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Marshal Soulbeast?


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Just tested a Marshal Gear Hybrid dmg support Soulbeast in the PvP lobby. Heavy reliant on life steal and regenerating life.

Anyone get experience how it performs in higher contents as an off healer/dmg support? Seems to be quite versatile in open PvE but i couldnt test it tgere nor in group content because i am still farming fir the gear and all my oil goes ibto my guikdgall atm.

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Decent. 2 variants I tried it out, one with NM and the other without. SK/WS/SB with a Jungle Stalker for more damage than healing while keeping things simple. The other was WS/NM/SB that leaned more on the healing side, slotting White Moa and Jungle Stalker while swapping between them to maximize heals.


You might have better results than I. This was the setup at the time: [Marshal Soulbeast (NM Variant)](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQNAoYVnE8Cdrgd8Cm8Cs8iFKBrJAUqyZORuYVPL/2GcLuX8UfTA-jxxBQBOVfgB3f4sKBBwpAArq/gvnAgYV+JKA/C-e "gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQNAoYVnE8Cdrgd8Cm8Cs8iFKBrJAUqyZORuYVPL/2GcLuX8UfTA-jxxBQBOVfgB3f4sKBBwpAArq/gvnAgYV+JKA/C-e")

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> @"Wondrouswall.7169" said:

> Decent. 2 variants I tried it out, one with NM and the other without. SK/WS/SB with a Jungle Stalker for more damage than healing while keeping things simple. The other was WS/NM/SB that leaned more on the healing side, slotting White Moa and Jungle Stalker while swapping between them to maximize heals.


> You might have better results than I. This was the setup at the time: [Marshal Soulbeast (NM Variant)](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQNAoYVnE8Cdrgd8Cm8Cs8iFKBrJAUqyZORuYVPL/2GcLuX8UfTA-jxxBQBOVfgB3f4sKBBwpAArq/gvnAgYV+JKA/C-e "gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQNAoYVnE8Cdrgd8Cm8Cs8iFKBrJAUqyZORuYVPL/2GcLuX8UfTA-jxxBQBOVfgB3f4sKBBwpAArq/gvnAgYV+JKA/C-e")


I want to use jacaranda and fernhound.

With Dagger MH and Fernhound you can leap finish 4 times in waterfields. Thus i use HS.

Also i use the SoR for more sustain and to clear condi bombs.

I thought about using WH too but for open PvE i am running D/A and Sw/D atm.


Its a bit more a selfish setup.

In a group i probably use Moa and Stalker too.

And more stances ofc. For solo, protective ward is also the better choice than invigorating bond.


Thx for the answer i will continue to farm the armor, wanna know how good it will perform support and dmg wise in harder environments.





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> @"Wondrouswall.7169" said:

> If going that route might want to instead use Harriers. Both Marshal and Harriers are squishy, but that solo setup drops even more condition damage, and with Fern & Jacaranda slotted, it doesn't justify taking Marshal's. The weapon setup also doesn't do much for Marshal's either.


Marshal has a higher power stat and thus axe could work to do cleave dmg. And it works wonders with dagger 3.

I would drop axe for WH for support.

And i use sword to additionally apply poison dmg and do power dmg/ stack might.

Evades on sword seems reasonable too.


Harrier is nearly pure support and it does less dmg i assume. I want to get high amounts of poison to heal myself and some condi dmg is bonus. The high power and decent precision gives benefits to hybrid builds so i want to try it out.

Little side note here: I also do not like Shortbow and rather use melee stuff in Openworld.

In a group setup i would probably take SB and D/WH.


I use fernhound for CC and mobility.

And jacaranda for double heal/ area dmg on big groups/targets. Fernhound is my main pet though. Basically why its nice for openworld, so you can handle breakbars more easily and still heal in decent amounts and getting out of trouble.

Sword dagger is my Offset atm if stuff gets ugly or to create more might. Maybe i take dagger OH in my mainset if it gets improved in the future.


Did you test the venchmark numbers on marshal with your setup? I wonder how it would perform in a group setup.






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I never recorded/benchmarked the numbers. The closest thing I did was monitor ARC results during open-world events like Bounty Trains and more mob-heavy meta events like Dragon Stand.


It's been awhile so I can't recall the exact results. All I can remember is that it ended up middle-of-the-road for both damage and healing, but that was to be expected and not entirely a bad thing.


Group heals (and self after the Supportive change) wasn't too shabby for a periodic healer. Damage was decent, but that's why the setup I used was a group-oriented one, as it faired much better under those circumstances than in a solo environment. YMMV, as I mostly focused on maximizing heals.


I concur with using pure melee in open-world (or anywhere else for that matter). I only put that in there since some encounters in open-world such as Axemaster (DS) or a bounty with that buff that forces players to either melee or range puts a pure melee setup in an awkward situation for brief periods.

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> @"Wondrouswall.7169" said:

> I never recorded/benchmarked the numbers. The closest thing I did was monitor ARC results during open-world events like Bounty Trains and more mob-heavy meta events like Dragon Stand.


> It's been awhile so I can't recall the exact results. All I can remember is that it ended up middle-of-the-road for both damage and healing, but that was to be expected and not entirely a bad thing.


> Group heals (and self after the Supportive change) wasn't too shabby for a periodic healer. Damage was decent, but that's why the setup I used was a group-oriented one, as it faired much better under those circumstances than in a solo environment. YMMV, as I mostly focused on maximizing heals.


> I concur with using pure melee in open-world (or anywhere else for that matter). I only put that in there since some encounters in open-world such as Axemaster (DS) or a bounty with that buff that forces players to either melee or range puts a pure melee setup in an awkward situation for brief periods.


Seems good enough to test it out for T1&T2 fractals. Have some noobs to train, so a marshal Sbeast surely would come in handy without losing much dmg.

In addition to that i would not have to swap gear artound if i swap to druid or just run Open World builds due to the versatility of the build.


In some occasions when i know i need a ranged weapon i swap dagger and axe in one set to go axe/dagger instead. For onetime fights its fine but i have to get used to Sbow again in teamfights because its superior to my "emergency ranged" set.


I will test it as soon as i get the full gear. Will take a while. I will share my experience as soon as i get to that.

I dont have arc (because i dont want crashes) so i will just put up the golem benchmark with and without pet merged. And just tell about the performance in groups and openworld.


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