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The next ranger elite specialization: The Warden


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I just want to share my next ranger elite specialization concept to you guys :)

The main goal about the spec is to be an AoE-oriented specialization focused around ground control, boons and magical earth utilities. Any feedback is appreciated :)


**The next ranger elite specialization: The Warden**

Wardens are part of an ancient order responsible of protecting, preserving, and maintaining the balance of magical energy in Tyria.

These special soldiers and their companions are able to summon energy through an ancestral form that allows them to call the force of the nature itself.


**Profession mechanic**

**Spirit Form** is the Warden’s profession mechanic, which replaces their pet control skills with new ones based on the pet archetype.

While in this form, pets are concentrated on maintaing their bond to the nature, which does not allow them to attack or move, they become transparent, and their body is surrounded by a magical aura.


The only way that allows the pet to be damaged, receive boons or get healed while in this form is only through specific skills or traits that transfer damage, conditions, boons or healing on them.

* Example when pet can be damaged: “Guard!”: Order your pet to guard nearby allies. Your pet takes damage on behalf of those allies; gain might when your pet receives damage.

* Example when pet can take conditions on him: “Signet of Renewal”: Grant resistance to your pet; it pulls conditions from nearby allies to itself.

* Example when pet can get boons: “Fortifying Bond”: When you gain a boon it is shared with your pet.

* Example when pet can be healed: “Troll unguent”: You and your pet regenerate health over time.



**Spirit form have a base cooldown of 12 seconds.** Cooldowns are considered separate for each pet, which means that you can use the Spirit Form on the first pet, get out of the Spirit Form, change pet, and immediately enter the Spirit Form again. Then, if you decide to leave Spirit Form, you will need to wait 12 seconds to use the mechanic on the same pet again.


You can move your pet while in Spiritual Form by targeting a specific area (like rev Ventari’s tablet).


Each pet is categorized by archetype, defining the F1-F2-F3 while in Spirit Form. (F3 is considered a Beast Ability)



F1 Grant 2 seconds of protection to nearby allies. Ammo: 3

F2 Grant 4 seconds Stability to nearby allies

F3 Grant bonus Thougness and Vitality to nearby allies, and give them barrier. Breaks stun.



F1 Inflict 3 stacks of vulnerability and 3 stacks of bleeding to nearby foes. Ammo:3

F2 Inflict 2 seconds of fear to nearby foes.

F3 Grants “Venom Strike” to nearby allies. Venom Strike: Inflict poison and bleeding with your next 5 hits.




F1 Remove 1 boon from nearby foes and grant 1 random boon to nearby allies. Ammo: 3

F2 Daze nearby foes.

F3 Grants stealth and “Ambush Strike” to nearby allies. Ambush Strike: your next five hits are unblockable.



F1 Grant 3 stacks of might and fury for 6 seconds to nearby allies. Ammo: 3

F2 Release a wave of natural energy that damage nearby foes. Combo finisher: Blast

F3 Grants “Powerful Strike” to nearby allies. Powerful Strike: Your next five hits will do 15% more damage.



F1 Grant 4 seconds of regeneration and swftness to nearby allies. Ammo:3

F2 Pulse healing to nearby allies and pull 1 condition from them every pulse.

F3 Teleport downed corpses to your pet, and partially revive them.



**Weapon Skills**




(1) Autoattack chain:

**- Empowering Swing:** Strike your foe. You gain might. Number of targets: 3

**- Empowering Bash:** Bash you foe again. Your pet gains might. Number of targets: 3

**- Pack Blow:** Smash you hammer to the ground, releasing damage on you and your pet’s location. Number of targets x hit : 5


(2) **Nature Strike:** Hit the ground with a mighty slam that unleash roots toward nearby foes. Inflict 2 seconds of cripple to striked enemies. Combo finisher: Blast.


(3) **Wurm Charge:** Evades attacks while burrowing towards target. Damages and daze target at end of burrow if nearby. 900 range.


(4) **Vine Wall:** Create a vine wall in front of you that that blocks attacks and that can’t be crossed by enemies. Unblockable. Duration: 4 s.

Radius: 240


(5) **Primal Thump:** Jump to the targeted area, dealing massive damage and knocking down nearby foes. Combo Finisher: Blast.



**SLOT SKILLS: Consecrations**


Healing Skill **Ancient Tree:** Create a tree that heals you, your pet, and grants Protection to allies every second. Combo field: Light.


