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Eater of Souls fight is too difficult.


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> @Alisoe.5083 said:

> > @Froh.3072 said:

> > - He's more than a nightmare in mesmer (he fully heals itself on illusions ... so a mesmer that can't use his illusions is kinda useless)

> >


> Well, he does heal on illusions, but only if you're either to close to him, or not CC'ing him.

> Either way i didn't have any problems against him as a mes/chrono.



Playing my Mes/Mirage i was getting thoroughly thrashed by him. BUT, then I saw the pattern. After that, he was easy. Don't panic because you don't get him the first time. Fight spoilers in the next paragraph.










1st, gear doesn't really matter, its utilty. He won't follow you from the clearing, so you can run far enough to get out of combat and change your skills. You can change weapons using the hero panel, but not from inventory. Take CC. The harder the better, but really almost anything seems to work. On my mes i used pistol and signet of domination. When he is about to jump at you a small orange circle appears. Hit him with pistol 5, the signet or with diversion shatter. Some timing is needed, but not much. It stuns him to inactivity and stops his attack. Doing this, I took him out in a minute or so. Even the worst dps class in this game can take him out.

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It is easy. He only heals if you get close during the bit where he pulls you in. When he does the jump... after that he does the bit where he pulls you and steals hp... When he does the jump start running out. Keep running as he is pulling you in. As long as you stat about 400 range away for the duration of the pull.... the healing it gets is minimal.

Just stop sitting on him during the bit where he drags you to him and its extremely easy. Did it on a spellbreaker just using the dagger 1 and nothing else.

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> @Bratec.7136 said:

> > @Rylen.2147 said:

> > Wait people find this fight hard? I killed him in almost 30 seconds using burn Firebrand. Just stack 30+ burn stacks on him and he dies fast, not sure what is supposed to make it hard at all...


> trolling?


No, i haven´t realized that there could be any problems with this "boss". Played with Warrior, broke CC bar, thing was dead in 30sec.

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After I noticed his rotation, and when he would syphon me in, I knew when to disengage and get away from him. After that, the fight was well easy in the way I wasn't going to die, but, took a while because he has a good amount of HP. Besides this is at the end of a very traumatic experience, and adds a lot of flavor to the story.

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I killed him on my core condition engineer last night. Was a pretty easy fight. Got him to ~50% and I died because I screwed up my dodge timing, but I quickly ressed and finished him off before he could heal.


Lots of good advice in this thread on how to beat him, but basically time your dodges well and don't waste endurance needlessly. Use CC on his break bar, and stay on the move when possible.

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> @drgast.1469 said:

> Personally, this is a fantastic fight. I absolutely adore bosses that require me to actually think about what I'm doing and how to kill it. It's not a faceroll fight, but it's really not that difficult either once you get the mechanics down, which aren't that complicated.


Agreed. I'll admit the first time dealing with this boss made me ragequit. But after rethinking my strat I was able to mix it up and defeat it.

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> @"Dr Freakenstein.7235" said:

> > @Decado.9304 said:

> > > @"Kori Jenkins.9017" said:

> > > Everyone is talking about having to switch builds and change talents and use different weapons.

> > >

> > > You should **NOT** have to do that to experience story content that you **PAID** for.

> >

> > Completely and utterly disagree with this. You should not be able to play start to finish without modifying a build, a skill or weapon choice on occasions dependent on the task/enemy you are faced with

> >

> >


> you and most of the people that are saying similar stuff are delusional. This is a story mode in an instance, you shouldn't have to go gear yourself with stuff you don't have to beat an npc in a story mode, anyone doing this should be able to do it, especially with skills/traits available from that expansion. I beat this very easily with my mesmer and now I am trying it on my guardian and its ridiculously hard. I've tried a couple different trait loadouts and weapons. I saw what someone said about a greatsword earlier and I am going to try that, but like I said, I should be able to beat this npc with stuff that is introduced with this expansion or maybe stuff from this expansion plus core kitten. I really like the fight other than that.


"L2P" on this boss fight isn't meant to insult your skills, but more about telling you the fight has nothing to do with your gear and everything to do with thinking and strategy. For starters, every class has some form of range and conditional damage plus CC abilities. So it's up to you to figure how to make that work for this encounter.

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There is a little pointing rock formation (looks like a claw/tooth sticking out of the ground) just opposite the stairs from jokos prison. Get on top of that and spam ranged attacks. Don't use any boon giving abilities, in fact only use your "1" skill/auto attack until he dies. His jump attack AOE will hit you for little damage and his soul leech will not pull you off. Just make some coffee and wait till he's dead :)

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> @FANY.6524 said:

> **Spoilers. I mean, obviously, but you know... Precautions. **


> For those wanting to bring party members, it won't help. They'll be turned into little kitten of spirit light with few abilities and none are particularly helpful.


This is true. I was one of the spirit light things. Although as Fany.6524 said, the skills are not particularly helpful, when you stay on top of the commander and spam your three skills it does make things go faster and doesn't split the Soul Eater's attention. The first couple of times we attempted to kill the Eater we were running around separately. He would change who he focus on constantly. When we stayed together he went down a lot faster.


Two of the skills buff the commander and the other weakens the Soul Eater.


