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Raid + Fractal support build needed


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Hey guys,

So I decided to equip my mesmer with ascended gear to have a support class along to my DPS classes.

I noticed that all the support builds have one thing in common: 100% boon duration.

I have to say that I'm completely new to mesmer at all and need every help I can get.

I know that to reach 100% boon duration I need commander's parts and how much depends on the content I'll play(fractals got the mobility potion which gives an extra buff).

But because I don't have that much gold to make 2 different sets (1 fore fracs 1 for raids) I ask if there is a build I could use where I don't have to switch gear/only switch small amount of parts.

I appreciate every advice I can get also for everything besides gear. :)

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Nope. You will have a druid in fractals and raids, so you don't need vitality -there is already someone taking care of everyone's HP .Also, as chrono you have plenty of ways to avoid damage: blocks, aegis (if you use domi/insp), distortion... You don't need vitality, if you take it you will be wasting stats in something useless. It's the same for healing: you won't be a healer, the healer will be the druid (it could be another class to but it's likely that it will be a druid). So if you take healing power you will be wasting stats and making it harder for the druid to heal.


As for toughness: you will have toughness both in raids and fractals, since the gear you need has toughness (commander). But you don't want a lot of it, since in raids if you have a lot of toughness you will be the tank (the one who moves the boss). In raids you will see two type of support chrono: the regular offensive chrono, which uses commander and berserker and has the minimum toughness possible in order to reach 100% BD, and the minstrel chrono, which is a heal/defensive chrono with a lot of toughness that will be the tank.


If you're new to raids I don't really recommend starting off with a minstrel chrono. And considering that you only have budget for a single equipment set, your only option is to go for the offensive support chrono.


If you're completely new to chrono I would even suggest to not take any berserker gear, just commander. I'll explain: berserker/commander chronos have 67% boon duration because they reach 100% when they do a weapon swap, thanks to the Sigil of Concentration. However this requires to do the weapon swap in the right moment always, which can be difficult for a new chrono player and leaves little room for error. So, I think it's better to go full commander and have some berserker trinkets in case you need to lower toughness in raids -in that case you will have something like 75% boon duration, so your rotation will be more forgiving. And your DPS will be basically the same -very low. But no one cares about suport chronos DPS; you're there to give permabuffs, not DPS.


Edit: this is the build I use both in raids and fractals http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQNAs+dnsICFohlfC+fCEgilTjiMAShg68IiisrOaz2vF-jBCCQBUU5HBV/Jf7PQP9ChUJIAOBAQ8BAwgDCApAMRwG-e always having berserker trinkets to lower toughness if needed





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You will always have the sword; since you only equipped one, that sword will be mainhand in both sets.


As for rotation, you should check this website: https://snowcrows.com/raids/mesmer/ and go to the Rotation tab, then "Inspiration/Domination". I can explain to you the rotation I do (a slightly different one) but that would be a little long.


Edit: I know that the rotation might be a little too "@_@" when you see it for the first time. If you struggle understanding what you're supposed to do, tell me and I'll try to give you an explanation.

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You always want to be at sword mainhand because it provide good damage, boonstrip, come cc, instant short cd clone and sword 2 is amazing.


The best rotation for beginer is domination/inspiration.

Your Quickness sources are Well of action (WoA) signet of inspiration (SoI) and Ilusionary inspiration (pSoI)

Your Alacrity comes from Well of Recall (WoR) Tides of time (ToT) SoI and pSoI.


Your rotation is basicaly this

you start on non-shield set.

cast 3 to get clone, then Phantasm and before it finishes cast cs (so pSoI procs when cs is active), in cs you want to cast SoI WoA and WoR. Then cs ends and you cast pSoI, both wells, swap (so wells get bonus boon duration because it is calculated after they end) and SoI + ToT.


After that you just check when SoI is up and then you cast WoA, swap SoI and pSoI (they all have same cd). And if your WoR is up cast WoR, swap and ToT.

