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Meta events?


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> @Rennie.6750 said:

> My experience with meta events:


> Want to get to a vista or mastery point? Nope, kitten and blocked by the meta event.


> Want to do your story? Meta event spawns tons of crap you have to kill to get to objectives because reasons.


> Want to get some xp? All you can do is the meta events, nobody does anything else.


> Okay so now you painfully went through all this, maybe you're going to give a try to the kitten meta event. Of course there are like 5 people on your map painfully trying to do it. It won't work, so you open LFG, 1 group is on a full map and the second one is already done, so no meta event for you today.


> I don't miss them. In fact, good effing riddance!


I agree with you on this fully. I gave up counting how many times I had to change maps till I got to a map I could do what I need to do with regards to vistas and mastery points and story as well as living story :# this is why I am so glad their is not one in path of fire pack . and hope #anet keeps it that way too !!

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Honestly, there is this big misconception that "the players" hated HoT because of the metas. That is not true from what I've heard. What most people I've talked to didn't like about HoT was the complex, multi-leveled maps and how the mini-map wasn't able to clearly tell what was going on when you move around.


Metas, on the contrary, people seem to love universally. Both in terms of players I've talked to, and IRL friends who also play the game. So had they simply made HoT-styled metas on these maps, they would've been in a win-win situation.

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^Exactly. Too complex maps (but I mean here almost only TD) were indeed bad. But be honest - PoF maps will be dead very soon while thx to metas - HoT maps will be alive until next meta maps in another expansion ;P


I love exploration, really, I hate too much replayability, it is simply stupid to farm for example fractal 40 for hours long. But we need gold for many things. Gift of fortune? Even the griffon cost 250g. The list is looong. They could have added ANYTHING worth doing, so that we could jump a bit HoT a bit PoF a bit F40 a bit SW.

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> @Ahlen.7591 said:

> These are the "Explore once and never return" style maps. They're neat at first but once the honeymoon phase wears off they'll be completely empty and dead and everyone will be back to HoT/SW.


And that's *horribly* sad because they are beautiful maps. I want to be in them! But I've run the bounties a few times and, for the most part when you have 40ish people with you, you're just playing "Whack this big mother-f'er, dodge back, heal, whack some more!" It's not fun. It's not challenging. (Obviously, this is my opinion, but it's an opinion that's shared by more than just myself.)


I'm in a guild that always runs group content. We run hero point/mastery trains in HoT maps and do DS and other metas. We were incredibly excited about new group content in PoF, but what we found is extremely lacking. I assume we'll get new raids for these maps eventually, but that's not really the massive, open world events we have come to know and love.


Meta events aren't for everyone, and that's fair. There should be some balance between maps for people who prefer to do chain events and bounty-type hunts and for those who love large scale meta events. I am in no way saying that we need a meta for every map.

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I'm the type of person who enjoys content for what it is. I very much enjoy the HoT maps. I am so far enjoying the PoF maps. I will spend hours upon hours in PoF. Having said that, I am somewhat disappointed that there are no meta type events. A meta event does not need to consume an entire map. A small corner of a couple of the maps could have had some sort of world boss or other meta event without affecting the other 90% of the map.


Edit: I may have spoken too soon. The events listed below may be exactly what I was thinking of for smallish meta events.

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> @Shampanix.3928 said:

> This could interest you folks:




I'm going to check these out with some guildies today (hopefully they'll pop).


EDIT: Did further reading and would certainly not compare these to the Temple events in Orr like some did. These events are small and don't seem to give much in the way of rewards. I was truly hoping for something on the scale of Orr metas, in the very least, and was disappointed with what I found.

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People acting like the meta events of HoT would be copy pasted into PoF or something.


Honestly, all I want are some really neat chain events, with an epic ending. I don't need it to effect the whole damn map. I just want an epic open world experience. Currently, PoF feels more akin to the beginning of a standard MMO, than new lands of GW2. Nothing feels impactful on the map, and its rather barren. Small to medium sized meta events could easily change this.

