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Raid + Fractal support build needed


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You should consider the pros and cons of each weapon in each situation.


Staff is defensive. It's about boons, and it gives you chaos armor (skill 4), it also gives you _aegis_ (skill 5). It has a teleport with skill 2 but it's backwards so use it wisely.


Focus however, has one if not the best pull in the game and the skill also cripples. But it's not only that. Skill 5 creates a phantasm that protects from projectiles. And it's an offhand weapon so it will let you have always your sword ready in case you need to use Blurred Frenzy to distort something.


My advice in general is to use focus in fractals. It's too useful. Boons are already covered by your normal rotation. You could use staff though, if you want that extra aegis source and you know you won't need the focus pull.

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Focus 4 is OP in almost all mob fights. I actualy never use staff (but i never do open world on my chrono so i dont know about that)


You can shatter and then sword 3 (to get a clone) and cast phantasm (for Ilusionary inspiration proc) signet of inspiration, well of action and recall in one-clone continuum split. It just need abit of practise and also use the fact that spell goes on cd after it finishes casting. You can see how it is done at the start of this video.


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I am sorry to be so blunt, but if I ever see chrono using staff in raids and fractals i will immediately kick them out of the group. Chrono job in raids and fractals is buff support and add control on top of tanking in raids on bosses that requires it. Naturally the first thing most new players think when they start chrono is that they should go, as tanky as possible until they are comfortable with the class, but imo this is wrong. This actually severely handicaps your ability to properly learn the class and how to use its amazing and plenty active defenses, since if you go very tanky build you will faceroll most mechanics without learning how to properly deal with them.


I would suggest to go here: https://snowcrows.com/raids/mesmer/ and pick the Regular support Chrono build - Domi/Insp/Chrono. The build will put you around 1,4 toughness and 67% boon duration with Leadership runes, so you will also naturally need Concentration sigil. That way you will be able to learn from the side how tanking is done and you will be able to learn the proper chrono rotation, which is based around the sigil of Concentration and weapon swap. You also will learn when/how most actively to use your distortion (which will share aegis to your party) and it's very useful in blocking certain boss attacks, allowing your dps group members to focus on their rotations without having to cancel skills to dodge, not to mention all other evades, blocks, etc.


Also let me be absolutely clear on one thing: Your most important job in raids and fractals is providing quickness/alacrity permenantly, add control with focus and bringing a lot of CC. That means that you should be focusing on topping these two boons and the rest of your job. Healing is NOT your job, that's why groups get druids or other healers. Most bosses were pretty easy to tank when Zerk chrono meta was a thing, where you will get only 1080 toughness, by learning how to properly use your active defenses + some minor healing from the druid. This have not changed... the only thing that forced mesmers to pick more commander gear was the change of removing boon duration from doubloons and food and putting concentration instead.


No one except some really bad pug groups will expect you to cover healing and boons outside of quickness and alacrity in raids, as a chrono. The other classes cover those boons and what chrono does is topping those with another instanse share through SoI, while pumping quickness and alacrity. The chaos chrono is actually only useful on a few bosses, most notibly on Samarog CM, where sharing perma stability is really great way to deal with the shock waves.


Chrono already carries hard, as it is, without sacrificing the little personal dps we can pump out for covering boons that most of the time arent essential and serve only for cheesing most of the bosses, if people dont know how to properly deal with mechanics or dodge.


To clirify on your weapon setup: Always bring focus on bosses that spawn adds and the Illusionary Warden is great for reflecting projectiles etc. Bosses that are -absolutely- mandatory for you to not bring focus or any other kind of reflect are Matthias (exept for feedback, which you use only for his bubble) and Cairn. If there aren't adds to control, like on VG, Gorse (here you have adds, but only mesmer can focus on those, so the other one can pick sword), Matt etc bring sword, as a off-hand weapon, as it is a dps increase and gives an additional block.


Again I suggest picking more offensive build, focused on support and using your active defenses, while bringing also about 9k personal dps in raids, which is nothing to be shrung from and learn how to properly play the class using it's active defesense etc, instead of going full tank build and face roll every mechanic -- that's not learning a class, thats abusing some cheese build options imo.

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> @"Rain.7543" said:

> I am sorry to be so blunt, but if I ever see chrono using staff in raids and fractals i will immediately kick them out of the group. Chrono job in raids and fractals is buff support and add control on top of tanking in raids on bosses that requires it. Naturally the first thing most new players think when they start chrono is that they should go, as tanky as possible until they are comfortable with the class, but imo this is wrong. This actually severely handicaps your ability to properly learn the class and how to use its amazing and plenty active defenses, since if you go very tanky build you will faceroll most mechanics without learning how to properly deal with them.


