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No it's impossible


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Sorry Anet, it's not because I have +10 k matches played in pvp that I'm necessarily the legendary player who can carry 2 or 3 very very bad players in spvp.


In one match impossible to carry, even 1 player of the enemy team told me how bad were my mates. They were not just average, but really BAD.


I can understand that you don't want to put someone with 10k matches played against someone with 100 matches played. But your system is just too crazy and frustrating to estimate the "level" of the players.


And after numerous loses, your system "think" that I suck for losing 5 matches in a row with the very bad mates. Then your system puts me with the good ones and we win 500 to 27. And it probably thinks that it will make me happyyyyyyyyyy to win from time to time like this. But NO, I'm not.


Edit : I mean in unranked.

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I guess this is all about how small the PvP playerbase is.


I'm facing the same problem -just in a different order. I'm an average player, I swing between silver III and gold II. Yet I'm placed constantly in matches with plat II and III players, and it's not fair for neither of us. They get frustrated because they can't carry players with a skill level much lower than theirs, and we get frustrated because we lose -we have also plat opponents who completely crush us. This kind of matches are frustrating, useless and perjudicial for everyone.

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I mean in spvp. In ranked the problem is different but the matches are much more balanced. The problem is the unknown factor they put in the game other than mmr, thats puts you in win or lose streaks.


But in spvp, the system use something different than mmr and its 10 times worst.

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Winning by a steamroll is about as enjoyable as getting destroyed by it.

I think yesterday it was the 4th time within a week or two where I was 1 match away from plat, before ending up going on a 3-5 match losing streak. Like a clockwork, it's quite amazing actually.

And yes, if I dare play not in the "peak" hours, I'm constantly pitted against plat 2s all the time. And there is a massive difference in skill/tactics between your average Gold 3 player and plat 2 player.

It happens so often to me that I've almost learned to keep up with them, but we get still snowballed duo to the fact that my other teammates are also gold usually.

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Almost mid plat and kept being put in matches with jeffy jeff and other top players... Not the most fun I've ever had but definitely a nice privilege to play with them and a good learning experience, it feels like playing against people who just drank 4 coffees during the 1 minute pre-match timer.


With that said....


It really sucked looking up my team mates rank and seeing that they are Gold, at this level of play, I should have been the handicap on my team or the lowest ranked person, not the one expected to carry.

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Someone thinks I'm good wow:o

Anyways the problem is low population and it always will be unless anet increases que times to compensate or they fix their game and the population somehow grows(borderline impossible).

Best solution would be anybody 1700+ cannot be matched with people 1600 and below under any.


Also add build templates so I don't have to have different characters of the same profession with different builds

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> @"nia.4725" said:

> I guess this is all about how small the PvP playerbase is.


> I'm facing the same problem -just in a different order. I'm an average player, I swing between silver III and gold II. Yet I'm placed constantly in matches with plat II and III players, and it's not fair for neither of us. They get frustrated because they can't carry players with a skill level much lower than theirs, and we get frustrated because we lose -we have also plat opponents who completely crush us. This kind of matches are frustrating, useless and perjudicial for everyone.


Yup I am facing the same problem too and it's very frustrating. I go up to gold 2 almost and then I am placed with really bad teammates that don't know how to rotate properly and I get stuck in a massive losing streak and end up going to silver 3. It's so frustrating that I just don't care to try anymore because of bad teammates... I can't take this dumb PvP system serious with this low population. How is it fair that I fight guys way above my league when my teammates don't have a clue how to fight against them? Literally, I tell people in many games what to do but they end up throwing the game by running in mid outnumbered and killing themselves. Like wtf? Does anyone care to actually play this mode right anymore? Am I placed with complete noobs that don't understand the game mode?


It's a joke really and balance really hurts PvP too. Cough cough Scourge and Mesmer. OHHHHHH and the cheese builds!!!! P/P Thief that can destroy anyone at the right time by pressing 3. HAHAHAH


I have no interest to actually play season 12 and I think within a few seasons, sPvP will be dead with q times well above 7 minutes.


ANET, I guess it's hard to balance so many different classes right? Will you also make more classes with the next expansion? It will be the death of PvP.

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> @"Delweyn.1309" said:

> Sorry Anet, it's not because I have +10 k matches played in pvp that I'm necessarily the legendary player who can carry 2 or 3 very very bad players in spvp.


> In one match impossible to carry, even 1 player of the enemy team told me how bad were my mates. They were not just average, but really BAD.


> I can understand that you don't want to put someone with 10k matches played against someone with 100 matches played. But your system is just too crazy and frustrating to estimate the "level" of the players.


> And after numerous loses, your system "think" that I suck for losing 5 matches in a row with the very bad mates. Then your system puts me with the good ones and we win 500 to 27. And it probably thinks that it will make me happyyyyyyyyyy to win from time to time like this. But NO, I'm not.


> Edit : I mean in unranked.


game mode is dead - only pve farmers now - this is what happens when you don't listen to your community, balance that takes half a year and no transparency. o/


TIP: focus on the community NOT the $$$$ YOU DO THAT AND THE $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ will follow! - HOLY F hire me as your marketing manager

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> @"Chilli.2976" said:

> > @"Delweyn.1309" said:

> > Sorry Anet, it's not because I have +10 k matches played in pvp that I'm necessarily the legendary player who can carry 2 or 3 very very bad players in spvp.

> >

> > In one match impossible to carry, even 1 player of the enemy team told me how bad were my mates. They were not just average, but really BAD.

> >

> > I can understand that you don't want to put someone with 10k matches played against someone with 100 matches played. But your system is just too crazy and frustrating to estimate the "level" of the players.

