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Eater of Souls fight is too difficult.


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> @Suinz.5968 said:

> Waste of development time. This is a learn to play issue. The fight is simple. Attack him until you see the circle telegraph under you, and run away from him ASAP so he can't use his health drain. Rinse and repeat. Killed him in less than 2 minutes on my Tempest.


I was running away at first with my Reaper and he was getting back to 100% every time until I went toe to toe with him. As soon as I saw the circle on the ground I switched to shroud and his break bar went down in about a second and he never stole life again ;) Until I worked that out the fight was going for about 15 minutes.



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> @Bloodtau.4672 said:

> Some of us don;t get quick cool down CC skills....


You and I do -- Rifle 4 and Flamethrower 3. Stack toughness via adaptive armor. Drop in two turrets to distract the Eater of Souls. Auto attack with rifle until the bar turns blue then hit 4. Swap to Flamethrower and auto attack until the bar turns blue, then hit 3. Swap back to rifle. Rinse and repeat. Medic Gyro as needed. I literally stood still for the entire boss fight. Burned him to the ground in less than 2 minutes.

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Fight was absolutely trivial on a zerk thief with p/p as secondary set (which I ended up camping). Headshot was enough to break his bar (which means that practically any minor daze will work). So I suspect that any class with on-demand instant cast interrupt will be fine (ie mesmer mantra). Note that the boss has a breakbar right before his leap. If you break it, he never even starts channeling lifesteal.


With that said, since not everyone has the access to these skills, the fight becomes very lopsided in difficulty. Can every class adapt to it? Sure. However it is a lot more difficult for some than others.


One GOOD thing about this boss, is that you can't facetank it and win.

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> @"Sarge shot Grif.6450" said:

> It was depressingly easy on my deadeye, seems like the class you fight him with is what can make it hard or just a joke.


I actually had the opposite experience. It was super hard on my deadeye I couldn't stay mobile fast enough.


Switched to daredevil (dash trait) and used double pistol and just kited and spammed 3 and he was then super easy.


Might be a good alternative strategy for any other thieves struggling with it.


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> @FANY.6524 said:

> > @"Sonic the Hedgehog.5169" said:

> They kitten over Guardians as all we have is a wimpy staff to stay at long range from getting too close, Melee is a death sentence.


> Use a scepter if you're playing guard. It's tons better.



As a Guardian, I gave the fight some thought last night (after ragequiting). I think range DPS is the only viable ways to defeat this boss. Thankfully, most classes have access to some form of this. For Guardians, we have Dragonhunter with long-range bow. Depending on your gear it puts out decent DPS and has CC abilities.


I'm going to try that tonight after work and report my findings.

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Everyone is talking about having to switch builds and change talents and use different weapons.


You should **NOT** have to do that to experience story content that you **PAID** for.


The fact that he appears to basically heal full off of 1 mistake, and is either a nightmare or a cakewalk for the classes in the game ruin the experience entirely. I would actually uninstall this game and never play it again before I'd be forced to replay this stupidly long mission with a different build that may or may not work. On top of that, I can't even use my inventory, so if I wanted to change my build in the mission, I can't.


Absolute trash design, it makes me wish these companies would actually test content. Who cares if the story is spoiled, 99% of players don't play for that anyway. Also he appears to punish me for using boons, but as a Scrapper I cannot really not use boons unless I simply use the elixir gun to run from him for the entire fight, which would take about an hour and won't be any fun at all.


Horrific, this alone has lowered my opinion of the expansion, which I was thinking rather highly of until this mess.

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> @"Kori Jenkins.9017" said:

> Everyone is talking about having to switch builds and change talents and use different weapons.


> You should **NOT** have to do that to experience story content that you **PAID** for.


> The fact that he appears to basically heal full off of 1 mistake, and is either a nightmare or a cakewalk for the classes in the game ruin the experience entirely. I would actually uninstall this game and never play it again before I'd be forced to replay this stupidly long mission with a different build that may or may not work. On top of that, I can't even use my inventory, so if I wanted to change my build in the mission, I can't.


> Absolute trash design, it makes me wish these companies would actually test content. Who cares if the story is spoiled, 99% of players don't play for that anyway. Also he appears to punish me for using boons, but as a Scrapper I cannot really not use boons unless I simply use the elixir gun to run from him for the entire fight, which would take about an hour and won't be any fun at all.


