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New to Necro/scourge need help badly please


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Ok im verry new to this game aswell as scourge and im trying to figure out what gear should i get just as a starter set cuz i recently hit 80 and pretty much still using a couple pieces well every piece below lvl 70 lol i kno i need to get a viper set (idk how to do that) but i also need a gear set just for now. I have a little over 100 gold hopefully i can get something ? Any help is greatly appreciated.

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Use Desert reward tracks when you can. (PvP WvW) It's the best way to get expensive gear with those stats.

The end chests have gear that let you select all different stats.

Can complete those tracks in pvp unranked , ranked does go faster.


I assume you are playing condition scourge so viper seems fine to me. (PvE)


Don't spend money on expensive gear or crafting it when you don't have all materials..

While playing pvp to get the gear you like .

You could check lvl 80 condition gear to use in PvE at the Black Lion Comp. should not go above a couple gold per piece.


For trinkets:

https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Black_Diamond (substitute)




The new zone Sirens Landing vendors have amulets that can select Vipers too i believe. (PvE)





There are also armor vendors in WvW that are not too expensive , but not sure if they sell viper. (needs wvw currencies)


Depending on your build.. condition damage vs duration.



This is a threat that discusses exactly what you are looking for:



Hope this helps a bit.

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I just bought a set of dire/shammans gears with some apocothary tossed in as well. More of a healer scourge with some condi. I picked up a couple sort of spendy weaps (18g ea) cause they looked cool, and it only set me back around 40g. These were exotics for the gear i should add. Trinkets and such i had (asc) from wvw drops and purchases already. This was also gearing for wvw i should add too, as i wanted to try condi scourge instead of rolling in my power gear.

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also for trinkets i suggest living world story 3.

because they are considerably fast to farm (especially bitterfrost frontier. 50berries per character per day. 10min each. one ring, one earring and a backpiece i believe), you can chose the stats you want, and they are already ascended.


the best amulet and ring is from bloodstone fen, because you can reset the blood ruby trinkets with 100 unbound magic and re-select stats on them, if you ever want to .(but remove infusions first, with an item from a fractal vendor (24silver) - you dont need any fractal lvl for that. just go into the fractal portal and look out for the vendor).


be aware, a ring/earring can only be worn once. unless you use one infused and one not infused ring of the same type

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Welcome to GW2 hope you are enjoying the ride. :)


Since you are a new player and still learning buttons, skills, utilities, combos, events, monsters, instances and so on I would suggest that you go do some dungeons runs get the dungeon currency and buy yourself a dungeons exotic armor set. That would cost some time (about two weeks) and 0 gold. Scourge can be be either power or condition damage but I believe for a new player **condition might be a more safe approach** plus I believe scourge is more condition orientated class.


For stats it's not imperative to go with Viper right now - you can aim for an ascended Viper Set later on. You can start with a more 'protective' stat like **Rabid**

(Condition Damage, Precision, Toughness) if you go for condition damage or **Carrion** (Condition, Power, Vitality) which is more hybrid damage or **Knight** (Power, Precision, Toughness) if you go for Power.


So overall get a cheap exotic set with one of the above stats and start playing your class and familiarize with it - should take some time to achieve that but necro is a very enjoyable class providing a lot of fun moments.

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> @"Cyi.7814" said:

> Ok im verry new to this game aswell as scourge and im trying to figure out what gear should i get just as a starter set cuz i recently hit 80 and pretty much still using a couple pieces well every piece below lvl 70 lol i kno i need to get a viper set (idk how to do that) but i also need a gear set just for now. I have a little over 100 gold hopefully i can get something ? Any help is greatly appreciated.


if you like pvp i recommend doing the rewards to get armor and gold that or dungeon runs

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