If you see that CS will be up soon just w8 for it and then do it 2 times


Toughness is not needed in fractals and in most raids. The main reason why you have toughness in your gear is that there is no seeker stats in PvE and commander is best dps combination from concentration gear

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> @"nia.4725" said:

> You will always have the sword; since you only equipped one, that sword will be mainhand in both sets.


Ah, thanks good to know :)



> Edit: I know that the rotation might be a little too "@_@" when you see it for the first time. If you struggle understanding what you're supposed to do, tell me and I'll try to give you an explanation.


First I have to collect all pieces (rune of the leadership...) to get everything started. Therefore you don't have to effort your time by now. :p


> @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> You always want to be at sword mainhand because it provide good damage, boonstrip, come cc, instant short cd clone and sword 2 is amazing.


> The best rotation for beginer is domination/inspiration.


Thank you for the info too :)


I looked up what the builds relating to traits are looking anderen found domi/insp/chrono too but isn't a chaos/insp/chrono full commander's gear choice better? I mean domination only gives me dmg buffs but as nia mentioned No one cares about my dps but about my boon-sharing?


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Chaos give you lots of boons (nothing else) and has more synergy with weavers, but domi gives you some interesting things, not only damage buffs (those are irrelevant):


* Cooldown reduction in your inspiration signet (blurred inscriptions trait, 2nd column domination) plus distortion for every signet you cast; this helps a lot with survivability and lets you cast an inspiration signet more often therefore you will "pass buffs more often" > your rotation will allow more mistakes. You have to take into consideration too, that your distortion grants aegis to your party (Inspirting Distortion in Inspiration traitline) so that combined with the cooldown reduction on the signets means that you basically will be spamming aegis, and that's a very very very useful thing

* Increased stun and daze duration so you will deal more CC, very useful in raids and fractals

* You inflict vulnerability when you stun or daze a foe, very useful if your group lacks vulnerability sources


The most important one is Blurred Inscriptions because of the cooldown reduction on signets and the distortion they grant you.

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> @"Oberwaldmeister.8239" said:

> > @"nia.4725" said:

> > You will always have the sword; since you only equipped one, that sword will be mainhand in both sets.


> Ah, thanks good to know :)



> > Edit: I know that the rotation might be a little too "@_@" when you see it for the first time. If you struggle understanding what you're supposed to do, tell me and I'll try to give you an explanation.


> First I have to collect all pieces (rune of the leadership...) to get everything started. Therefore you don't have to effort your time by now. :p


> > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > You always want to be at sword mainhand because it provide good damage, boonstrip, come cc, instant short cd clone and sword 2 is amazing.

> >

> > The best rotation for beginer is domination/inspiration.


> Thank you for the info too :)


> I looked up what the builds relating to traits are looking anderen found domi/insp/chrono too but isn't a chaos/insp/chrono full commander's gear choice better? I mean domination only gives me dmg buffs but as nia mentioned No one cares about my dps but about my boon-sharing?



If you go for chaos variant you cannot play any other (because you wouldnt have boon duration). If you take leadership wariant you can drop all commander trinkets and change food to take chaos. Only thing you lose is resistance uptime.


Everyone expect their chrono to provide Quickness and alacrity. That is your job as a chrono. It is usless if you provide all boons if you dont provide almost 100 percent uptime on quickness. Domination/inspiration is much easier. Has higher Q/A uptime and also you cannot be screwed during cs because you have distortion whole time. Also on most fractals you want domination for aegis share.

Noone is ever going to kick you for runing domination. But on some fights players expect aegis share and chaos has only limited options there.


There are many boons in this game but most important are quickness, alacrity, fury and might. And druid provide might and fury. Other boons such as vigor, protection and stability are useful but not the main goal. Try to focus on the most important thing (Q/A).


Take it as this: Domination/Inspiration is the basic build. Others (chaos/inspiration, Ilusion/inspiration and dueling/illusion) trade something for something else. They are great on some encounters but not as great at others.

