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Toughness in WVW


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Hey guys, I have been away from the game for probably over a year. Upon returning, I made an Ele and now that he is 80 I am researching WVW specs. It seems Maurader gear is the current recommendation. Did something change with toughness in WVW? It seems that PVT gear was the staple for most classes the last time I played. Thanks in advance for your answers and insight.

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> @"Stridor.3057" said:

> Hey guys, I have been away from the game for probably over a year. Upon returning, I made an Ele and now that he is 80 I am researching WVW specs. It seems Maurader gear is the current recommendation. Did something change with toughness in WVW? It seems that PVT gear was the staple for most classes the last time I played. Thanks in advance for your answers and insight.


ppl get better in game.... lot of builds dissapear ... and pvt gear with it...

now if you play tank / healer ... you play minstrel stat ... thoughtness vitality healing power concentration (thats boon duration) ... best for pof specialization of guard - firebrand (its improved guardian in many aspects..)

or condition variants .... trailblazer = thoughtness vitality condition damage expertise (thats condition duration)


and power dps using some hybrids... depends on class..... so marauder is good option for many... coz its almost same as zerker with some vitality added...


Till you make something.... use ur old gear to watch out what happening.... lot of condies floating around... so get ready some cleanse :)

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