**Toxic Seeds:** Leave a trail of seeds as you travel. Inflict burning and poison to enemies near the flowers when they bloom. Combo field: Poison


**Hunting Grounds:** Create an area that reveals enemies and pulse Fury and Swiftness every second.


**Charge of the Pack:** You are surrounded by natural energy, becoming a mobile buff that grants Stability and Superspeed every second to nearby allies. Breaks stun.


**Bunnymorph:** Creates a veil of natural energy that transforms foes that passes through it into bunnies.

Morphed enemies evade any attack while in this form and lose every boon on them.

Morph Duration: 2s. Combo field: Chaos.


Elite skill **Eden:** Create an area of calm where allies cannot receive conditions and lose conditions every interval. Combo field: Water. Conditions removed:1 Interval: 1s. Duration: 8s





Minor Proficiency – Hammer Proficiency: You can wield an hammer.


**Minor Adept**

Magical Balance: Gain access to Consecrations. Your pet gain access to the Spirit Form, which allows him to infuse his special abilities to allies through natural magic.


**Major Adept**


1) Spiritual Purity: Remove all conditions from your pet and 2 conditions to nearby allies when your pet goes in Spirit Form.

2) Primeval Strenght: Reduces recharge of hammer skills. Gain stability when blasting a field.

3) Solar Ray: Discharge an orb of lightning whenever you use a Beast Ability.


**Minor Master**

Bark Skin: You and your pet take less damage while your health is above the threshold.


**Major Master**


1) Spiritual Release: Your pet grant all his boons to nearby allies when leaving Spirit Form.

2) Ancient Training: Consecrations have reduced recharge and last longer.

3) Explosive Seeds: Leave 2 Toxic seeds behind you when dodge rolling.


**Minor Grandmaster**

Energy from Life: Regenerate health every second for every boon you have on you.


**Major Grandmaster**


1) Spiritual concentration: Increase damage and condition damage to nearby allies by 1 stack every time your pet gives a boon to them while in Spirit Form. Maximum 5 stacks. Damage increase 2% x stack.

2) Superior Defenses: Remove a condition when you gain Protection. Remove a condition from allies when you grant protection to them.

3) Ancient Power: Your pet release a wave of magical energy when you use a Beast Ability while in Spirit Form. Combo Finisher: Blast.



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Jupp like it. Only complain is that i would like to just make it a wisp instead if a translucent pet.

Wisp color could signalize the archetype.


I like that you consentrated on condi and pure dmg capabbilities.

Some stiff seems a bit strong but in concept its solid. Although i would rather have two maces instead of 1 hammer, because it gives more possible build varieties.

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> from a lore perspective how do wardens differ from druids (lore wise, not mechanic wise)


In my mind, "druid" just refers to a group of people adept at nature magic, while "warden" is a specific label or job title for someone who has taken on a sworn responsibility to protect nature/balance/etc. In terms of the game world, the Sylvari Wardens are made up of a variety of professions, not just druids.

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> @"voltaicbore.8012" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > from a lore perspective how do wardens differ from druids (lore wise, not mechanic wise)


> In my mind, "druid" just refers to a group of people adept at nature magic, while "warden" is a specific label or job title for someone who has taken on a sworn responsibility to protect nature/balance/etc. In terms of the game world, the Sylvari Wardens are made up of a variety of professions, not just druids.


you do know druids existed in gw2 before the elite spec. and druids were protectors of nature (as seen in the druids we met in Draconis Mons)

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> > @"voltaicbore.8012" said:

> > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > from a lore perspective how do wardens differ from druids (lore wise, not mechanic wise)

> >

> > In my mind, "druid" just refers to a group of people adept at nature magic, while "warden" is a specific label or job title for someone who has taken on a sworn responsibility to protect nature/balance/etc. In terms of the game world, the Sylvari Wardens are made up of a variety of professions, not just druids.


> you do know druids existed in gw2 before the elite spec. and druids were protectors of nature (as seen in the druids we met in Draconis Mons)


Both existe din Gw2 and were kinda different in some aspects although pretty similar.






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> @"derd.6413" said:

> > @"voltaicbore.8012" said:

> > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > from a lore perspective how do wardens differ from druids (lore wise, not mechanic wise)

> >

> > In my mind, "druid" just refers to a group of people adept at nature magic, while "warden" is a specific label or job title for someone who has taken on a sworn responsibility to protect nature/balance/etc. In terms of the game world, the Sylvari Wardens are made up of a variety of professions, not just druids.