Chaos is worse at addfights (like in fractals) because your quickness has worse uptime and your teamates are moving so they can miss wells. Also it is harder to cast cs since the mob you hae clones on might die before you finish so you get shorter duration. And finaly sometimes there is no mob for phantasm so you cannot proc ilusionary inspiration. Also in preasure fights the fact that you have to defend yourself might cause you to not be as efficient and with chaos you might not provide enough Q/A (and also with domination you can distort for yourself so you are not under that much preasure)

On the other hand in longer fights, especialy with weaver/herald/warrior or mirage chaos pulls ahead (sometimes quite massively). Generaly when the drawbacks of chaos are not relevant (you can provide 100 uptime Q/A and you dont need aegis share that much) chaos is better.


Generaly its easier to not mess up with domination. I play only chrono so I dont experiance this but i was once invited to 99CM because their last chrono had 18 percent quickness uptime. So my adivice is to stick with domination untill you are comfident :D


Edit: Useful trick (and and another reason why domination is better for beginers) is to check ilusionary inspiration proc if you get distortion. Normaly you want to cas SoI and pSoI because cd is the same but you dont see it elsewhere. If these 2 are cast on diferent time you will not know when your next Ilusionary Inspiration proc is rdy. Once you get distortion from phantasm you know how long time till next proc.

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So much information, thank you both so much to introducing me in mesmer :D


So you (both) said that domi/insp/chrono is best for standard fights and is more forgiving therefore better for new support mesmer players like me.

So I played a little bit with the buildcalculator and ended up with a build I want you to ask if its viable/working as I think:




Its only a Fractal-build to begin with and get used to it. It also relies on the fractal mobility potion (5x) with 150 AR to get 15% extra boon duration. I did Not implement food because I forget to consum it every time. :S

All at all it gives a flat 100% boon duration without the sigill of concentration and therefore it SHOULD be easier to keep up Q+A. Also it provides better survivability and a little bit of better group healing (for pugs). Hope this would work ingame like in my head. :)

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Nope, you can't use this : (


As I said, you don't want any healing power. Why? Because in raids and fractals, there's a healer player. Healing is covered by someone else. Therefore you shouldn't run healing power; if you do, you will be wasting stats that could go somewhere else and be actually useful. Futhermore if you have healing power, you will be making more difficult for the druid to heal the party. Stay away from healing power.


Why vitality is a bad option, too: you are an offensive chrono. You have also teammates dedicated to healing you and keeping you alive. You really don't need vitality. Stay away from that. You also have SO MANY tools for avoiding damage that you're tanky even without vitality (blocks from shield, several sources of distortion, aegis...)


Instead of harrier and wanderer you should use Commander. Why? It gives you concentration while it also gives you power and precision > more dps. It's the best option for what you need (boon duration and the max dps you can give). Power without precision is nothing. Even if your dps is low, which it will be, it's 1000000000000000 times better to run power+ferocity than stats you don't need for anything like vitality and healing power.


I see you have made a build that goes around healing your party. I'll say it again: you aren't going to be a healer. You are going to be a buffer, a boonbot (your goal is to keep permaquickness and permaalacrity). The heals are someone else's job. No heals for you.


(This isn't exactly true since there's a healer variant of chrono that goes minstrel but that chrono only works in raids and makes you the tank, so if you want a set that works both in fractals and raids you can't go for that build).


So we go back to what I was saying... no wanderer, no harrier. Commander.


About the sigils: don't use renewal. That is a sigil for healers and you aren't a healer. And as for the agility sigil, the 1 second of quickness it gives is too low; it won't make any difference and you will be keeping permaquickness and permaswiftness with your rotation, you don't need that sigil. Take the concentration sigil. Even if you can reach 100% boon duration in fractals, you won't reach it in raids. You need the sigil of concentration, yes or yes (it's a shame that we chronos have to use it but it is like that). You really can't make a build taking into consideration the 15% BD from the potion if you plan on using this set in raids too, since in raids you won't have that potion.


