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It will take years for mesmer to be balanced

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It is simple math. Mesmer is currently very OP.


To fix this would take several balance patches. Probably 3/4. There is no way they can nerf everything that needs to be nerfed in a single patch.


Anet do about 3/4 balance patches a year.


So mesmer will be broken for at least another year.



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nono guys mesmer isnt op!1 they already gave them exhaustion after they dodge ! its so easy to kill now. mesmer needs buffs, not nerfs. last time i checked, phantasmal defender did NOT kill me in 1 hit... so i think it needs to be buffed tbh.


Jokes aside, it just feels like anet doesnt ******* understand why / how they need to nerf it.


My proposals:


**General** nerf shatter dmg. I mean honestly. WHAT i would give... to make my pets deal as much dmg as shatters. i can only imagine how broken OP ranger would get if we had pets that couldnt deal instant aoe dmg the very moment we press F2. Oh my pet is standing next to enemy? F2 for instant dmg. Yeeea i know hurr durr it takes effort to spawn phantasms and they get cleaved by aoe. First of all, no. it doesnt take effort. you just go through your rotation like you would normally and you spawn them. Secondly, pets get cleaved by aoe too including conditions.

ALSO.... nerf the 1 shot builds in wvw. ( technically not 1 shot, but im referring to the builds that can kill you from stealth within about 0.5 to 0.8 seconds )


**Chronomancer** nerf boons. less aegis that blocks everything.. less might stacking... less phantasms. I dont even mind phantasmal disenchanter, but defender is a different story. Chrono can bunker on points really well and sustain themselves while also dealing massive damage. shouldnt be possible to do both SO well. i know most classes can kinda do the same, but chrono does it so much better than all the other classes/ specs do.


**Mirage** nerf dodging. are you honestly gonna let them spam invul, stunbreak, condi cleanse and dazes all the time just by dodging? WITHOUT ANY COOLDOWN???????????????? I mean when you think about it in that way it just sounds absolutely absurd BECAUSE IT IS....

Jesus. insanity. I mean it is so OBVIOUS to anyone with half a brain that this is broken OP I am going to assume anet has a legitimate bias for mirage.

You want to give them dodges that do THAT many things??? give them at LEAST one drawback. AT LEEASST.... jesus christ.

If mirage uses dodge to stunbreak, give the dodge a cooldown. or something else. i really dont care. but there has to be a drawback to this.


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> @"bigo.9037" said:

> **Mirage** nerf dodging. are you honestly gonna let them spam invul, stunbreak, condi cleanse and dazes all the time just by dodging? WITHOUT ANY COOLDOWN???????????????? I mean when you think about it in that way it just sounds absolutely absurd BECAUSE IT IS....

> Jesus. insanity. I mean it is so OBVIOUS to anyone with half a brain that this is broken OP I am going to assume anet has a legitimate bias for mirage.

> You want to give them dodges that do THAT many things??? give them at LEAST one drawback. AT LEEASST.... jesus christ.

> If mirage uses dodge to stunbreak, give the dodge a cooldown. or something else. i really dont care. but there has to be a drawback to this.


Dude, mirage's dodge doesn't all that things,

1: EM has been nerfed (4s exaustion) so many mesmers moved to IH, which means NO stunbreak, NO condi cleanse, 0 spam possibility

2: Daze on dodge????? dafuq

3: Cooldown on mirage cloak would litterally destroy the mirage....


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> @"Hylo.1968" said:

> > @"bigo.9037" said:

> > **Mirage** nerf dodging. are you honestly gonna let them spam invul, stunbreak, condi cleanse and dazes all the time just by dodging? WITHOUT ANY COOLDOWN???????????????? I mean when you think about it in that way it just sounds absolutely absurd BECAUSE IT IS....

> > Jesus. insanity. I mean it is so OBVIOUS to anyone with half a brain that this is broken OP I am going to assume anet has a legitimate bias for mirage.

> > You want to give them dodges that do THAT many things??? give them at LEAST one drawback. AT LEEASST.... jesus christ.

> > If mirage uses dodge to stunbreak, give the dodge a cooldown. or something else. i really dont care. but there has to be a drawback to this.

> >

> Dude, mirage's dodge doesn't all that things,

> 1: EM has been nerfed (4s exaustion) so many mesmers moved to IH, which means NO stunbreak, NO condi cleanse, 0 spam possibility

> 2: Daze on dodge????? What the hell?

> 3: Cooldown on mirage cloak would litterally destroy the mirage....



remove this pls T_T

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I think the biggest culprits of mesmer over-poweredness are Phantasmal Defender, Phantasmal Warden, Phantasmal Warlock and Phantasmal Berserker. The first 2 don't technically do that much damage but they just do too much compared to what they are supposed to be, defensive skills.

For example, Phantasmal Warden has almost 2k damage on Paladin amulet. For comparison, DH longbows True shot does 1,5k damage on the same amulet.

The shield skill that spawns Warden is also a 1,5 sec block. It also gives you Protection, and Slows your opponent. And guess what? With Chronophantasma that Warden is re-summoned, so it does everything except the block all over again. Then on top of that if you block something, you get access to Deja Vu, which does all of that a second time!

Isn't this skill a BIT overloaded on stuff?

People insist that the visual noise is why mesmer is so OP currently, and sure it probably plays a part, but it is more than that. The damage this skill(and other skills) offers is just way too much, almost 8k(without crits) divided between the 4 phantasms, and it's totally unnecessary. It could be a quarter of its current damage and it would still be a great skill.


PS. Phantasmal Rogue is also a rather stupidly heavy hitter.

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> @"Habitax.8124" said:

> Nerf all mesmer builds, just not mine :p

> Seriously though .. If you have to pick 1 build type to nerf .. which would be the #1 mesmer build that should be nerfed ?


> 1. Power/Shatter/daze Mirage ?

> 2. Condi spam /shatter Mirage?

> 3. Insert some non-meta build ?


For me it's the chronophantasma build that mindlessly pukes out illusions. :D

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> @"Habitax.8124" said:

> Nerf all mesmer builds, just not mine :p

> Seriously though .. If you have to pick 1 build type to nerf .. which would be the #1 mesmer build that should be nerfed ?


> 1. Power/Shatter/daze Mirage ?

> 2. Condi spam /shatter Mirage?

> 3. Insert some non-meta build ?


There needs to be an across the board nerf to the entire class. So their f1-f4 must be nerfed.

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