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ranked is a downstate fiesta


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> @"Lucentfir.7430" said:


> Yes it's all the soloquer's fault why PVP Community is dying, it couldn't be the balance/power creep, the shady practices at the top end making the game mode some joke clown fiesta, pulling of the plug on the esports scene, or just the same old focus on conquest only.


I wasn't aware that "soloqer" is an insult these days, but honestly, duoq till legendary wouldn't be a problem. the problem is that it's till plat.


Now for your points, pvp community is dying because of several reasons. stale meta, slow balance changes, removal of defensive amulets (i used to play ele, ele just sucks right now) conquest, bad communication from devs (ben, you're basically the only voice).


the reason why you see stuff like win trading at the top level is simply because those players don't have anything to lose anymore. it makes me sad seeing the players i liked to face as a challenge ruining their names with wintrading and RMT.


The GW2 pvp issues are profound. some devs may be incapable, even if they do their best, some devs do the right things but are not fast enough / don't get the approval to do so.


Honestly, I don't see any passion anymore from the gw2 devs.

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> @"witcher.3197" said:

> It deserves to be an insult, because these people voted for restricting ranked Q and basically killed the PvP community.

People have been saying that this game's PvP community is dying for about 4 years now, by my estimates. PvP is as alive as usual, people come and people go and sometimes people return.


What is dead however is this game's competitive scene. And that, my lad, died when ESL dropped GW2. Which happened before team queueing in ranked was removed. That had more to do with GW2's PvP being unwatchable for viewers that hadn't spent thousands of hours learning to play the game because of visual noise and an unsatisfactory spectator mode.


So if we're going to point fingers at things that were negative for the growth and sustainability of the playerbase as a whole I would say that losing the game's esports scene cost far more players, both veteran and potential new players than the handful of players that were driven off by the inability to queue in ranked as a team.

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