What sigils should you use? Look at the ones I chose for my build. Paralyzation in your shield. Why? Because shield 5 deals CC and, with that sigil, you will deal more CC which is something you really want. And why air in the focus? Well, that one is more open to discussion, you could use something else there.

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Hi. For first try it is a good job but i think we can improve on it. If you want to play ultimate support with healing, exchange wanderer for minstrel. Also those sigils are not that good of a choice. The idea of quickness on swap is nice for begginer (if you dont have Q to share with soi you can swap to get it) but for that you should have your shatters. I will post here improved variant. Obviously you can play whatever you want.



here is my improved version. I sqaped sigils, some stats and some traits. You can probably mess around with those stat combinations but minstrel trinkets are easier to get then harrier and harrier armor and weapons are cheaper then minstrels.

I swaped heat to well since its the main source of healing (10k heal) and also took all wells then end well for more healing and wardens feedback since you are plaing focus. You dont need the heal there since you are so tanky already.

Without food and sigil of concentration you need at least 20 percent boon duration from runes so you can swap to runes of durability (and take full harrier).

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I don't think minstrel is a good idea for fractals. He will probably have a druid in the group, so the chrono heals will not be necessary and the druid will find difficult to charge their celestial avatar. Plus if he wants to go to raids with that set, he will always be the chronotank and we don't know if he wants that (and it's a bad start for a new chrono raider).

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> @"nia.4725" said:

> I don't think minstrel is a good idea for fractals. He will probably have a druid in the group, so the chrono heals will not be necessary and the druid will find difficult to charge their celestial avatar. Plus if he wants to go to raids with that set, he will always be the chronotank and we don't know if he wants that (and it's a bad start for a new chrono raider).


True its not ideal. But in lower fractals there is no druid. And also there is no point running commander without sigil of concentration because you lose soo much stats from not picking this sigil. I think that if you run without food and sigils its better to just go for healing since your dps is lowerd by having so many concentration pieces

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> @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > @"nia.4725" said:

> > I don't think minstrel is a good idea for fractals. He will probably have a druid in the group, so the chrono heals will not be necessary and the druid will find difficult to charge their celestial avatar. Plus if he wants to go to raids with that set, he will always be the chronotank and we don't know if he wants that (and it's a bad start for a new chrono raider).


> True its not ideal. But in lower fractals there is no druid. And also there is no point running commander without sigil of concentration because you lose soo much stats from not picking this sigil. I think that if you run without food and sigils its better to just go for healing since your dps is lowerd by having so many concentration pieces


But if he picks a not ideal build he will need to change stats later on. As soon as he starts raiding or starts higher tier fractals, he'll need commander. Plus you can't go to raids without the SoC unless you run something like a power rev, and pugs don't do that kind of strategies.


Anyway, I think the best is to inform about the disadvantages of picking anything different from commander so that he can make an informed decision.

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> @"nia.4725" said:

> > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > > @"nia.4725" said:

> > > I don't think minstrel is a good idea for fractals. He will probably have a druid in the group, so the chrono heals will not be necessary and the druid will find difficult to charge their celestial avatar. Plus if he wants to go to raids with that set, he will always be the chronotank and we don't know if he wants that (and it's a bad start for a new chrono raider).

> >

> > True its not ideal. But in lower fractals there is no druid. And also there is no point running commander without sigil of concentration because you lose soo much stats from not picking this sigil. I think that if you run without food and sigils its better to just go for healing since your dps is lowerd by having so many concentration pieces


> But if he picks a not ideal build he will need to change stats later on. As soon as he starts raiding or starts higher tier fractals, he'll need commander. Plus you can't go to raids without the SoC unless you run something like a power rev, and pugs don't do that kind of strategies.


> Anyway, I think the best is to inform about the disadvantages of picking anything different from commander so that he can make an informed decision.


