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[EU][DD] Drunken Dragons | returning and rebuilding | New/Returning Player Friendly |

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> @"bbop.9706" said:

> Hey there! I'm looking for a friendly, active guild that tackles open world content as well as raids etc (im just about to start raid training on my druid).


> I'm new-ish (played less than a year) and am aiming to craft legendary armour and weapons so would like to be in a guild with similar aims and that can support mine. I'm also loyal and happy to help out guildies wherever i can.


> I have all professions at lvl 80 and really enjoy pvp (only gold 3 so far!).


> I am also really keen to learn all the HoT metas and do regular map comps for legendary crafting.


> Also would like there to be a discord/voice option for more organised stuff.


> Reckon you guys fit the bill? ?


Hello you are very welcome to join and yes we are focusing on all of the above content u mention and from today we started organizing some PvP events :)

And discord is ofcourse a requirement :) ill sent an invitation as soon as possible

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*We are still recruiting !

Content we currently do : Fractals,Raid Training(we currently have a static team with a few spots open left that needs to be filled, raiding Monday,Wed,Friday around 17:00 server time), a New Raid Training Group forming up(no experience required), Open world Meta+World Bosses,Guild Missions every Sunday and PvP event every sunday! and more guild fun events happening soon!

Requirements: Discord +Represent as much as you can :)

To join please leave a comment here or send a mail to one of the following dragons Felhoof, Adliv, Misha, Dumdadumdum! or contact me on discord MadFroG#6111

_Please do not try to contact me via a game /w cause I may be busy and not notice it at all_

Thank you:)

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*We are still recruiting !

Content we currently do : Fractals,Raid Training(we currently have a static team with a few spots open left that needs to be filled, raiding Monday,Wed,Friday around 17:00 server time), a New Raid Training Group forming up(no experience required), Open world Meta+World Bosses,Guild Missions every Sunday and PvP event every sunday! and more guild fun events, currently having a guild lottery and fashion wars soon =)

Requirements: Discord +Represent as much as you can :)

To join please leave a comment here or send a mail to one of the following dragons Felhoof, Adliv, Misha, Dumdadumdum! or contact me on discord MadFroG#6111

_Please do not try to contact me via a game /w cause I may be busy and not notice it at all_

Thank you:)

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*our guild is still recruiting*

We run lots of different content :

Open world ,achievements , dungeon runs ,Fractals from all Tiers and CMs, we have PvP events, uild Missions, and Raid Trainings ,recently we done a RP Fashion Wars event with lots of good prizes, and a lottery , and more events are coming up!

Requirements : 20yo+ ,Discord, be as much social and active as you can, and represent as much as you can!(we love social people who represent us)!

PS *you will have to drink a lot*

To join leave a comment below or send a **Mail ** to one of the following drunken dragons :


Mish Avens





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> @"Pivke.1308" said:

> hi,

> im casual player returning after a looooong absence, looking for an active guild. id like to join you.

> p.s. i do like a beer or five on my free days.


> @"Heath.7961" said:

> Hey,

> I am a returning player as well. I'd like to play with some mates and steadily come back into the game (;

> Don't hesitate to whisper me in game


Hey guys , we would love to have you with us! ill sent you an invitation asap :) Cheers!

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Hi. Im returning player (2 years of break) and i want to join your guild. I can use a discord, i like drinking (#teamwhisky ). I wanna refresh and relearn doing fractals (forgot how to dodge :anguished: ) and i want to learn raids

Most importantly, im kind of a memelord myself

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> @"TheFluffyNinja.5270" said:

> Hi! Drunken Dragons sounds like a nice guild. Please invite me.


> @"Isa DaRksha.1547" said:

> I would love to join your guild as well if there is still room, wanna get into raid training, will be super active too! :p


> @"Kaczmarsky.8597" said:

> Hi. Im returning player (2 years of break) and i want to join your guild. I can use a discord, i like drinking (#teamwhisky ). I wanna refresh and relearn doing fractals (forgot how to dodge :anguished: ) and i want to learn raids

> Most importantly, im kind of a memelord myself


> @"Gunslinger.7031" said:

> Hi. I would like to join your guild if you'll have me. I've been looking to find a guild with an active raid training schedule . Unfortunately, I don't talk in discord but I'll be online -listening- drunk in spirit.


Hi guys thank you for applying!, ill send you a guild invitation soon, you are all very welcome!

Cheers :#

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I am literally a beginner (a week from the start of the journey, bought both expansions), but I have considerable experience in mmo in general (over 13 years of various mmo). I am looking for a guild that is able to take such a body to his guardianship. I am a fan of any PvE content(and in GW2 it's actually fun). But there is a nuance - I am not the best english-speaking person, but I understand most of what ppl say (the answers are a bit harder). Any chances of joining?


I love to drink every time there is an opportunity :)

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> @"Deathkrug.4806" said:

> I am literally a beginner (a week from the start of the journey, bought both expansions), but I have considerable experience in mmo in general (over 13 years of various mmo). I am looking for a guild that is able to take such a body to his guardianship. I am a fan of any PvE content(and in GW2 it's actually fun). But there is a nuance - I am not the best english-speaking person, but I understand most of what ppl say (the answers are a bit harder). Any chances of joining?

> **P.S.**

> I love to drink every time there is an opportunity :)

hello there, and welcome to Guild Wars 2 !We would like to guide you and help you out =)

ill sent you an invitation soon :)

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