> Horrific, this alone has lowered my opinion of the expansion, which I was thinking rather highly of until this mess.


I disagree. Since the trait line overhaul a few years back it is clear that this game has become all about changing one's build and/or gear to suit the situation. Guild Wars 2 is about adaptability, and has been for some time.

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I beat this guy on my Guardian using solider gear, a great sword, and no cc's. It took me awhile to figure out something that worked, but since I never took enough damage to die I had a lot of time. Basically I realized he does this jump stomp thing every time before he starts to drain your life. So once he jumped you need to dodge his attack and start running/rolling away as quick as possible. The further away you are the less he heals from you. Also if you have a sword leap skill like the great sword 3 skill make sure to untarget him and you can use that to help yourself get further away. Also be careful about buffing yourself. The buffs should be applied right after he uses his life steal skill otherwise if the buff is still up after he starts stealing your life he gets those buffs too.


Overall I found this boss quite annoying as someone who has played lots of RPGs and MMORPGs. For a casual player I could see this being a hard fight. It is a little unforgiving compared to the other story mode boss fights. If I made one mistake he would gain a significant amount of health back. If I made several mistakes he would be at full life again. My suggestion is even though people are beating him it is a story mode boss, and while it doesn't need to be a cake walk this boss should be toned down a little either by increasing the cooldown of his life steal or change the percentage of life steal.

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I don't mind _some _difficult fights in a story here and there, but what bothers me, is there's a predictable pattern where every instance, bar few, has to have these, long drawn out fights with a boss(es) at the end. It becomes boring after a while and I was hoping there would be less of that and more focus on the actual story telling. But i still enjoyed the story for the most part, though not finished it yet, so i might be speaking too early.

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I haven't run into any problems thus far in GW2 but dodging and kiting as best I could and trying to hit him with CC when his bar showed up, I just couldn't do it as a Renegade. I spent so much time dodging and kiting that he didn't take *that* much damage and I couldn't stop him from healing or knock his break bar down in the 2 seconds it was up for. I eventually cheesed it but I still have no idea how it was SUPPOSED to go. My Elementalist friend simply CANNOT get through this fight. None of his CC takes out more than a pip on the bosses bar and he deals too little damage.


I'm all for tough fights but good lord don't throw it into the middle of the freaking story. Make it a bonus objective or hidden boss or something. Make it part of some post game side quest for a cosmetic item or what have you. But in the middle of the story? It's just acting as a huge roadblock for tons of people, and I still have yet to see a thorough explanation of how people find this "easy". "Oh I did it on my necro np" okay sure, but how?


It doesn't help that literally every video (save for one of some badass Chronomancer) shows people cheesing it. Sure, it might be a fun challenge to some and it's supposed to be hard and test people, but it's clearly too difficult right know. There shouldn't be such a huge roadblock in the story.

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> @Haoasakura.5784 said:

> you can get him to stuck in the cage by putting it between you two, then just use aoe abilities like 1 of TOJ


This ^


Lure it to the back of the cage ( Joko ) and quickly run to the front. It will try to move towards you and walked into the cage. Keep a safe distance from the cage and now you can kite him to death while eating popcorns :)


I failed twice and succeeded the third time when I used this method. To many players, this boss may be a walk in the park but to others, it is a struggle -_-

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I'm not having trouble with the interrupt, i just get massacred by the inhale. Is there any trick to it i just don't understand? Just pool dodges only for that? Range-based? Maybe my stubborn quest to do it as a sword weaver needs to come to an end.


Nevermind. Beat him with sword, just needed to devote everything to outranging that inhale. Good luck everybody :)

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> @Chrono.6928 said:

> > @"Sarge shot Grif.6450" said:

> > It was depressingly easy on my deadeye, seems like the class you fight him with is what can make it hard or just a joke.


> I actually had the opposite experience. It was super hard on my deadeye I couldn't stay mobile fast enough.


> Switched to daredevil (dash trait) and used double pistol and just kited and spammed 3 and he was then super easy.


> Might be a good alternative strategy for any other thieves struggling with it.



I used shadowstep, roll for initiative, withdraw and the new elite and I'm basically uncatchable.

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