Well he will need to change build anyway since he doesnt run sigil of concentration because he wants to learn. Without sigil of concentration and food you cannot get ideal chrono build. Even if he went with commander gear he would need to change them to berserker after he bought sigil of concentration because he would have too much concentration.


15 concentration equals 1 percent boon duration. That means that sigil of concentration is 33*15´495 concentration. You cannot get any better value from sigil in this kind of build and thats why every chrono build uses it

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> @"nia.4725" said:

> > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > > @"nia.4725" said:

> > > I don't think minstrel is a good idea for fractals. He will probably have a druid in the group, so the chrono heals will not be necessary and the **druid will find difficult to charge their celestial avatar**. Plus if he wants to go to raids with that set, he will always be the chronotank and we don't know if he wants that (and it's a bad start for a new chrono raider).


OHHHH fml. Now that makes sense. Didn´t noticed that before - you litteraly opened my eyes on that.


> > True its not ideal. But in lower fractals there is no druid. And also there is no point running commander without sigil of concentration because you lose soo much stats from not picking this sigil. I think that if you run without food and sigils its better to just go for healing since your dps is lowerd by having so many concentration pieces


> But if he picks a not ideal build he will need to change stats later on. As soon as he starts raiding or starts higher tier fractals, he'll need commander. Plus you can't go to raids without the SoC unless you run something like a power rev, and pugs don't do that kind of strategies.


I´m playing most of the time fractals (t4 now - didn´t do CMs atm.) but I don´t want to exclude me from raids (if I raid it would be probably pugs I think)

btw. whats SoC? Didn´t find it in the comments here or anywhere else?


> Anyway, I think the best is to inform about the disadvantages of picking anything different from commander so that he can make an informed decision.


Soo... now I know about the stats and I know commander´s is the best option if you reach 100% boon duration (through your rotation with the sigill of concentration) to have a little dps buff.

Why I keep asking if I can run wanderer´s and harrier´s pieces is because I dont think I will constantly have a 100% boon duration and even if I reach it I have to focus more on keeping my boons up than doing damage (thats what I think, I´m more like a casual player so I keep in mind that I´m not doing a perfect rotation, know every boss mechanic and therefore I have to focus more on staying alive and do my primary work: to keep the boons + I didn´t know about the problem with the duid´s avatar when I play on healing power too)

As I said before I don´t know if I would constantly consume my food or even want to buy it. Also as I mentioned I´m not confident in doing my rotation that good with the sigill of concentration. I tried to reach 100% boon duration only with the mobility potion so that I´m not bound to one of these.

I created now a built without sigill of concentration and oil but with food (~5-6 silver is okayish). Tried to mix as little as possible harrier´s pieces in to "help" my druid.

http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQNAs+dnsICFohlfC+fCEgilTj68ISisrOaz2vlMAShgC-jhCCQB27BAsQVcYpSw9pVgBHEAqqeQ+2fAAnAAlqDYjK/EFAgB-e (wanderer´s + harrier´s = more sustain less dps)


http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQNAs+dnsICFohlfC+fCEgilTjqOaz2v98IiisjMAShgC-jhCCQB5b/B6pVwePAAqqeABVxRp6AooyPAcCAYwBBIkKBFFAgB-e (commander´s with harrier´s = less sustain more dps)


I just stick to wanderer´s because I think I´ll do mistakes so that the build is more forgiving. Don´t get me wrong: I know I could gear up with optimal stats but because of my playstyle I think I couldn´t manage it (and we didn´t speak about that I´m not reliable on consuming food everytime.. hehe ^^*)


How hard do you guys think it is to learn the rotation with the sigill of concentration. Without sigill you can swap like you want right? (except the shiled - continuum rotation or smth. like this)


> Well he will need to change build anyway since he doesnt run sigil of concentration because he wants to learn. Without sigil of concentration and food you cannot get ideal chrono build. Even if he went with commander gear he would need to change them to berserker after he bought sigil of concentration because he would have too much concentration.


