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Eater of Souls fight is too difficult.


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> @Haoasakura.5784 said:

> you can get him to stuck in the cage by putting it between you two, then just use aoe abilities like 1 of TOJ


this one works, i was dodging him around the cage and he got stuck at the cage. at first i did a few aoe's and dodged allot

til i found out was was stuck at the cage.


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> @Decado.9304 said:

> > @"Kori Jenkins.9017" said:

> > Everyone is talking about having to switch builds and change talents and use different weapons.

> >

> > You should **NOT** have to do that to experience story content that you **PAID** for.


> Completely and utterly disagree with this. You should not be able to play start to finish without modifying a build, a skill or weapon choice on occasions dependent on the task/enemy you are faced with




you and most of the people that are saying similar stuff are delusional. This is a story mode in an instance, you shouldn't have to go gear yourself with stuff you don't have to beat an npc in a story mode, anyone doing this should be able to do it, especially with skills/traits available from that expansion. I beat this very easily with my mesmer and now I am trying it on my guardian and its ridiculously hard. I've tried a couple different trait loadouts and weapons. I saw what someone said about a greatsword earlier and I am going to try that, but like I said, I should be able to beat this npc with stuff that is introduced with this expansion or maybe stuff from this expansion plus core shit. I really like the fight other than that.

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it was honestly the hardest fight in game, but once i changed my build it was super easy. I don't mind 1 fight in the whole game where I have to build change. That seems reasonable.


(had trouble as deadeye thief but switched to daredevil thief with double pistol and dash trait and just kited him and spammed 3)

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Oh simple, have one def breaker skill and one movement/bunker skilll


Build for sustain hps and dps


When he starts trying to pull , you run or turtle

He will follow it by a an aoe jump use your def breaker skill here


Rinse and repeat

I got him down in two attempts because i did not know anything about the fight the first time around :P

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well i ended up getting it on guardian on my third or fourth attempt with him with the axe and torch. A couple tips for other guardians make sure you pump out some burning on him and when he goes to jump walk out of it and wait half a second then dodge roll with any luck you will also have aegis applied, the dodge roll evades his life drain and aegis blocks it, also i tried the axe trait from firebrand that dazes with the symbol, not too sure if it helped much, but i used it.

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Going around as a druid with a bunch of healing power and doing rather cruddy damage in at least mostly magi stuff. Great for open world and events, terrible for when you have to carve a path through enemies or missions. Needing to swap that all out for something else. Most glyphs to do cc take about as long to cast as the breaker bar. Then slap that with the low damage, can't quite break it. Granted I could just heal the crud out of any damage that is taken. Seems silly to need to snag a different set of gear and setup for one fight, then go through half an hour or so to get to it. Rather not need to go glass cannon to deal enough damage in the second window to knock him out, or rely on essentially a glitch to fight him.


If having to offer any suggestion for a solution, make the breaker last half a second to a second longer. Or the damage to carry over to the next time you get to bring it down. This would make it a little easier for lower damage dealers or those without instant cast CC abilities they can quickly cast.

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After figuring it out, he seems really easy as LB Ranger. Simply Long Range Shot and Rapid Fire (1,2) him all the time running backwards and staying away from him, as soon as the circle appears dodge away as far as possible, then if that ends Point Blank Shot (4) him to abort the following thing. Didn't restore a single percent of his health for me.

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> @Parlance.9584 said:

> The fight is literally a "do you know what cc is?" fight.

> When the blue bar pops up just use any sort of CC to stop him from healing.


Yep, exactly this. I will admit, it took me 2 down states to learn it. Fought him w/Scourge and got through it in one go after I started usin torch 5 as actual cc instead of burst. Torch 5 does do a fair bit of direct damage but it's cc was extremely valuable in this fight. So yeah, L2CC.

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I ask everyone struggling here to look into a DPS build for their class, and really try to pass this fight if you're still on it.


The better you get at DPSing, the easier the game becomes. You can ignore this boss entirely as a Holosmith for example, he dies almost instantly. The trick is to run pure damage gear and opt for burst heavy options. This boss is a regular mob if you can get a good rotation down.

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> @"Dr Freakenstein.7235" said:

> > @Decado.9304 said:

> > > @"Kori Jenkins.9017" said:

> > > Everyone is talking about having to switch builds and change talents and use different weapons.

> > >

> > > You should **NOT** have to do that to experience story content that you **PAID** for.

> >

> > Completely and utterly disagree with this. You should not be able to play start to finish without modifying a build, a skill or weapon choice on occasions dependent on the task/enemy you are faced with

> >

> >


> you and most of the people that are saying similar stuff are delusional. This is a story mode in an instance, you shouldn't have to go gear yourself with stuff you don't have to beat an npc in a story mode, anyone doing this should be able to do it, especially with skills/traits available from that expansion. I beat this very easily with my mesmer and now I am trying it on my guardian and its ridiculously hard. I've tried a couple different trait loadouts and weapons. I saw what someone said about a greatsword earlier and I am going to try that, but like I said, I should be able to beat this npc with stuff that is introduced with this expansion or maybe stuff from this expansion plus core kitten. I really like the fight other than that.


Delusional to ask for some challenge in a game?

To ask to use one of the basic mechanics of fighting (CC)?


No. He's absolutely right. Story or not it's not an interactive movie but a video game. A video game that's already way too easy compared to its ancestor.


This is one of the reason why people are complaining that games are too short or boring. If you faceroll everything or course its not gonna last long. Instead we get gross grinding requirement (HoT) to make up for that.

Realize that in most games that are considered classics today, if you die, you restart from the start or checkpoint. Dying in GW2, even in raids, just brings you back a few seconds/minutes before.

Its already WAY easier than it should be, please let there be some form or challenge once in an expansion.

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I had issues with this as well. I swapped 3 different builds on guardian and not a one made a dent. Sorry, 4. I tried my usual medi guard, fire brand burn and zerk, DH trap, DH burn, Spirit weps, zerker. I got him down as far as 72 % and then it went through my invlun and I got stuck and he went back to completely full health. There were also instances where his CD was not consistant and would either be one on top of the other or it would start and the stop half way through only to start again. I assume that was just a regular bug. I have no other ideas on how to get past him on a guardian. Ideas?

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I beat it on my first try because I didn't ignore blatantly obvious game mechanics. It's not a hard boss and it's hardly a boss to begin with. All you need is some CC and damage and it dies in maybe two or three breaks assuming you're not tanky (which, come on people, you really shouldn't be tanky in PvE the game isn't that punishing).

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> @Bratec.7136 said:

> > @Rylen.2147 said:

> > Wait people find this fight hard? I killed him in almost 30 seconds using burn Firebrand. Just stack 30+ burn stacks on him and he dies fast, not sure what is supposed to make it hard at all...


> trolling?


Not really, same here. Took me 2 attempts. I was just stacking some burning and using two dodges in a row to avoid soul consumption. Avoiding his "suck" skill is the key, and two dodges in a row are enough for that.

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