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Feedback: Official Forums

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Sorry not to be as happy as others, but I don't like the new forum.

* I have to scroll a lot to read what people say. Most of the page is taken by pictures (avatars of writers, people likes,...)

* /dev/traker used to be a single page with only comments of people from Anet. It was very easy and quick to read. Now, there is just a list of threads, and we have to go to each thread

* there were arrows to navigate between ArenaNet posts in a thread

* I find it dificult to find the useful information (what people write) in the middle of lines, members names, avatars, and the red Report line


I hope this is not the final version because on my desktop, this new forum is a real chore to read.

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Dev Tracker used to show directly the reply that a dev made, any chance of this coming back? Right now it just shows the thread name and a button to change page and read the specific comment on the thread itself.


Edit: also the line between each post should be slightly longer to make it easier to distingue different posts/replies but not a big deal.

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The forums feel bloated & the separation isn't good enough for that bloat.


Here are my very basic CSS edits to make it feel slightly better.


Edit: I'll do even more after I get off work.



body * {

font-family: helvetica, sans-serif !important;

color: #333333;


.Section-Discussion .Content .Item-Header::after {

background-image: none;

border-bottom: 1px solid #333333;


.Section-Discussion .Content .Item .Item-Body::after {

background-image: none;

border-bottom: 1px solid #333333;


.Section-Discussion .Content .Item {

border-bottom-width: initial !important;

border-bottom: 1px solid #333333;


.DataList .Item {

background: none;


.ReactButton {

border: 1px solid #e1d9d9;

background-color: #f9f9f9;

border-radius: 5px;

padding: 5px;


.Section-Discussion .Content .Item-Header .Meta time {

color: #333333 !important;



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Yeah, agreed with several others, there is a bit too much whitespace. This might also be largely related to how horizontal the page stretches which causes the white space to be overdone. If for example u squeeze in the page width, the white spaces are a bit nicer and helps to divide between paragraphs of text. Still, there is a bit too much. Also the avatar images are pretty big compared to the each post. Those thumbs up images that collect... yeah that is really crazy in size lol! Those should be reduced in sizes, particularly as these class or related images are familiar to us and there aren't many details to look at. Font sizes for the report, helpful, thumbs up thumbs down, can also be reduced so it's less distracting. Or perhaps removing the text and just leaving icon buttons like the old forums would be better.


There are also many helpful pinned threads in the old forums. Are we going to have to manually bring them over? Will the OPs have to do this or can ANet staff help mass migrate at least the pinned threads that are helpful.

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This new layout is very loud and complicated. Differentiating between stickied posts and regular post is harder than before. The multitude of colored icons and what have you detract from the posts by being way to contrasting to the rest of the layout.


As a colorblind i have a veeery hard time seeing the thumbs up/down icons over the avatar icons.


Downvoting is going to be abused. WoW forums had similar function and was eventually removed because of abuse. May be an issue on my end, but the avatars themselves are pixelated and generally muddy and ugly. I cannot see if i have upvoted a post or not.

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Remove Thumbs Down (and possibly Thumbs Up as well) or change the term to a neutral vote.


Reason: A thumbs down / thumbs up vote detracts from the point of using the forums. Forums are meant to share and spread ideas as well as discussion. These votes offer an optional and less communicative form of response that is not in line with discussion. These votes may also be used for harassment or point of reference for someone's feedback ( example; "I want the Disney logo as my icon" Thumbs up x1000, thumbs down x2 - "See! We should have a copyrighted logo!").


Suggestion: Change the thumbs up / thumbs down to neutral votes - examples: Insightful, Profound, Deep, Ritlock-Approved, Quaggan-tastic, Kitten!, etc... Neutral votes at least won't 1. detract the conversation with a little flavor text and 2. won't inspire harassment among members.


Additional thoughts: In general, people need to be able to take criticism. The forums are a great place for discussion and challenging ideas. However, they shouldn't be filled with a handfull of posts and hundreds of votes.

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Too many icons for too many things (users upvoted liked whatever) while there isnt much text. The icons should IMO either be removed or made significantly smaller for things such as likes. The division between posts should be better. I also think we should only work with 1 voting item, thumbs up or helpful, the rest is just clutter and thumbs down leads to negativity.


The number of possible avatars should be bigger or we should be able to customize them, simple put it is very hard to quickly identify users from these avatars.


Longer edit time, I already dislike there is a limit but this one is very short. it encourages making extra posts (bumping) instead of adding to the original.

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