> 15 concentration equals 1 percent boon duration. That means that sigil of concentration is 33*15´495 concentration. You cannot get any better value from sigil in this kind of build and thats why every chrono build uses it


I know I should use it right? D:

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Nah. New chronos shouldn't run 67% boon duration in gear to reach just 100% with SoC. Because they're new, and they really don't control their rotation, so the result is bad boon uptime. I think it's far better to overcap concentration so that even if they mess up, boons will be more decent. This does not change anything at all for a boon chrono; their DPS is still bad. I always play with full commander gear, never bothered to get 67%, while my raid leader does indeed have the minimum 67% and nothing more. Our dps as chrono differs in just 1-1'5k.


It's not worth it, even less for a new chrono.


And SoC, I think, is mandatory. Without SoC he won't learn the proper rotation, so when he's in need of going commander for raids or higher fractals he'll find himself in need or learning a new rotation, which will make things more difficult.

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SoC = sigil of concentration. The sigil I put in the sword in the build I gave you.


Really, wanderer is a bad option. I've previously said it: you don't want vitality for anything. You're wasting stats by choosing wanderer. You can overcap boon duration with commander, although you won't reach 100% without SoC. However, by overcapping it you will have around 75% without foods (around 85% with foods), so your uptime will be pretty decent.


You should consider too that you will have a second thing allowing you to make more mistakes: the cooldown reduction in the signets will let you use the signet of inspiration 6 seconds earlier than without that trait. So, in the end, your rotation will be pretty forgiving.


About the rotation itself: that's just practice. It isn't difficult, right now.


Btw, chrono's foods are super cheap. The mint oil is just 2 silver.

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tho rotation with sigil of concentration is not as hard as it looks like. basicaly every time you want to cast a spell that gives Q/A you w8 for swap and either cast it then swap (woa wor tot) or swap then cast it (pSoI and SoI)


I curnetly use 2 sets in raids (minstrel/nomad with durability runes and commander/berserker with leadership) and in for example VG is no better fealing when you heal 5 players to full with one heal. All wariants i am using use SoC (sigil of concentration) not only because it is unmatched but also because it is fun :D . I even crafted shining blade as my first legendary so i can keep changing stats on my sword so i dont need more then one SoC.


I say this, as long as you have 100 boon duration somehow you are doing your job ok. If you want to improve from that (and i encourage you to) you can start to change builds/traits to maximise your potential.


Edit: Golden dumplings are also for 2 silvers.

And btw chrono was the reason why i started using food on my characters :D

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> @"Oberwaldmeister.8239" said:

> > @"nia.4725" said:

> > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > > > @"nia.4725" said:

> > > > I don't think minstrel is a good idea for fractals. He will probably have a druid in the group, so the chrono heals will not be necessary and the **druid will find difficult to charge their celestial avatar**. Plus if he wants to go to raids with that set, he will always be the chronotank and we don't know if he wants that (and it's a bad start for a new chrono raider).


> OHHHH fml. Now that makes sense. Didn´t noticed that before - you litteraly opened my eyes on that.


> > > True its not ideal. But in lower fractals there is no druid. And also there is no point running commander without sigil of concentration because you lose soo much stats from not picking this sigil. I think that if you run without food and sigils its better to just go for healing since your dps is lowerd by having so many concentration pieces


> > But if he picks a not ideal build he will need to change stats later on. As soon as he starts raiding or starts higher tier fractals, he'll need commander. Plus you can't go to raids without the SoC unless you run something like a power rev, and pugs don't do that kind of strategies.


> I´m playing most of the time fractals (t4 now - didn´t do CMs atm.) but I don´t want to exclude me from raids (if I raid it would be probably pugs I think)

> btw. whats SoC? Didn´t find it in the comments here or anywhere else?


> > Anyway, I think the best is to inform about the disadvantages of picking anything different from commander so that he can make an informed decision.


> Soo... now I know about the stats and I know commander´s is the best option if you reach 100% boon duration (through your rotation with the sigill of concentration) to have a little dps buff.