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> @Draakfire.3691 said:

> I had issues with this as well. I swapped 3 different builds on guardian and not a one made a dent. Sorry, 4. I tried my usual medi guard, fire brand burn and zerk, DH trap, DH burn, Spirit weps, zerker. I got him down as far as 72 % and then it went through my invlun and I got stuck and he went back to completely full health. There were also instances where his CD was not consistant and would either be one on top of the other or it would start and the stop half way through only to start again. I assume that was just a regular bug. I have no other ideas on how to get past him on a guardian. Ideas?


Hello, hello


With my Guardian (sword/shield): I simply applied the burns and interrupted his AOE with the shield bubble (#5). I believe the fight lasted perhaps slightly more then one minute. I was concerned when I started the event due to the comments listed in this thread, however in the end, it was really a straight forward fight.


Hope this helps.


Cheers :)

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This was honestly a really easy boss, took probably 30-45s to kill in as a melee. I suggest examining your build and gear choices if you had trouble, and honestly there's probably some l2p there too.


I actually saw this thread before I got to that part of the story and was wondering what the hubub was about. Imagine my disappointment when it was so faceroll.

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I think some of the problem is most of keep bank expresses in our shared inventory spots and keep our spare gear there. So players got stuck with the weapons equipped since this is the first time ever we've been locked from our inventory. Coupled with the fact that this happened in the second half of a potentially long personal story instance depending on how long you take against Balthazar, and it becomes frustrating.


I'm a so so player and it took me about an hour to get through Balthazar. As a scepter/warhorn tempest. Running mostly a mix of exotic and ascended assassin's and Berzerker's gear. Scepter is legendary, though.


What made me frustrated with Eater of Souls was that I had already spent an hour with Balthazar and there wasn't anything showing what the mechanics were. It wasn't obvious for the fight that he would always try to do his health steal after the jump that's telegraphed.


I switched to an exotic staff of some stats after a try or two to try to range, but my ability to stay at range is horrible.


I then put hero points into Weaver since more conditions. Can't remember if I switched to scepter/dagger before or after the instance though as I do have a Clerics dagger in my inventory.


The fight wasn't hard, it was just frustrating after the Balthazar fight and not being able to leave to buy new equipment for new strategies.

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I HATE bosses that require very SPECIFIC approach : /that's very characteristic to Asian games. Blah. I want to fight, not solve a puzzle while my char. almost gets killed zillion times :/ And now, I have to do this nasty story part 3rd time! I wish I could just switch to the Soul Eater fight, not fight Balthazar and have all these idiotic conversations again. It made a great impression on me the 1st time, but it's just pissing me off now...

I use my Guardian for the story, since I'm kinda the best with him, but damn. Try not to use boons with a guardian.... I prepared for Balthazar for the 2nd approach and it went quick, but then there is no way to change my build for the soul eater! What kind of an idea is that?!?!?!

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Easy for ranged, cancer for melee. I figured that out early but was stuck as Scrapper without being able to swap weapons let alone spec. So not only was it gimmicky mechanics that aren't melee friendly but he was also getting dozens of might stacks in the process. Basically forces checkpoint zerging if you're not terribly skilled at timing CC's. Interesting concept overall but poor design.

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> @Bloodtau.4672 said:

> Can you perhaps tone it down a little? not to mention it being at the end of a painfully long story mission so I can't exactly quit tom get a party formed as it will take me another hour to get to this point.


Every class has the ability to bar break. Learn how to and you will beat easy cheese. You need break his bar during the drain or he will heal. The game is teaching you to flexible. Gone are the days of just DEEEEEEEPPPPPPPPPPPPPSSSSSSSSSSSS cannons. You need to learn how to use all the skills in your tool kit.

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I thought I was a pretty mediocre player until reading this thread, I have to say.

I did not find this boss tricky. I actually thought it was one of the easiest fights so far (in PoF storyline).

He was very squishy. To the point where I was actually surprised at how fast I was taking him down. He tried his heal thing on me once but when I noticed he was doing it, I just ran as far away from him as I could, then ran back and finished him off.

I play a mesmer (not chronomancer or mirage yet) with scepter/focus and all exotic gear except for a few ascended trinkets/rings. I focus on condition damage with my stats. I wasn't using any buffs. I didn't even use the move speed buff skill from focus when I ran away from him. I just ran for it.


I have a ranger, too. And I might try it with her just to see if it's a different experience. Does the longbow knockback skill work on him? Seems like that might be an easy solution for a ranger.


Maybe I'm missing something, but this fight was not a problem for me at all. To the people who say "I play a certain way and I don't want to change. The game should just suit any way I choose." I don't really understand your reasoning, I guess. I think it's nice to be given a challenge now and then.


Also, as a side note: this was a really beautiful chapter in the storyline. I assume whoever wrote the storyline won't be reading this thread, but I really wish I could let them know how much I really did enjoy it. Going through and watching my story again like that was really touching for me, and I really enjoyed it. Hats off to whoever wrote it. It was a really nice part of the story, despite the whole, inconvenient "dying" thing.

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I had no issue with this guy, sure he killed me once... but after that then I just moved out of range when he tried to sap me. I was running a somewhat survivable daredevil staff/SB at the time. This was way simpler than fussing about with his break bar (my only real skills capable of breaking his bar probably were the stealth skills and thieves guild, but frankly if running away works why bother at all :P)

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