> I would suggest to go here: https://snowcrows.com/raids/mesmer/ and pick the Regular support Chrono build - Domi/Insp/Chrono. The build will put you around 1,4 toughness and 67% boon duration with Leadership runes, so you will also naturally need Concentration sigil. That way you will be able to learn from the side how tanking is done and you will be able to learn the proper chrono rotation, which is based around the sigil of Concentration and weapon swap. You also will learn when/how most actively to use your distortion (which will share aegis to your party) and it's very useful in blocking certain boss attacks, allowing your dps group members to focus on their rotations without having to cancel skills to dodge, not to mention all other evades, blocks, etc.


> Also let me be absolutely clear on one thing: Your most important job in raids and fractals is providing quickness/alacrity permenantly, add control with focus and bringing a lot of CC. That means that you should be focusing on topping these two boons and the rest of your job. Healing is NOT your job, that's why groups get druids or other healers. Most bosses were pretty easy to tank when Zerk chrono meta was a thing, where you will get only 1080 toughness, by learning how to properly use your active defenses + some minor healing from the druid. This have not changed... the only thing that forced mesmers to pick more commander gear was the change of removing boon duration from doubloons and food and putting concentration instead.


> No one except some really bad pug groups will expect you to cover healing and boons outside of quickness and alacrity in raids, as a chrono. The other classes cover those boons and what chrono does is topping those with another instanse share through SoI, while pumping quickness and alacrity. The chaos chrono is actually only useful on a few bosses, most notibly on Samarog CM, where sharing perma stability is really great way to deal with the shock waves.


> Chrono already carries hard, as it is, without sacrificing the little personal dps we can pump out for covering boons that most of the time arent essential and serve only for cheesing most of the bosses, if people dont know how to properly deal with mechanics or dodge.


> To clirify on your weapon setup: Always bring focus on bosses that spawn adds and the Illusionary Warden is great for reflecting projectiles etc. Bosses that are -absolutely- mandatory for you to not bring focus or any other kind of reflect are Matthias (exept for feedback, which you use only for his bubble) and Cairn. If there aren't adds to control, like on VG, Gorse (here you have adds, but only mesmer can focus on those, so the other one can pick sword), Matt etc bring sword, as a off-hand weapon, as it is a dps increase and gives an additional block.


> Again I suggest picking more offensive build, focused on support and using your active defenses, while bringing also about 9k personal dps in raids, which is nothing to be shrung from and learn how to properly play the class using it's active defesense etc, instead of going full tank build and face roll every mechanic -- that's not learning a class, thats abusing some cheese build options imo.


I think for fractals chrono with sword/shield and staff is meta if you dont have druid but 3 dps instead.

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> @"zombeaver.1650" said:

> staff meta? :) useless imo, focus/shield only on fractals. cc and pull is much better and makes trash clear faster. i play chaos/inspi and i provide enough buffs to the team. staff wouldnt change anything i guess



Yeah, you should never use staff in any PvE content really. It's not a good weapon in any way.

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> @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> You dont have to belive me but i send you a link to hardcore fractal guild site. Also one sc player (van something from g i think but i am not 100% sure) uploaded a vide of 99CM where he uses staff on second boss


And this is why it helps to actually know something about the game instead of mindlessly copy and pasting builds that speedrunning guilds post online.


The link you provided explains that they bring staff to provide more reliable uptime on retaliation (from chaos storm) for the 2% damage boost it gives weavers. However, this is completely irrelevant unless your party has 3 weavers who are all dps gods. If you don't meet that condition, you'll provide higher party dps by simply using sword offhand for the high damage phantasm it brings.


How often do you do fractals in a group with 3 weavers that are all dps gods? Oh, that's right, literally never. Don't use staff, it's bad.

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> @"Pyroatheist.9031" said:

> > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > You dont have to belive me but i send you a link to hardcore fractal guild site. Also one sc player (van something from g i think but i am not 100% sure) uploaded a vide of 99CM where he uses staff on second boss


> And this is why it helps to actually know something about the game instead of mindlessly copy and pasting builds that speedrunning guilds post online.


> The link you provided explains that they bring staff to provide more reliable uptime on retaliation (from chaos storm) for the 2% damage boost it gives weavers. However, this is completely irrelevant unless your party has 3 weavers who are all dps gods. If you don't meet that condition, you'll provide higher party dps by simply using sword offhand for the high damage phantasm it brings.