> Why I keep asking if I can run wanderer´s and harrier´s pieces is because I dont think I will constantly have a 100% boon duration and even if I reach it I have to focus more on keeping my boons up than doing damage (thats what I think, I´m more like a casual player so I keep in mind that I´m not doing a perfect rotation, know every boss mechanic and therefore I have to focus more on staying alive and do my primary work: to keep the boons + I didn´t know about the problem with the duid´s avatar when I play on healing power too)

> As I said before I don´t know if I would constantly consume my food or even want to buy it. Also as I mentioned I´m not confident in doing my rotation that good with the sigill of concentration. I tried to reach 100% boon duration only with the mobility potion so that I´m not bound to one of these.

> I created now a built without sigill of concentration and oil but with food (~5-6 silver is okayish). Tried to mix as little as possible harrier´s pieces in to "help" my druid.

> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQNAs+dnsICFohlfC+fCEgilTj68ISisrOaz2vlMAShgC-jhCCQB27BAsQVcYpSw9pVgBHEAqqeQ+2fAAnAAlqDYjK/EFAgB-e (wanderer´s + harrier´s = more sustain less dps)

> or

> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQNAs+dnsICFohlfC+fCEgilTjqOaz2v98IiisjMAShgC-jhCCQB5b/B6pVwePAAqqeABVxRp6AooyPAcCAYwBBIkKBFFAgB-e (commander´s with harrier´s = less sustain more dps)


> I just stick to wanderer´s because I think I´ll do mistakes so that the build is more forgiving. Don´t get me wrong: I know I could gear up with optimal stats but because of my playstyle I think I couldn´t manage it (and we didn´t speak about that I´m not reliable on consuming food everytime.. hehe ^^*)


> How hard do you guys think it is to learn the rotation with the sigill of concentration. Without sigill you can swap like you want right? (except the shiled - continuum rotation or smth. like this)


> > Well he will need to change build anyway since he doesnt run sigil of concentration because he wants to learn. Without sigil of concentration and food you cannot get ideal chrono build. Even if he went with commander gear he would need to change them to berserker after he bought sigil of concentration because he would have too much concentration.

> >

> > 15 concentration equals 1 percent boon duration. That means that sigil of concentration is 33*15´495 concentration. You cannot get any better value from sigil in this kind of build and thats why every chrono build uses it


> I know I should use it right? D:


The variant withcommander/harrier looks buch better. Sigil of paralization is great on shield (i would even say its better then sigil of force on meta build for beginers). You can keep sigil of force on focus but i would maybe pick sigil of paralization here too. Your main stun is ToT and sometimes you swap after casting it and it loses the bonus but since you dont run sigil of concentration you dont need to swap so i guess its ok.


I would swap the mainhand sigil since this only provides quickness to you and for that you have sieze the moment.


Edit. I misread sigil of air for sigil of force. Since you are not even close to 80 percent crit i would stay away form sigils that proc on crit

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So much to play attantion to :s


For the OF Focus sigill I had no clue what is good but yeah the air sigill at this precision ist really bad.... My fault.


Above you posted a healing mesmer build what we let out of discussion because of the existence of a druid in my group. I'd have a question about this: all the heal there only comes from wells and the Sigill of Water right? And the Wells do only AoE heal because of "All's Well That Ends Well" right? What if I play a healing/boon support built without this trait and sigills? It wouldn't effect the recharge of a druids avatar so I would share my boons as ususal and don't have bad influence to my druid mate. But if my group lacks of heal or even a druid itself I could activate the trait und change sigills (or weapons with sigills on them) so I could fullfill my role as boonsharer and if I want as healer too.

(i know Im annoying btw. :()


(Fractals only build + lesser toughness to not be forced playing the tank)



Edit: hm okay maybe I just make full minstrel gear, learn the class without the weapon rotation, be safe as fuck, share my boons and at will I can support-heal. And then I can be at will a chronotank in raids. :(

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