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Full Overhaul for Core Revenant (Mock Patch Notes)


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**Skill Balance Update 4/6/2018**


This balance update is aimed at improving the core Revenant gameplay by altering several deeply rooted mechanics within the class. First and foremost, we understand that the energy mechanic of the class is a clunky design that both hinders how we want the class to play and makes Revenant players work twice as hard as other professions for very minor benefits. To improve the energy mechanic, we are adopting a new mindset on how energy should be used. Following this update, many Revenant skills will now be usable without any energy but will have additional affects when energy is available.


Our focus for this change is that energy should *Enhance* gameplay and not *Prevent* it. The current iteration of Revenant is difficult to play and is unfriendly to new players due to its overcomplexity. We already have cooldowns for preventing skills from use, there is no need for energy to fulfill this role. Going forward with this major change, the following skills have been updated:





Searing Fissure - When the energy cost is available, this skill will now extend 600m, last for an extra second, and provide one more pulse of burning. When no energy is available, this skill will perform as normal.

Echoing Eruption - When the energy cost is available, this skill will now slow targets struck for 5s. When no energy is available, this skill will perform as normal.



Precision Strike - When the energy cost is available, this skill will now transfer a random condition from you to each target hit. When no energy is available, this skill will perform as normal.

Unrelenting Assault - When the energy cost is available, gain 2s of quickness when performing this attack. When no energy is available, this skill will perform as normal.



Shackling Wave - When the energy cost is available, you evade attacks while using this skill. When no energy is available, this skill will perform as normal.

Death Strike - When the energy cost is available, this skill will now deliver a third blow. When no energy is available, this skill will perform as normal.



Frigid Blitz - Functionality changed. This skill instantly teleports you to the target and strikes. Hits up to 3 enemies in a line to your target. If the energy cost is available, this skill teleports you up to 900m. If no energy is available you teleport up to 600m.

Temporal Rift - When the energy cost is available, this skill now immobilizes targets that are successfully pulled for 2s. When no energy is available, this skill will perform as normal.



Punishing Sweep- When the energy cost is available, Debilitating Slam now knocks down enemies when striking a target. When no energy is available, this skill will perform as normal.

Warding Rift- When the energy cost is available, will fully reflect projectiles back to their users. When no energy is available, this skill will perform as normal.

Renewing Wave- This skill is now changed to a channel and can be used at any time as long as the revenant has 10 energy to start the skill. Drains 6 energy per interval. Removes one condition every .25 seconds when channeled.

Surge of the Mists- When the energy cost is available, applies vulnerability per strike. When no energy is available, this skill will perform as normal.



Coalescence of Ruin- When the energy cost is available, applies weakness to struck enemies for 4s. When no energy is available, this skill will perform as normal.

Phase Smash- When the energy cost is available, the damage radius is increased to 360. When no energy is available, this skill will perform as normal.

Field of the Mists- When the energy cost is available, projectiles absorbed are transformed into mist energy and heal the Revenant. When no energy is available, this skill will perform as normal.

Drop the Hammer- When the energy cost is available, the damage radius is increased to 360. When no energy is available, this skill will perform as normal.



As part of this update, all healing skills have received an overhaul. One of the sustain issues the Revenant had was the need to use the legend heals from both stances to match the healing of another profession. To fix this, we have greatly increased the effectiveness of all Revenant primary heal skills. To compensate for this, all Revenant heals now share the same global CD timer. This means that if you use a heal that has a 20s CD then swap to a legend with a 40s heal, you will need to wait 20s before the second heal can be used. Ventari's tablet is unaffected by these changes aside from a small base healing upgrade.



Enchanted Daggers: Initial base heal increased from 1,640 to 3,280

Project Tranquility: Base heal increased from 325 to 400

Empowering Misery: Initial base heal increased to 5,500 condition heal increased to 620

Soothing Stone: Increased to 6,100 base heal. Now removes all conditions on use.



Phase Traversal: Can be used with no energy to teleport 900 to a target with no additional effects. CD reduced to 25s if used this way.

Riposting Shadows: Can be used with no energy to dodge backwards 300 units. CD reduced to 20s if used this way.

Impossible Odds: No change

Jade Winds: No change (energy cost is required to use)



Natural Harmony: Can be used without energy but only heals for a third of what it normally grants with. Has a reduced 1.25s CD if used this way.

Purifying Essence: Can be used without energy, removes 1 condition only. CD reduced to 3s if used this way.



Pain Absorption: No change

Banish Enchantment: When the energy cost is available, steals boons instead of removing them. When no energy is available, this skill will perform as normal.

Unyielding Anguish: Leap range increased to 900m

Embrace the Darkness: Functionality Changed. You can only be affected by one condition at a time when in this form, when you strike enemies you apply the condition applied to you to enemies.



Inspiring Reinforcement: When the energy cost is available, grants superspeed to those crossing the bridge. When no energy is available, this skill will perform as normal.

Forced Engagement: Now travels 3 times as fast. If the energy cost is available, you gain protection for 5s if this skill hits. When no energy is available, this skill will perform as normal.

Vengeful Hammers: No change

Rite of the Great Dwarf: No change



The following core trait changes were updated in an effort to improve the Revenant's innate weakness to condition builds.



Vicious Lacerations- Now works with all melee weapons

Nefarious Momentum- In addition to its current efffect, weakness and blind durations are reduced by 33% on you.



Replenish Despair -Functionality changed: When you apply 3 different conditions to an enemy, you lose one on yourself. 10s Internal CD.

Maniacal Persistence -In addition to its effect, causes resistance to last 33% longer on you.



Steadfast Rejuvenation removed. Changed to Dwarf Fortress. When you gain retaliation, lose a condition. Retaliation returns 33% more damage back to the attacker. 10s Internal CD.



Natural Abundance: Now causes healing fragments you produce to remove a condition when collected in addition to its original effect.

Momentary Pacification: Using an elite skill causes a visage of Ventari to appear at your location. 5 enemies within 900m are taunted to Ventari, who is immune to damage. 30S internal CD.


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