Now, here is where my struggle "kinda" begins. (You can skip to TL;DR part, since I already know my thoughts are presented the right way)


I've been enjoying the Warrior the most and I absolutely love how sturdy they are - but they give out a... "sameish" feeling when played a lot. Currently going for Power Spellbreaker and haven't even touched Fractals/Raids alike. What I am looking for in a class is kinda something that does not exist, but would love the closest thing that can be that - and that's why I would like to ask you experienced folk what class would fit my ridiculous aspirations.


- I'd love to be play the class that is sought after in Fractals (everyone's answer is Druid, immediately) - and I love supporting in general

- However, I am mostly playing solo and enjoying the living crap out of it - played Power Druid (or as much guild as I could muster about) and it really felt lackluster and kinda boring at the same time. Primarily because pet tanking is awesome for some chillaxing slaying, but it does dull one's gameplay out - I'd love a self-sufficient class that is capable of doing some hard fights on their own

- Another one of ludicrous aspirations is that I prefer Power Builds over Condition ones (I guess I like big numbers) - especially for Open World stuff

- One of the gripes is that I'd love to kinda "back off" from a situation when it gets rough and get some big healing going (which Warrior can kinda do with Natural Healing)


By my judgement, it leaves me with following:

- Power Spellbreaker - great durability, easy clearance but samey and no group healing capabilities

- Condition Soulbeast - haven't played it yet - however, I'm a bit skeptical with any Condition build and would really love to stay away from this one

- Power Druid - love the ability to dish out the healing - however, does that mean I'd have to get Berserker's with some other gear or is there some gear that allows you to be a good healer while having more than decent damage?

- Minionmancer/Reaper - same as Spellbreaker, it seems awesome to use, laidback style and it's a straightforward build - however, being one of the most "selfish" classes out there does not appeal to me

- Daredevil Thief - (I still have one boost left) and I am unsure if I'd love it - as it seems by many that it's kind of a squishy kill or be killed profession - which can be awesome, but going panic-mode every time I have 2-3 mobs on me (especially with PoF aggro-range) is kinda off-putting (on top of being "the selfishest" - is that even a word? - class)


**TL;DR** (questions)

- Is full Berserker Spellbreaker still somewhat durable? (for Champions - you need skill - this question is aimed for slightly harder enemies)

- Can a Power Druid be enough for solo stuff or is Condition Soulbeast more capable of solo stuff?

- Does Minionmancer/Reaper feel too immortal in Open World?

- Which of these (let's say mediocre player skill-level) would be the best for hard enemies in Open World: Ranger, Warrior or Necromancer?

- Does Power Druid's damage (let's say in healing gear) feel lackluster even after you get decently decked out - and how tedious is the journey to get there?

- Is Druid really sought out that much for group stuff?

- Which of the above classes is the best to solo old dungeons with? (I haven't played most of them and every group I ran into just went full speedrun through it)

- Does Healer Druid's gear really differ that much from the Open World build?

- Lastly, if you believe that the three choices I'm contemplating about (for at least 14 days now) are not up to task - what other profession would you recommend? (Revenant feels wonky for me and Engineers have been an enigma I could not get my head around)


Thank you for your time and be safe out there!

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Tip from a Warrior main since launch:


Switch out the Spellbreaker traitline for the Defense one whenever you need to get a bit beefier (assuming that you follow the standard build with Strength/Discipline/Spellbreaker):


_Adrenal Health_ in combination with Healing Signet is some of the best personal sustain in the game (especially if you also use _Might Makes Right_ with _Forceful Greatsword_ in Strength, but this is often overkill) and the two traits that activate Balanced Stance and Defy Pain are literal lifesavers.


There is very little in open world PvE that such a core Warrior build cannot brute force through.


Edit: that being said, Necro and Ranger will still be better at things such as soloing Champions because they have something Warrior doesn’t: pets.

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There's a contradiction in what you're hoping to achieve hindering you from reaching a conclusion imo. Fractal (especially META) builds are mainly for team plays, to synergize for efficiency. Eg. A Ranger (core class) could probably perform better than Druid for solo open world contents. Or it might require some tweaking.


