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Eater of Souls fight is too difficult.


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> @"Knuckle Joe.7408" said:

> > @"Sonic the Hedgehog.5169" said:

> >That:s not a solution. My build on my Dragonhunter is Soild but its no match up a boss that can heal as effectively as I can

> That's your problem right there, I'm assuming you're using defensive gear... he will outheal you, you need overwhelming DPS. I did this on a Zerker staff Ele on the first try, surely a dragonhunter would have a waaaaaaaaay easier time.



And im not gonna spend a lot of gold on Zerker Gear forget. If i have to buy shit to win. Then well im dobe with this darn boss for good. My survivablity isnt the problem.

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If this soul Eater was a request by the community to add a Broodmother Mechanic from that Hero Point in this story as a good idea I say it was the worst idea, They kitten over Guardians as all we have is a wimpy staff to stay at long range from getting too close, Melee is a death sentence.


Um, if you want range from a GRD ditch the staff and equip a longbow. Not sure what build/gear you use, but it sounds like you may be a little too "glassy." Maybe try marauder's gear, with a few soldier's trinkets. The only problem you should be having is figuring out the fight's "puzzle" mechanic to defeat a particular boss.



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> @Rylen.2147 said:

> Wait people find this fight hard? I killed him in almost 30 seconds using burn Firebrand. Just stack 30+ burn stacks on him and he dies fast, not sure what is supposed to make it hard at all...


brb...going to go start a new Guardian, get him to 80, unlock Firebrand, kit him out with the necessary gear for 30+ burn stacks, and slog through the prerequisite story steps.

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> @FANY.6524 said:

> > @"Sonic the Hedgehog.5169" said:

> They kitten over Guardians as all we have is a wimpy staff to stay at long range from getting too close, Melee is a death sentence.


> Use a scepter if you're playing guard. It's tons better.




Did it with a greatsword easily enough. Just stay in and deal damage until he does the leap. As soon as he does that, use the gs leap and a dodge to out range the heal. Then you can get back in to dps him. Save the leap to get away from the heal.

Doesn't take long to kill him this way


Note: the gs leap and a single dodge was enough for me to out range the heal. Aegis is helps if you have slow reactions

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I didn't have any trouble with this guy using greatsword as a soulbeast. I just saved GS 4 (counterattack) for the life siphon ability (when he opens the mouth in his stomach) and it blocked the channeled attack. Admittedly, I nearly died the first time he used this attack, but it only took the one time to figure out how to manage it.

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It took a while for me to get used to his attacks, but you need to watch for his big charge up skill and CC him immediately.


You can swap weapons in the hero panel instead of inventory. I swapped to hammer for the extra CC skill. I am not sure why they disabled inventory if the hero panel is still accessible.

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i never had to CC him at all! my first attempt was melee my second was with a bow... all i had to do was kite him keep my distance and wear him down. it was rather easy, when ever he went to heal with that sucking ability i just dodged back a couple times to get out of range and kept on hitting him at a distance and applying fire with my bow. fighting him at range in my opinion is the better option... i hope this helps!

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> @elrin.4750 said:

> Unfortunately, hard content/mechanic will always benefits the hardcore player or the casual who are natually good at games. I don't understand why ArenaNet just not use different modes:


> - Easy mode for those who just wants to go through the story

> - Normal mode for the way Anet designed it

> - Hard mode for those who live their life in GW2 (and award a cool gear, title or something )


> I bet this is not hard to implement, so why not just go with this.


Waste of development time. This is a learn to play issue. The fight is simple. Attack him until you see the circle telegraph under you, and run away from him ASAP so he can't use his health drain. Rinse and repeat. Killed him in less than 2 minutes on my Tempest.

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> @Suinz.5968 said:

> > @elrin.4750 said:

> > Unfortunately, hard content/mechanic will always benefits the hardcore player or the casual who are natually good at games. I don't understand why ArenaNet just not use different modes:

> >

> > - Easy mode for those who just wants to go through the story

> > - Normal mode for the way Anet designed it

> > - Hard mode for those who live their life in GW2 (and award a cool gear, title or something )

> >

> > I bet this is not hard to implement, so why not just go with this.


> Waste of development time. This is a learn to play issue. The fight is simple. Attack him until you see the circle telegraph under you, and run away from him ASAP so he can't use his health drain. Rinse and repeat. Killed him in less than 2 minutes on my Tempest.


There's nothing wrong with a bit of inclusiveness (which is what this game/company once stood for). And just because someone can't complete X content doesn't mean the issue is strictly L2P.


My biggest gripe with this instance is that you can't really help others through it.

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