> you do know druids existed in gw2 before the elite spec. and druids were protectors of nature (as seen in the druids we met in Draconis Mons)


Yes, I'm aware. However, I decided not to touch that because I'm not sure that information is relevant to the somewhat poorly framed question. In fact, I even regret bringing up the Sylvari Wardens for that exact reason. It would have sufficed to say, in retrospect, that druids and wardens are conceptually distinct groups that likely have a lot of overlap (both in terms of membership, as well as general outlook/mission).

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> @"voltaicbore.8012" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > @"voltaicbore.8012" said:

> > > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > from a lore perspective how do wardens differ from druids (lore wise, not mechanic wise)

> > >

> > > In my mind, "druid" just refers to a group of people adept at nature magic, while "warden" is a specific label or job title for someone who has taken on a sworn responsibility to protect nature/balance/etc. In terms of the game world, the Sylvari Wardens are made up of a variety of professions, not just druids.

> >

> > you do know druids existed in gw2 before the elite spec. and druids were protectors of nature (as seen in the druids we met in Draconis Mons)


> Yes, I'm aware. However, I decided not to touch that because I'm not sure that information is relevant to the somewhat poorly framed question. In fact, I even regret bringing up the Sylvari Wardens for that exact reason. It would have sufficed to say, in retrospect, that druids and wardens are conceptually distinct groups that likely have a lot of overlap (both in terms of membership, as well as general outlook/mission).


wardens (as described by op and not the sylvari ones mind you) seemingly only differ from druids in methodology which isn't enough of a difference to both be elite specs.

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> > @"voltaicbore.8012" said:

> > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > @"voltaicbore.8012" said:

> > > > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > > from a lore perspective how do wardens differ from druids (lore wise, not mechanic wise)

> > > >

> > > > In my mind, "druid" just refers to a group of people adept at nature magic, while "warden" is a specific label or job title for someone who has taken on a sworn responsibility to protect nature/balance/etc. In terms of the game world, the Sylvari Wardens are made up of a variety of professions, not just druids.

> > >

> > > you do know druids existed in gw2 before the elite spec. and druids were protectors of nature (as seen in the druids we met in Draconis Mons)

> >

> > Yes, I'm aware. However, I decided not to touch that because I'm not sure that information is relevant to the somewhat poorly framed question. In fact, I even regret bringing up the Sylvari Wardens for that exact reason. It would have sufficed to say, in retrospect, that druids and wardens are conceptually distinct groups that likely have a lot of overlap (both in terms of membership, as well as general outlook/mission).


> wardens (as described by op and not the sylvari ones mind you) seemingly only differ from druids in methodology which isn't enough of a difference to both be elite specs.


Druids are bit nore spiritual and the original ones even gave up their physical form to be one with nature.

Wardens changed their form into plant like creatures because of rage against shiro tagachis jade wind and all humans. They are more fiercefull and pretty much just plant based.

Druids are aware of nature in general and the balance of the world and just dont want that the balance is disturbed. Wardens just dont want ppl in their forest.

E-Spec Wardens could be different to the original wardens in a similar way E-Spec druids do so there is no need to worry about lore here. Rather look at the mechanics and what could be improved.

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Ancient training seems a bit dull, something more exiting would be neat, like a immob on enemies or slow or something like that. Or maybe a buff to allies.

Also i would rather want to see barrier on the toxic trail instead of burning.

And you plant them down where you walk and they remain at this position and pop if enemies/allies walk through or time runs out. After the explosion they apply bartier to allies and poison to foes while creating a poisonfield.

Could also be just a line of spores you can place on the ground with 2 charges instead if a trail like scourge has.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I want to thank you all for the feedbacks :)


> @"derd.6413" said:

> from a lore perspective how do wardens differ from druids (lore wise, not mechanic wise)

Pretty much what InsaneQR and Voltaicbore said.


> @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> Ancient training seems a bit dull, something more exiting would be neat, like a immob on enemies or slow or something like that. Or maybe a buff to allies.

> Also i would rather want to see barrier on the toxic trail instead of burning.

> And you plant them down where you walk and they remain at this position and pop if enemies/allies walk through or time runs out. After the explosion they apply bartier to allies and poison to foes while creating a poisonfield.

