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Elite spec idea: Dervish (Transform into Legends!)

Kain Francois.4328

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So I been thinking about who could possibly be the next Rev spec. And with all the recent Scythe skins added to the game, I was thinking about candidates who could actually use scythes.


And it came to me: The Dervish!


Hear me out. The Dervish would be a perfect match for the Revenant. It solves the most major problem adapting the Dervish into GW2: Transformations. What if instead of transforming into the gods, we could transform into our legends with our f5 key?


Similar to Celestial Avatar, after reaching 100% energy, you press f5 and **transform into the Avatar of Shiro Togachi** until energy runs out?


Each legend could have its own unique weapons skill bar and appearance.


As for the weapon, since scythes do not exist a weapon type in GW2, I'm proposing that the Dervish elite spec get Greatsword as the next closest thing. People have been requesting Greatswords a lot on Revenant, and I don't see them not getting it.


For the Legend, choosing a famous Dervish is a little more difficult. Verash is too similar to Mallyx, and Melonni's personality is too boring. So I'm proposing something completely left field: The Dervish from the Nightfall cover: https://wiki.guildwars.com/images/d/d7/Dervish_render.jpg Give her a name, personality, and backstory. I've always wanted to learn about this character and she's iconic enough. This is the perfect opportunity.


I imagine for the actual Dervish Legend's skills, they could revolve around stripping their own boons to deal lots of damage, much like the original dervish did in GW1.


Anyway, what do you think? Could transforming into Legends be a way to interpret Dervish in GW2? And how baddass would it be to play as Jalis Ironhammer or Shiro Tagachi?

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I must say the idea of transformations is appealing. I mean, who has not dream to actually BE shiro Tagachi? I did.

On the other hand, having three shiro tagachi walking around in open world and be taken down would be pretty disappointing...


Would he suit the dervish's concept? Well... not really. Dervish could become temporarly the avatar of the gods because of their faith. Sure, this type of power requires the the type of abilities the dervish has and this new spec could be see as revenant using the legacy of dervish. But should we call them dervish. I don't think so. Because, in lore (both in gw and reality), dervish has two essential traits: religious behaviour and moves. The first one in particular is an issue (just look at guardian).


The essence of revenant specs is to introduce a new legends that exemplifies the new abilities of the profession. Here, it would be more someone sharing a deep connection with the mists of and the past, searching for inspirations in legend. I can't think in someone in particular but that's certainly not dervish.


As for your legend suggestion...hell no. No one want a legend that came out of nowhere. The dervish from the nighfall cover, if not a mercenary (i'm not sure about that, but the assassin from factions cover is actually vizu) is just the typical dervish. It's not a legend.


I used to love dervish myself but I would prefer if players stopped inventing everything and using potential specs to bring it back. Dervish belong in the past. Maybe we should accept that.


Have a nice day

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As legend id say take razah. He is a being of the mists and he can be a dervish if you wish so if i recall correctly.

But generally is he very versatile.

Id say call him legendary avatar and instead of getting a new legend we get glyphs that can be used in every legend and the legendary avatar is the profession mechanic that gives us temporarely new skills depending an legend used by channeling razah and our other legend at once.


So our F2 is entering the legendary avatar stance and there are traits for avatar skills and traits for glyphs indipendently. Glyphs can be used in exchange for every legend skill. They have different effects for each legend.

Note that ventari should get an auto resummon on tablet boom to make this work.


Traits that affect certain legend skills also affect the avatarskills because they also count as legendskills of current legend used. Swapping legends could break avatarmide but it could also just switch avatarmode to next legend, would fit razahs theme.


So to take count:

4 new avatar skill rows plus a row of glyph skills makes 25 new skills. Plus a row of GS makes 30. This is nearly double the amount of current skills.


I would take it without giving it a second thought.

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Hey look, it's another "Please make Revenant into my Dervish and/or Ritualist from GW1 thread...!" Although this thread does get bonus points for also managing to rope in the GREATSWUURD as well, lulz. :astonished:


But seriously, if you want a playstyle that involves stripping your own boons to burst down opponents with a greatsword, you should try making a Spellbreaker... It's like, literally what most of them do in PvP; [Natural Healing](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Natural_Healing "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Natural_Healing") to proc [Attacker's Insight](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Attacker%27s_Insight_(effect) "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Attacker%27s_Insight_(effect)") to proc your face into the ground with an Arc Divider. You could even buy the Dervish outfit to go the extra mile and really turn your fantasies into reality.

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> @"narcx.3570" said:

> Hey look, it's another "Please make Revenant into my Dervish and/or Ritualist from GW1 thread...!" Although this thread does get bonus points for also managing to rope in the GREATSWUURD as well, lulz. :astonished:


People want their favorite class back.


It'd be like if they rolled GW3 and it didn't have Mesmer.


Also, in case of the Rit, Revenant was kinda begging for it since its inception.

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> @"Kain Francois.4328" said:

> > @"narcx.3570" said:

> > Hey look, it's another "Please make Revenant into my Dervish and/or Ritualist from GW1 thread...!" Although this thread does get bonus points for also managing to rope in the GREATSWUURD as well, lulz. :astonished:


> People want their favorite class back.


> It'd be like if they rolled GW3 and it didn't have Mesmer.


> Also, in case of the Rit, Revenant was kinda begging for it since its inception.


(profession* :3 )


and I am still in favour of the idea of Rev getting Master Togo, becoming a Ritualist and focusing on Crowd Control with a Focus off-hand, The MAIN issue I see in this though is.. What would the utilities be?


Glint gave us Signets, Which arguably are urns ( Effect on activate and for duration, then on drop/usage)


and Kalla the random charr instead of turai, gave us summons, yes supportive summons, but still summons., the only other thing I could think of would be like Spirit weapons and MAYBE ritualist hexes, like F2-4 being weapons(like attunements idk) and then hexes because.... Idk, They already haveboth main ritualist things there, Ashes and Spirits.

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