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[EU][DD] Drunken Dragons | returning and rebuilding | New/Returning Player Friendly |

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> @"Rundra.9042" said:

> Hey there, returned to the game last week after a loong break and was looking for an active and friendly guild since. I'd like to join if you have spot for another drunk :)


Welcome back to the game @"Rundra.9042" , there is always a place for another drunk on our table ! :)


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Bump ! :)

Bump! We still accept new faces to join our active guild! We currently run Pvp,, missions, fractals (all tiers),exploration runs,world bosses,bounties ,meta events ,achieves and more , we also have a nice and active discord server ! read the first post for more information :)

To join , comment here / send an in game mail

or /w **Felhoof** , **Aliena Blackwind** , **Graperoot** , **Sacred Demon Blue** , **Yi Naizen**

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Hey folks! Guild sounds awesome and would an invite if possible. Despite being an older player - both in actual years and the fact that I jumped on the GW2 wagon at launch, got to 80 and haven't played since - I'm a fully-fledged newb once again so need guidance! And wine. Yeah, probably some wine as well. Ahh wine, you always help! ;)


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> @"MaxAwesome.2930" said:

> I would like to join up, played at launch, but starting over as everything feels awfully new to me :P

> Old schooler, who played all the MMORPGS :)


> @"BeardyNerd.1207" said:

> Hey folks! Guild sounds awesome and would an invite if possible. Despite being an older player - both in actual years and the fact that I jumped on the GW2 wagon at launch, got to 80 and haven't played since - I'm a fully-fledged newb once again so need guidance! And wine. Yeah, probably some wine as well. Ahh wine, you always help! ;)



Hey guys, you are very welcomed to join us, ill sent you an invitation soon! thank you :)

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Bump still got spots available for active people to join us and play with us!

Check the first post to see guild activities and requirements and in case u think u can fit in our guild ,

Leave a comment below, or send in game mail or whisper to one of the following Dragons:

* Felhoof

* Aliena Blackwind,

* Graperoot

* Sacred Demon Blue

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Tally-ho, chaps!


I hope my little post finds you all hale and hearty! Agincourt is the umbrella name and I'm a returning player slowly getting back into the game again with varying amounts of success.


I joined Guild Wars 2 back at launch and leveled my Engineer, Chadwyck, up to level 80 before leaving for other endeavors. I reinstalled on a whim, last week, and have been thoroughly enjoying all the content both new and old. I even went ahead and bought both expansion packs and am now the proud owner of a giant lizard whom I have christened "Bertie". It was he that suggested that it is high time I tried to find myself a guild since it'd be nice to run some of the content with other people who would be slightly less likely to chew me to pieces if I make a mistake and get everyone killed. Also the game is called Guild Wars. Which implies that guilds are quite important.


I do work full-time and I have a family so I don't have nearly as much time to play as I would like, however I do insist of having at least a couple of hours of playtime every other night and considerably more on the weekend provided the twins aren't setting anything on fire.


I certainly hope you find this application worthy of membership and look forward to the possibility of a proportionate amount of slaying and cavorting with you all. Should I be unsuccessful, however, then I wish you all the very best of health and as little sobriety as possible!


Pip pip!





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Hi there! :)


So, having all my Chars in Seafarer's Rest, would not be an issue?

Despite not playing since 2012... I would assume EU shares the map instances or something?


Would be happy to have a Guild to play with! Send me an invite, if possible.



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> @"Agincourt.5731" said:


> I certainly hope you find this application worthy of membership and look forward to the possibility of a proportionate amount of slaying and cavorting with you all. Should I be unsuccessful, however, then I wish you all the very best of health and as little sobriety as possible!


> Pip pip!


> Chadders!




> @"elXK.9081" said:

> Hi there! :)


> So, having all my Chars in Seafarer's Rest, would not be an issue?

> Despite not playing since 2012... I would assume EU shares the map instances or something?


> Would be happy to have a Guild to play with! Send me an invite, if possible.


> Cheers!


> @"Retrob.1072" said:

> Hey! Hi! Hello! I would like to join your guild. I've just started my journey with GW2(finally). I'm pretty active ig. I hope you got place for one more newbie :)


> Regards!


Hi guys, thank you for applying , will see ya in game soon I hope , ill try to invite you as soon as possible ! Cheers


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Hello. I`ve been playing GW2 on and off for a few years, but only recently got my first max level character - thief. (I`m on Vabbi)

I have little sense of what to do now(irl and ig lol), but at least I know, that I want to be part of a community that cares about it`s guild and actually does content.

If you are still enlisting, I would be glad to join.

P.s. Sorry if my language is too atrocious.

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> @"Lettischhero.4286" said:

> Hello. I`ve been playing GW2 on and off for a few years, but only recently got my first max level character - thief. (I`m on Vabbi)

> I have little sense of what to do now(irl and ig lol), but at least I know, that I want to be part of a community that cares about it`s guild and actually does content.

> If you are still enlisting, I would be glad to join.

> P.s. Sorry if my language is too atrocious.


Hello, your welcome to join us ! Hope to see you in game :#

> PS . Dragons eat Quaggans for breakfast here :#


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> @"Tayekk.4032" said:

> Hello, I was playing for some time, got one character to lvl 80 and now returning back to the game after a break. I would be pleased if I could join the guild and embark on a new quest as a member of Drunken Dragons ?


> @"OneTimeACraft.6013" said:

> Hello I would like to join, Discord: OneTimeACraft#0840, IGN: OneTimeACraft.6013


Thank you for applying guys, ill try to send u invitations as soon as possible ! see ya in game !

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I am a MMO-veteran just discovering GW2 for the first time, looking for a guild. Would love to join you guys if you still have spots and want me in your guild, still learning the ropes but really enjoying my time so far.

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Long time MMO player havent played GW (the franchise)... for a while and happily and returning finally i have more free time ...


Your interests and mine coincide and i'm looking for a proper home of like minded individuals to "mix" it up w/ heh ..


hit me back yay or nay w/e


happy gaming



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> @"MATTYG.6147" said:

> Salute,


> Long time MMO player havent played GW (the franchise)... for a while and happily and returning finally i have more free time ...


> Your interests and mine coincide and i'm looking for a proper home of like minded individuals to "mix" it up w/ heh ..


> hit me back yay or nay w/e


> happy gaming


> _matthias


> @"Lath.7469" said:

> Hello!


> I am a MMO-veteran just discovering GW2 for the first time, looking for a guild. Would love to join you guys if you still have spots and want me in your guild, still learning the ropes but really enjoying my time so far.


Hi guys thanks for choosing us and applying to join the ''Drunken Dragons'',you are very welcomed to join us ! See ya soon in game :)

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Bump still got spots available for active people to join us and play with us!

Check the first post to see guild activities and requirements and in case u think u can fit in our guild ,

Leave a comment below, or send in game mail or whisper to one of the following Dragons :#


* Felhoof

* Aliena Blackwind,

* Graperoot

* Sacred Demon Blue

* Protozoa

* Yi Naizen

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Might have to hook up with you guys and check you out. Just back after a couple of years break so if you can put up with a daft Scotsman on your discord then I might have to join. Played with my old clan but they have all moved on. Got a lv80 warrior as my main and looking to get more involved in gw. Due to shift work I play mostly at the weekends

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