> How often do you do fractals in a group with 3 weavers that are all dps gods? Oh, that's right, literally never. Don't use staff, it's bad.


Staff isn't bad per se. It depends on the situation. Saying that staff is bad and that you shouldn't use it in any PvE content is false. If you're a minmax n

boon chrono who cares about your DPS okay, take anything else, but if you do not staff is good specially when running a minstrel build and in situations where focus isn't necessary.

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> @"Pyroatheist.9031" said:

> > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > You dont have to belive me but i send you a link to hardcore fractal guild site. Also one sc player (van something from g i think but i am not 100% sure) uploaded a vide of 99CM where he uses staff on second boss


> And this is why it helps to actually know something about the game instead of mindlessly copy and pasting builds that speedrunning guilds post online.


> The link you provided explains that they bring staff to provide more reliable uptime on retaliation (from chaos storm) for the 2% damage boost it gives weavers. However, this is completely irrelevant unless your party has 3 weavers who are all dps gods. If you don't meet that condition, you'll provide higher party dps by simply using sword offhand for the high damage phantasm it brings.


> How often do you do fractals in a group with 3 weavers that are all dps gods? Oh, that's right, literally never. Don't use staff, it's bad.


I saids its part of the META. And meta dps is (or used to be before last patch) weaver. This build only works if you have 3 weavers. For parties that dont have only weavers this does not work bu then it is not the most effective composition so it is not META


It helps to know something about the game. Like that if you have 3 god weavers then staff is good weapon to consider.

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> @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > @"Pyroatheist.9031" said:

> > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > > You dont have to belive me but i send you a link to hardcore fractal guild site. Also one sc player (van something from g i think but i am not 100% sure) uploaded a vide of 99CM where he uses staff on second boss

> >

> > And this is why it helps to actually know something about the game instead of mindlessly copy and pasting builds that speedrunning guilds post online.

> >

> > The link you provided explains that they bring staff to provide more reliable uptime on retaliation (from chaos storm) for the 2% damage boost it gives weavers. However, this is completely irrelevant unless your party has 3 weavers who are all dps gods. If you don't meet that condition, you'll provide higher party dps by simply using sword offhand for the high damage phantasm it brings.

> >

> > How often do you do fractals in a group with 3 weavers that are all dps gods? Oh, that's right, literally never. Don't use staff, it's bad.


> I saids its part of the META. And meta dps is (or used to be before last patch) weaver. This build only works if you have 3 weavers. For parties that dont have only weavers this does not work bu then it is not the most effective composition so it is not META


> It helps to know something about the game. Like that if you have 3 god weavers then staff is good weapon to consider.


And yet, it's a situation that likely every single person that will ever read this thread will never encounter in their entire GW2 career. Is it meta? Kinda, 3 weavers is an uncommon situation even in speedrunning guilds. Is it realistic? Absolutely not.


Recommending to build in a particular way that completely disregards the reality of the game is both foolish and irresponsible. A recommendation like that needs to be prefaced with something like "only use this if you have 3 dps weavers doing something along the lines of 20k dps each" because otherwise you're just recommending someone use a bad build that will (rightfully) get them kicked from parties.

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> @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > @"Rain.7543" said:

> > I am sorry to be so blunt, but if I ever see chrono using staff in raids and fractals i will immediately kick them out of the group. Chrono job in raids and fractals is buff support and add control on top of tanking in raids on bosses that requires it. Naturally the first thing most new players think when they start chrono is that they should go, as tanky as possible until they are comfortable with the class, but imo this is wrong. This actually severely handicaps your ability to properly learn the class and how to use its amazing and plenty active defenses, since if you go very tanky build you will faceroll most mechanics without learning how to properly deal with them.

> >

> > I would suggest to go here: https://snowcrows.com/raids/mesmer/ and pick the Regular support Chrono build - Domi/Insp/Chrono. The build will put you around 1,4 toughness and 67% boon duration with Leadership runes, so you will also naturally need Concentration sigil. That way you will be able to learn from the side how tanking is done and you will be able to learn the proper chrono rotation, which is based around the sigil of Concentration and weapon swap. You also will learn when/how most actively to use your distortion (which will share aegis to your party) and it's very useful in blocking certain boss attacks, allowing your dps group members to focus on their rotations without having to cancel skills to dodge, not to mention all other evades, blocks, etc.