It's not possible to achieve all (damage/survival/support etc), you will lose one to gain another :smile: . It is possible to make minor adjustment to suit the player. The saying, jack of all trades but master to none.


With 25 might stack:

Axe spellbreakers can whirl up to 80k dmg.

Scepter + Gs DH(maybe guardians too?) Can use scepter skill#2 followed by Gs#2 (whirls around 50k)

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Are you me ? =)


I have pretty much the same mindset regarding professions in GW2 and after going back and forth what felt like a hundred times, I decided on Reaper with a strong likelihood of DH guardian as either a second char (or main char?).


I want a good open world build with the possibility of doing endgame content at some point. Bearing in mind that I will most likely end up in a guild at some point, I ditched the meta focus and just concentrated on my needs:


- good open world pve build

- fun playstyle

- mainly melee-focused

- options to help a group (in some way at least)

- power build (condi is just not for me)

- not too simple yet no keyboard wizardry required

- good theme with a style that I enjoy (esp. color palette)

- greatsword option


After trying almost every profession to some degree (granted I didn't give Ranger much of a chance because I've never enjoyed the bow+pet archetype), I settled on the aforementioned specs.


Sure reaper isnt meta as power dps but I've seen ppl do exceptionally well on the spec and as long as you dont fall for the elitist trap, you can make almost any spec work at any level of content (raids, t4 fractals, etc). I am fully aware of the fact that group support with reaper is mediocre at best but with blood magic healing and ressing, I feel like I can contribute something to a group even if it is just the security of having an oh sh** button.

Guardian on the other hand is very much meta and has a great toolkit to both do dps and support a group. However, I absolutely detest scepter gameplay...it scores in the deep negative values both in style and interactivity for me (chucking ghost farts at people is lame in ways I cant even describe properly).


So currently I'm swinging my greatsword / scythe at mobs and having a grand old time. Eventually, I will have to find a nice group of people that doesnt think power reaper is hot trash and accepts a hard working player over a metaslave but I could probably get used to the idea of playing my guardian as well (maybe I just have go get the legendary scepter that turns the floaty balls of doom into bolts of lightning).


Long story short, do pick and stick with what feels right to you, if that currently is Spellbreaker, all the better since they are very strong. With the right build you can rock open world pve and fractals, contribute great dps (or support) in raids, melt faces in pvp and look badass while doing so. Frankly, if it wasnt for the trainwreck that is Hundred Blades (self roots are prolly my biggest pet peeve in the entire melee combat fantasy), I'd be rocking my warrior, too.

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> @"BestWurstinTown.8521" said:

> Long story short, do pick and stick with what feels right to you, if that currently is Spellbreaker, all the better since they are very strong. With the right build you can rock open world pve and fractals, contribute great dps (or support) in raids, melt faces in pvp and look kitten while doing so. Frankly, if it wasnt for the trainwreck that is Hundred Blades (self roots are prolly my biggest pet peeve in the entire melee combat fantasy), I'd be rocking my warrior, too.


I loathe the self-root too (come on Anet, the Bulls’s Charge + 100B combo has been dead for years - it is time to #UnrootTheBlades!) but thankfully it has all but been replaced with Axe 5 these days.


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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> I loathe the self-root too (come on Anet, the Bulls’s Charge + 100B combo has been dead for years - it is time to #UnrootTheBlades!) but thankfully it has all but been replaced with Axe 5 these days.



True Axe 5 is pretty much the better version of it..but in a proper rotation you would still wanna use Blades. What made it slightly less bad was to just pop Axe 4, swap to GS and use 100B with the quickness buff and or use the trait that gives you quickness if you hit something <=50% hp while trying to time it with 100B.


I adore the style of GS but I just couldn't get over this effin self root bonanza (and the fact that between Axe 5 and 100B it feels like warrior is just hitting buttons and waiting for the animations to end, it feels very bland and non-interactive to me).


Also warrior has by far the least interesting animations imo...it's just variations of swinging a weapon, of course that makes sense for a warrior archetype in an MMO but for me it still lacks the ostentatious nature of magical combat (even if it's melee -> reaper / guardian / to some extent Ranger (Excluding mesmer since that color palette is just horrid)).


but if it works for you, do it. I'm just very particular about style in games, SFX are way too important to me I think xD


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