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[EU][DD] Drunken Dragons | returning and rebuilding | New/Returning Player Friendly |

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> @"Jhackus.8150" said:

> Hello! I'm close to: a- returning - trying to play more - trying to be helpful - player. After my first Guildmates and I were separated, I lost interest on groups and became a solo-PvE-Mercenary. Now that I'm on a new server, I’m looking to explore (again) all types of content (Including Guilds) and stop the mercenary profile.


> I am a friendly person, and I will be happy to join a guild when I could learn and share experiences with others


> Nick ( Jhackus.8150 ) (I think it will appear in the post btw)


> English is not my mother tongue, but laughs are the same in any language !!



Hello @"Jhackus.8150" Thank you for applying , and we will be also happy to have you with us! I will send you an invitation ! Cheers

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![](https://i.imgur.com/h1oeuCB.jpg "")



Hello, fellow Tyrians!


**[DD]** **Drunken Dragons** are recruiting once more for passionate , chatty, drunk and not * fellas to join our community !


**What we offer :**


1. **A guild that is made to run both Casual Friendly and Endgame content**

From Open World Metas, Dungeons, Achievements ,Guild Missions

To RAIDS, RAID TRAINING, Fractals T1-T4 and CMs


2. **A Well organized Discord Server**

A tool we all use everyday to socialize , share funny posts/screenies, `MEMES`

keep you update on what is happening, various Guides and a lot of people who are eager to answer and help you out .


3. **An Upgraded Guild Hall** from Path of Fire Expansion

It allows you to have max buffs - good for open world and WvW , extra daily gathering nodes, Guild trader with daily various goods to buy from


4. **Custom Guild Events**

We organize Guild Events and Competitions where you can win in-game prizes and have a good time <3


**Requirements + Rules **


1. **Discord is essential**

2. Age Requirement : 20 years old +

3. We do not tolerate any form of racism or toxicity

4. You have to be online at least 1 day per month. If inactive for more than 30 days you will be removed. Good News ? you may always join us back :)

5. Representing our Guild is only Required when we are running content as a guild but we will love you a bit more if you represent us frequently <3



**How to join?**


1. You may leave a message below with your In-game nickname.number and we will invite you as soon as possible

2. You may send an in game mail to






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Hello, I'm a returning player looking to get into more aspects of the game after being casual for many years due to committing myself to other MMO's (mainly WoW). Which is a little overwhelming to do by yourself when there seems like so much to do, so I'm looking for a friendly guild to get into that I can experience all of these things with! So the Drunken Dragons sounds like a perfect fit for me :)

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> @"funkypants.7932" said:

> Hello, I'm a returning player looking to get into more aspects of the game after being casual for many years due to committing myself to other MMO's (mainly WoW). Which is a little overwhelming to do by yourself when there seems like so much to do, so I'm looking for a friendly guild to get into that I can experience all of these things with! So the Drunken Dragons sounds like a perfect fit for me :)


> @"can.3260" said:

> hi i'm looking for a guild to join and want do more raiding/fractals. so if your still accepting can i join?


Hi guys You are both very welcome to join us! Ill send an invitation as soon as possible! Thank you for applying and Cheers!

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Hello there! I'm a new player looking for a guild to join! Still learning the game (at my own pace though), but would love to have a place to call home! Working on getting even decent "basic" gear for my necromancer; however, I also wish to make another toon at some point although I am unsure what class it will be!

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> @"Rosenhart.9648" said:

> Hello there! I'm a new player looking for a guild to join! Still learning the game (at my own pace though), but would love to have a place to call home! Working on getting even decent "basic" gear for my necromancer; however, I also wish to make another toon at some point although I am unsure what class it will be!


Hello there Rosenhart ,Glad that your enjoying the game and while putting some effort without rushing !

you are very welcome to join us! i ll send an invitation =)


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> @"Dubuu.4836" said:

> Hi there ! I'm quite new to this game, and I need a little guidance for raids and other contents. May i join your guild and hope to learn something and also to make new friends ? Thanks btw


Hi there @Dubuu.4836 ,you are very welcome to join us and learn with us! we are looking forward to meet you! i''ll send an invitation as soon as possible

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Hey, the guild i was playing with is now not playing anymore so i am looking for a new guild :)

Drunken dragons seem like a great guild and would love to join.


I have played on and off since launch, but is going to go into the game for real now with the new announcment of expantion 3 :)

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> @"Chilli.1290" said:

> Hey, the guild i was playing with is now not playing anymore so i am looking for a new guild :)

> Drunken dragons seem like a great guild and would love to join.


> I have played on and off since launch, but is going to go into the game for real now with the new announcment of expantion 3 :)


Hello there, you are very welcome here ! i will send you an invitation as soon as possible


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I'm a returning player and I'm looking for a guild a bit more populated to enjoy the PvE content like Strikes/Fractals/etc.

The IRL friends guild I'm in is not enough populated to do this content at all.


I'm playing a friendly and funny human engineer. Always happy to help and drink ;)

My tag IG: Whiskey Jack.4829


Thanks a lot! And hope to play with you around Tyria

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> @"Whiskey Jack.4829" said:

> Hello!


> I'm a returning player and I'm looking for a guild a bit more populated to enjoy the PvE content like Strikes/Fractals/etc.

> The IRL friends guild I'm in is not enough populated to do this content at all.


> I'm playing a friendly and funny human engineer. Always happy to help and drink ;)

> My tag IG: Whiskey Jack.4829


> Thanks a lot! And hope to play with you around Tyria


Hello ,Whiskey Jack, you are very welcome to join us If you have not received your invitation yet , ill invite you as soon as possible! Thank you for applying ! Cheers!


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