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One way or the other, do you consistently get lop-sided matches?

Crab Fear.1624

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Add an option for other.....i wouldnt say my match are lob sided but most of my matches are close games till about 200-200 where either my team or the enemys just stalls out and the match ends as a 250-500. When this happens i just feel that the game and my time was worthless. I kinda feel bad for the enemy that they made no head way after a decent 1st half of the game, but when it happens to me i just get frustrated at my team mates and wish that there are 5 man qs so that there can be actual team coordination and strategy and set rolls for everyone to play healer damager bruiser/support ect.... Instead is a random as s grab of who ever and what ever build ur team mates are.

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Yup the system is literally rigged. One day I will lose all matches and face a team that is so much better than mine and the next day I will be on the better team and totally smoke them many games in a row.


It's either win one day or lose. No in-between.



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It's usually lop-sided with the winning team dancing and sarcastically saying "gg" at the end of the game and the losing team raging about how bad their teammates were, and me just leaving as soon as I can after the match is over to avoid as much of the stupidity as I can either way. The poor sportsmanship is unreal in ranked.


At least in unranked people are usually pretty civil though.

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It’s a weird split for me. Sometimes I get matches that are complete blowouts for me or the other team. But I have had a surprisingly large amount of close games where we were in the lead by 50 for most of the game and towards the end the other had a good team fight and we lost by 20. These matches were all in ranked and keep in mind I’m only like gold 2.

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