> >

> > And after numerous loses, your system "think" that I suck for losing 5 matches in a row with the very bad mates. Then your system puts me with the good ones and we win 500 to 27. And it probably thinks that it will make me happyyyyyyyyyy to win from time to time like this. But NO, I'm not.

> >

> > Edit : I mean in unranked.


> game mode is dead - only pve farmers now - this is what happens when you don't listen to your community, balance that takes half a year and no transparency. o/


> TIP: focus on the community NOT the $$$$ YOU DO THAT AND THE $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ will follow! - HOLY F hire me as your marketing manager


Lol hire this guy... But Yeap I have been playing against same people forever now... At least give us the chance to team up in ranked... I don't care about rank I just wanna play with my friends.


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> @"Battledoll.1803" said:

> Many said that it was because of low population in sPvP. Yet experienced PvPers complained being teamed with noobs. The noobs there is to increase the population. But the vets don't want them. See the problem here?


It's not only the need for new blood but for media and guides showing people how to play and get good. Compare gw2 to how other games have combo guides, map guides, zoning guides. It's part of why I really want to see Wooden Potatoes release his new PvP series.


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Here's my unpopular opinion.


The matchmaking seems fair to me. From what ive read atleast, the algorithm tries to make the teams as equal as possible. Obviously the limiting factor everytime you que is who else is also queing at the same time, so sometimes you'll get lopsided matches, but half of the time you'll be on the winning side of those matches, so these outlier examples people keep posting about are irrelevant as the wins and losses u get from them balance out over time. Everyone on the leader boards has to endure the rng for good or bad.


If rank were completely random and at the mercy of rng then you wouldn't see the same players in the top 50, 100, 150 etc over and over. Just think about that. They're queing solo just like you.


Rank in sPvP overtime is an average reflection of your team impact, not individual impact. To be able to recognize the intentions of your teammates and enemies and then capitalize off of them is what wins games consistently for sure. So what your plat 2 and your teammates are gold 2. The team that your facing more often than not has the same skill spread.


I think psychologically whats going on here is that its just super easy to blame everyone else except yourself when your queing solo and you lose a game.


You must realize that its impossible to make a match making system that can accommodate what some of you are asking for. This, or a similar version to this is as good as its gonna get for the format of sPvP solo que.


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> @"Sampson.2403" said:

> Here's my unpopular opinion.


> The matchmaking seems fair to me. From what ive read atleast, the algorithm tries to make the teams as equal as possible. Obviously the limiting factor everytime you que is who else is also queing at the same time, so sometimes you'll get lopsided matches, but half of the time you'll be on the winning side of those matches, so these outlier examples people keep posting about are irrelevant as the wins and losses u get from them balance out over time. Everyone on the leader boards has to endure the rng for good or bad.


> If rank were completely random and at the mercy of rng then you wouldn't see the same players in the top 50, 100, 150 etc over and over. Just think about that. They're queing solo just like you.


> Rank in sPvP overtime is an average reflection of your team impact, not individual impact. To be able to recognize the intentions of your teammates and enemies and then capitalize off of them is what wins games consistently for sure. So what your plat 2 and your teammates are gold 2. The team that your facing more often than not has the same skill spread.


> I think psychologically whats going on here is that its just super easy to blame everyone else except yourself when your queing solo and you lose a game.


> You must realize that its impossible to make a match making system that can accommodate what some of you are asking for. This, or a similar version to this is as good as its gonna get for the format of sPvP solo que.



This is partly true EXCEPT the top players aren't playing the same MMR. They aren't battling the same 50 / 50 most others are. This is simply because they climbed and finished in high platinum many seasons ago (when it was easier) and now their placement matches keep them placing in plat due to only a soft reset.


Placements are a problem. Population is a problem. Team mate and opponent variances are a problem.


It's not fine, but I don't propose to know a good fix.

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> @"Battledoll.1803" said:

> Many said that it was because of low population in sPvP. Yet experienced PvPers complained being teamed with noobs. The noobs there is to increase the population. But the vets don't want them. See the problem here?



But the problem with new players is they don't care to learn how to play conquest properly and actually rotate....


They would rather ignore your request and run to mid outnumbered and die.

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There is something that you all miss because of the "low population" argument. It's the fact that a match start with 10 peoples. So there is at least 10 people doing pvp.

So the real problem is not to group together 10 players, but how the teams are composed. One sided match means that most best players are matched together and most worst players together.


So the solution is to balance matches and work more on something that creates better teams. Sometimes, just 1 or 2 switches can change a1 sided match to a good balanced match.


But I'm pretty sure that in their calculations, it takes into account something about your winning or losing streaks to evaluate a player. And from my point of view it's this thing that create streaks and disturb the matchmaking : you have won too many matches recently ? then the system add a factor that will put you with weak players because it thinks that you can carry. Same if you lose too much, then you are put with the best players.

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> @"Delweyn.1309" said:

> One sided match means that most best players are matched together and most worst players together.


This is wrong on so many levels. You can have a game with two perfectly balanced team both skill wise and comp wise and ending up in a complete stomp.


Remember the last World championship? Denial esport vs R55, arguably the best 2 teams at the time, first 2 games were a complete blowout in favor of denial. 3rd game was the opposite with r55 demolishing denial, and last game was probably one of the closest game i've ever witnessed with this caliber of team.

Not having one sided matches is impossible since one small mistake can lead to a giant snowball.


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> @"Chilli.2976" said:

> TIP: focus on the community NOT the $$$$ YOU DO THAT AND THE $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ will follow! - HOLY F hire me as your marketing manager


Truer words were never spoken. I would be throwing my paycheck at this game if I felt like they valued me as a PLAYER not a CONSUMER.

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