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[EU][DD] Drunken Dragons | returning and rebuilding | New/Returning Player Friendly |

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we still got spots available for **Active** people (that wont abandonthe game) to join us and play with us!

we often **open spots** for **creative ,responsible and trustworth**y players to apply for our _Officer _ranks !

Check the first post to see guild activities and requirements and in case u think u can fit in our guild ,

Leave a comment below, or send in game mail or whisper to one of the following **Dragon**s :#


* Felhoof

* Aliena Blackwind,

* Graperoot

* Sacred Demon Blue

* Protozoa

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> @"Diume.1478" said:

> I am looking a guild to join!

> Currently playing conditional/healing Revenant.

> Still unlocking elite specializations tho.


> @"Maden.6209" said:

> I would really love to join you guys. If you don't mind me not being a newbie and still not knowing anything about the game, that is :sweat_smile:

hi guys thank you for applying! you are welcome to join us ,since we got a few spots open again :)


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1. We are still recruiting new members to join **our active community :)**

2. We currently looking for experienced , creative, friendly and trustworthy players to join our **Officer ranks** as we've recently opened a few positions :#

3. We are now looking for more players who are interested in joining our **Newly Core Raiding Group** on Saturdays. We are new to raiding ,and we started from scratch. We currently doing Spirit Vale(Forsaken Thicket) on **Saturdays 6:00 PM EU Server Time**. we are looking for new or veterans that can actually be online on most Saturdays or Backup to replace an open Spot in case someone didn't manage to come online or be on time. [ We are looking forward to create another raiding group, day/time will be voted by the people )

4. Check the first post to see guild activities and requirements and in case u think u can fit in our guild ,

comment below or in-game mail or /w one of the following dragons:

* Felhoof

* Aliena Blackwind,

* Graperoot

* Sacred Demon Blue

* Protozoa

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> @"Weeping Demon.1978" said:

> Hey there! Your guild sounds really fun, and I'd very much like to join if you still have a spot open :) I'm a returning player and I just bought the expansion and I'm hooked again! I'm active and friendly and enjoy doing stuff together in groups. Looking forward to an invite :) Have a nice day!


Thanks again for applying ! hope to see you with us soon! Cheers :#

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Me and 2 friends of mine are looking for a guild that searches for (also unexperienced) players for raids, so you sound exactly like the thing we're looking for^^ would like to have a talk :) How many active guild members are u atm and do you mainly need raid "backup" or would there be a regular opportunity to join the raids (rotating rosters or something like this) ?





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> @"LPTimme.6173" said:

> Me and 2 friends of mine are looking for a guild that searches for (also unexperienced) players for raids, so you sound exactly like the thing we're looking for^^ would like to have a talk :) How many active guild members are u atm and do you mainly need raid "backup" or would there be a regular opportunity to join the raids (rotating rosters or something like this) ?


> Greetings,


> Tim

It depends on the days I cant be certain for sure, usually daily we have over 30 people at nights, sometimes even more and timezone is a thing aswell . We aim to get the activity even higher ,and that's the reason there is a rule: we kick inactive people that are offline for over a month unless they inform us (if there is a reason behind the inactivity). for the raid ,we don't need mainly back up, I just mentioned it in case that someone still wants to raid but cant attend to every run. We are all eager to work on our member's needs so everyone can enjoy any gw2 content.


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hello, i would like to join, i'm a returning player after 3 years with 3 lvl 80 chars and some asc gear (69 ar on my necro).

i'm interested in just some casual fun (pve pvp wvw) and maybe raiding (tbh i am a pretty hardcore player in all of the games i played it's just that my work doesn't allow me to dedicate so much time into the game)

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Heya, returning player here! I've played GW1 since 2006/2007 or so, and GW2 since launch, but I used to play both a bit on and off since I had no idea what I was doing really :'). Now, with the release of PoF and the recent LW releases, and discovering Wooden Potatoes' Youtube content, I am getting more hyped than ever to play Guild Wars again. I recently started a new second character, a necro, since I didn't know what to do with my first character (lvl 80 Dragonhunter). So many things changed since I last played, so starting a new character seemed like the right way to go. I am normally pure solo pve, and I've never done any dungeons, fractals, raids, farms, proper pvp and wvw, and I want to do all that!! And for that, and to enhance the social aspect of the game, I am looking for an active, fun guild and this seems like the perfect guild. I also think dragons are pretty brutal and I sure like having a few drinks!