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why don't you guys play the events on the maps (all of the maps), finish them, see what the loot is and after complain on the forums. I'm so sick and tired of all these people, not even 1 week in the expac and already making statements about POF and future bla bla bla. If you do not like the way the maps or events look, go back to HOT or SW. Maybe POF is not your thing. I love the expac, I love what Anet did here, this is amazing. All the maps feel alive, the events are so awesome (and I only did like 20% of them - not even). Enjoy the maps, enjoy the expac and stop all the stress with what POF will be in 1 year :)

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> @"Emperor Palpatine.5329" said:

> why don't you guys play the events on the maps (all of the maps), finish them, see what the loot is and after complain on the forums. I'm so sick and tired of all these people, not even 1 week in the expac and already making statements about POF and future bla bla bla. If you do not like the way the maps or events look, go back to HOT or SW. Maybe POF is not your thing. I love the expac, I love what Anet did here, this is amazing. All the maps feel alive, the events are so awesome (and I only did like 20% of them - not even). Enjoy the maps, enjoy the expac and stop all the stress with what POF will be in 1 year :)


Kinda agree, tho everyone has a right of their opinion of course. It's just weird to me that people are already complaining after playing the expansion for like 4(!) days. I played throughout the weekend, but haven't even finished all of the zones yet...on my main char! And I've got like 7 more to go. Plus...I love the entire game, so I also do fractals, pvp, WvW, older map exploration, etc. There's just so much content. People complained after HoT, and now again. Sometimes it seems like everyone just comes to these forums to complain about stuff (elite specs, maps, meta chains, etc). Not trying to offend anyone honestly, I just don't get it.


In case it doesn't get said enough: thank you A-net for another great expansion!

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I also believe some major/global map events should be present in at least some part of new maps.


I mean, I get it that you still have HoT/Orr/SW to farm, but frankly speaking I would like to spend as much time in PoF maps as I did in HoT. Especially when they're so beautiful and resemble original GW1 maps so much (got me all sentimental).


However, judging by the current content, it ain't gonna happen.

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> @"Emperor Palpatine.5329" said:

> why don't you guys play the events on the maps (all of the maps), finish them, see what the loot is and after complain on the forums. I'm so sick and tired of all these people, not even 1 week in the expac and already making statements about POF and future bla bla bla. If you do not like the way the maps or events look, go back to HOT or SW. Maybe POF is not your thing. I love the expac, I love what Anet did here, this is amazing. All the maps feel alive, the events are so awesome (and I only did like 20% of them - not even). Enjoy the maps, enjoy the expac and stop all the stress with what POF will be in 1 year :)


Meta events normally aren't exactly hidden. Which is the entire point of this thread, it's even the title.

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So maybe the actual issue is with the loot system. Like I said I only did 20% of the events on the POF maps, as I am trying to get all maps completed with all 8 toons, but yesterday I did some smaller metas (they are all meta events BTW) and even if the actual events is nice and can be played in larger zerg groups or just smaller parties, the loot given at the end is not that great. The bounties are hard, I tried the Facet for the Griff achievement and even with squad (maybe 10 - 15 people) we failed. 2 more min and would have done it. So I think Anet just needs to balance out the loot system and stop giving crap and just increase the drop rate of more valuable stuff. That will for sure make people play more POF maps in the next months. Because, even if some players like the idea of a non full map, full squad event (like Gerent and Octo) they will for sure leave these beautiful maps for the crappy auric octo because of the loot system. Did anyone tried the Mouth of Torment meta chain?

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It's kind of a shame that there isn't a big meta event on any of the new maps, I'd have expected at least one of the five maps to follow the HoT style. Quite a few people like the HoT kind of map and would like it if the expansion provided something new in that style.


It doesn't have to be all or nothing, the expansion could have accommodated both styles of content.

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