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Please add event timers like you did for SAB

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One very good thing that appeared with SAB was the timer that marked the end.

Could you please for future events such as this double XP week end.

And event better in the week before an event could you add a "incoming : SAB event" event (SAB here is just an example) with a timer so that we know in game when thing starts and end withour having to look elsewhere ?


You did it with SAB so the technology should already be there.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The game shoudl get improved in GENERAL with a n ingame timer function, for the world bosses, for specific events ect., that when you activate them, that the game will give you like x minutes before your markec activity begins, you receive an ingame message to remember you on your activity you want to do... basically working like some kind of ingame schedule book/ date book system


This way we woudl not need anymore to use any kind of silyl third party websites, just to get to know, when some events in this game are about to start.. the game itself should inform the player when an activity or event is about to sttart, so that the player can get to the neccessary location for it in about time, without needign to look extra in the internet on third party sites, just to get the information, that you need, which the game itself could tell the player as well too, if just such a gameplay feature woudl be finally part of this game as a menu to open via a button press, like - press T for example for time limit menu, where a windo pops up that allows you to set up situations in which the game should inform you automatically .

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