> Could also be just a line of spores you can place on the ground with 2 charges instead if a trail like scourge has.

These proposals are very interesting, thanks for the feedback :)


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> @"kappa.2036" said:

> I want to thank you all for the feedbacks :)


> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > from a lore perspective how do wardens differ from druids (lore wise, not mechanic wise)

> Pretty much what InsaneQR and Voltaicbore said.


> > @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> > Ancient training seems a bit dull, something more exiting would be neat, like a immob on enemies or slow or something like that. Or maybe a buff to allies.

> > Also i would rather want to see barrier on the toxic trail instead of burning.

> > And you plant them down where you walk and they remain at this position and pop if enemies/allies walk through or time runs out. After the explosion they apply bartier to allies and poison to foes while creating a poisonfield.

> > Could also be just a line of spores you can place on the ground with 2 charges instead if a trail like scourge has.

> These proposals are very interesting, thanks for the feedback :)



While we are add it, explosive seeda from the dodge roll would have been a prime opportunity for a lesser toxic trail and thus i could imagine that some traits could be shuffled arround so this would benefit from the concecration trait.


And last to the GM that increases dmg: I like what you are getting add but it is jot healthy for the game to give ranger so many group buffs. We are already are strong in the support and dmg buff department, but weak in CC. A buff that give allies something like a basilisk venom would be neat or just aomething that improves group CC not outright dmg.

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> @"Ephemiel.5694" said:

> Why would you give Rangers a 2nd supporting spec?


Well the concept itself is more a tanky spec that supports. But i agree with you that the support part should just be focussed on barrier and CC support and nothing boon or heal related IMO.

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I think scepter/focus would be (a) more fitting weapon(s) for a Warden (or both - Warrior got two daggers with SB, and while I know the reason why they did get both, core ranger do lack mh weapon options if they were just to give us an off-hand).

Hammer can easily be worked into a different spec. The hammer skill suggestions are cool, though.

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> @"Lazze.9870" said:

> I think scepter/focus would be (a) more fitting weapon(s) for a Warden (or both - Warrior got two daggers with SB, and while I know the reason why they did get both, core ranger do lack mh weapon options if they were just to give us an off-hand).

> Hammer can easily be worked into a different spec. The hammer skill suggestions are cool, though.


Ill go for double mace still. Its an under represented weapon nowadays and no E-Spec got it thus far.

It would fit a warden and it would give more recombinatorial possibilities on weaponsets.

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> @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> > @"Lazze.9870" said:

> > I think scepter/focus would be (a) more fitting weapon(s) for a Warden (or both - Warrior got two daggers with SB, and while I know the reason why they did get both, core ranger do lack mh weapon options if they were just to give us an off-hand).

> > Hammer can easily be worked into a different spec. The hammer skill suggestions are cool, though.


> Ill go for double mace still. Its an under represented weapon nowadays and no E-Spec got it thus far.

> It would fit a warden and it would give more recombinatorial possibilities on weaponsets.


Not that I would mind, but the game's "nature magic profession" is also underrepresented with "magic weapons". The difference between the amount of scepter/focus professions and mace professions is only one, and scepter/focus haven't been given as elite spec weapons either.


Either way, the point is really just that the hammer and different martial art weapons can easily be worked into different ranger specs. Stereotypical magic weapons perhaps not so much, but a warden is one option.

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> @"Lazze.9870" said:

> > @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> > > @"Lazze.9870" said:

> > > I think scepter/focus would be (a) more fitting weapon(s) for a Warden (or both - Warrior got two daggers with SB, and while I know the reason why they did get both, core ranger do lack mh weapon options if they were just to give us an off-hand).

> > > Hammer can easily be worked into a different spec. The hammer skill suggestions are cool, though.

> >

> > Ill go for double mace still. Its an under represented weapon nowadays and no E-Spec got it thus far.

> > It would fit a warden and it would give more recombinatorial possibilities on weaponsets.


> Not that I would mind, but the game's "nature magic profession" is also underrepresented with "magic weapons". The difference between the amount of scepter/focus professions and mace professions is only one, and scepter/focus haven't been given as elite spec weapons either.


> Either way, the point is really just that the hammer and different martial art weapons can easily be worked into different ranger specs. Stereotypical magic weapons perhaps not so much, but a warden is one option.


Double scepter wouldbe sick too IMO. But i would make it melee still and CC oriented or atleast be melee to mid range like rev mace/axe set.

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