So if I can join that would be awesome :)

NB: my playtime is limited the coming month as I am finishing my bachelor's degree rn, but that should pick up again in a month or so and I do try to play a few evenings this month., hope it's not a problem :)

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Hi, I'm interested in joining, new to the game and recently level 80. I'm still learning how things work in this game but I'm a very quick learner. I have a lot of experience in high end raiding and PvP from world of warcraft. I am a more casual player these days due to work but I am active and online most nights and weekends. Would be looking for help to find my way around and would be happy to help others.

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Hi there! I am interested in joining your guild. I am mainly active in night time and weekends due to work. Would love to try fractals and raid with other guild members, trying to avoid LFG for doing those contents tbh. I have 3 characters lvl 80 (Thief, Guardian, and Necro) and an Engineer in progress. Hope I can join your guild ^^

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Hi, I'm interested in joining but have little experience (mostly exploraton, a little dungeon-running) and am returning to the game after a while. I started from scratch, with no characters but 2 max-level boosts. I used to play gw2 casually a couple of years ago and would love to learn more about the game's advanced content in good company ;).

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1. We are still recruiting new members to join **our active community :)**

2. We currently looking for experienced , creative, friendly and trustworthy players to join our **Officer ranks** as we've recently opened a few positions :#

3. We are now looking for more players who are interested in joining our **Newly Core Raiding Group** on Saturdays. We are new to raiding ,and we started from scratch. We currently doing Spirit Vale(Forsaken Thicket) on **Saturdays 6:00 PM EU Server Time**. we are looking for new or veterans that can actually be online on most Saturdays or Backup to replace an open Spot in case someone didn't manage to come online or be on time. [ We are looking forward to create another raiding group, day/time will be voted by the people )

4. Check the first post to see guild activities and requirements and in case u think u can fit in our guild ,

comment below or in-game mail or /w one of the following dragons:

* Felhoof

* Aliena Blackwind,

* Graperoot

* Sacred Demon Blue

* Angel.3897

* Protozoa

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1. We are still recruiting new members to join our active community

2. We currently looking for experienced , creative, friendly and trustworthy players to join our Officer ranks as we've recently opened a few positions

3. We are now looking for more players who are interested in joining our Newly Core Raiding Group on Saturdays. We are new to raiding ,and we started from scratch. We currently doing Spirit Vale(Forsaken Thicket) on Saturdays 6:00 PM EU Server Time. we are looking for new or veterans that can actually be online on most Saturdays or Backup to replace an open Spot in case someone didn't manage to come online or be on time. [ We are looking forward to create another raiding group, day/time will be voted by the people )

4. Check the first post to see guild activities and requirements and in case u think u can fit in our guild ,

comment below or in-game mail or /w one of the following dragons:


Aliena Blackwind,


Sacred Demon Blue



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Hello there @"Warpriestheo.9348" !


I'm an old school GW1 player that really loved and enjoyed all of GW1 and got fully ready for GW2 release... then I played it for about a year and had some life problems to deal with. Couple of days ago I got myself a brand new PC and got back into GW2. I feel completely lost and I would like to catch up on everything especially on PvE, but I just love PvP too. I'm looking for an active community that would help a veteran player go back into shape and catch up. Of course that community would be rewarded with a very friendly and active member. So without too much talk, I'm interested in joining you people and I'd like to hear from you more in game or Discord whenever you have the time.

Hoping to be a part of the family soon!



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> @"Xander.5312" said:

> Hello there @"Warpriestheo.9348" !


> I'm an old school GW1 player that really loved and enjoyed all of GW1 and got fully ready for GW2 release... then I played it for about a year and had some life problems to deal with. Couple of days ago I got myself a brand new PC and got back into GW2. I feel completely lost and I would like to catch up on everything especially on PvE, but I just love PvP too. I'm looking for an active community that would help a veteran player go back into shape and catch up. Of course that community would be rewarded with a very friendly and active member. So without too much talk, I'm interested in joining you people and I'd like to hear from you more in game or Discord whenever you have the time.

> Hoping to be a part of the family soon!


> Peace!


> @"rafaelo.1042" said:

> Hello I am a returning player that have bought both expansions and looking for a serious as well as a friendly guild and I'd like to join if there are still any spots left!Thanks in retrospect!


Hi guys, thank you for applying! Ill try to invite u as soon as possible! hope to see you in game soon ! cheers :#

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