> >

> > Also let me be absolutely clear on one thing: Your most important job in raids and fractals is providing quickness/alacrity permenantly, add control with focus and bringing a lot of CC. That means that you should be focusing on topping these two boons and the rest of your job. Healing is NOT your job, that's why groups get druids or other healers. Most bosses were pretty easy to tank when Zerk chrono meta was a thing, where you will get only 1080 toughness, by learning how to properly use your active defenses + some minor healing from the druid. This have not changed... the only thing that forced mesmers to pick more commander gear was the change of removing boon duration from doubloons and food and putting concentration instead.

> >

> > No one except some really bad pug groups will expect you to cover healing and boons outside of quickness and alacrity in raids, as a chrono. The other classes cover those boons and what chrono does is topping those with another instanse share through SoI, while pumping quickness and alacrity. The chaos chrono is actually only useful on a few bosses, most notibly on Samarog CM, where sharing perma stability is really great way to deal with the shock waves.

> >

> > Chrono already carries hard, as it is, without sacrificing the little personal dps we can pump out for covering boons that most of the time arent essential and serve only for cheesing most of the bosses, if people dont know how to properly deal with mechanics or dodge.

> >

> > To clirify on your weapon setup: Always bring focus on bosses that spawn adds and the Illusionary Warden is great for reflecting projectiles etc. Bosses that are -absolutely- mandatory for you to not bring focus or any other kind of reflect are Matthias (exept for feedback, which you use only for his bubble) and Cairn. If there aren't adds to control, like on VG, Gorse (here you have adds, but only mesmer can focus on those, so the other one can pick sword), Matt etc bring sword, as a off-hand weapon, as it is a dps increase and gives an additional block.

> >

> > Again I suggest picking more offensive build, focused on support and using your active defenses, while bringing also about 9k personal dps in raids, which is nothing to be shrung from and learn how to properly play the class using it's active defesense etc, instead of going full tank build and face roll every mechanic -- that's not learning a class, thats abusing some cheese build options imo.


> I think for fractals chrono with sword/shield and staff is meta if you dont have druid but 3 dps instead.


If you look here i havent recomend anything. I said staff is meta. There is no part that says its a good pick all the time. For 99% players staff is usless. But if you are/aim to be in the top 1% you might want to pick staff

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As I said I'm not and I won't be the speedclear god of all. I just want to do my job which is providing Q/A. And because I don't want to play PvE at an MLG level (e.g. I like to use Power Reaper in Fractals which is definitely Not Meta). I just want to share my boons properly and therefore my decision was a chaos-variant without Sigill of Concentration. And parties at an averag level tend to get not enough healing/die faster or don't even bring a druid.


And yes I know I could do more DMG and clear instances faster but In don't want because I don't want to be a Mesmer god.


Btw. I can't understand ppl who will kick you because you don't take build XY.

At the end its a game and theres no responsibility.


I don't care if I clear instances in 10 minutes or in 8 1/2. I play this game for fun not fame.

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> @"Oberwaldmeister.8239" said:

> As I said I'm not and I won't be the speedclear god of all. I just want to do my job which is providing Q/A. And because I don't want to play PvE at an MLG level (e.g. I like to use Power Reaper in Fractals which is definitely Not Meta). I just want to share my boons properly and therefore my decision was a chaos-variant without Sigill of Concentration. And parties at an averag level tend to get not enough healing/die faster or don't even bring a druid.


> And yes I know I could do more DMG and clear instances faster but In don't want because I don't want to be a Mesmer god.


> Btw. I can't understand ppl who will kick you because you don't take build XY.

> At the end its a game and theres no responsibility.


> I don't care if I clear instances in 10 minutes or in 8 1/2. I play this game for fun not fame.


On the contrary, in a raid squad everyone do have responsibility. It's a game sure, but the two aren't mutually exlosive in this case. Chrono's rensponsibility is often the biggest one, because you are expected to deal with most of the mechanics, making life easier on your dps classes allowing them to focus and do what they do best -- pumping out the dps needed so you get a fast and clean kill. So chrono's are expected to tank (when needed), bring the permanent offensive boons they are the best in pumping out (quickness/alacrity), manage add control -- which is done best, as a focus, as your off-hand weapon and cant be done with any other and have a great cc control to boost. So no, you can't just bring ANY build. A build who doesnt allow you to do all of this things will be useless, and thus YOU will be useless for your group and you will be wasting 9 other people's time. You might not care how long it takes for a clear, but many others do, because many play on limited time and they want to get their clear, as fast possible, so they can move onto some other part of the game and enjoy also. It's not a hard concept to grasp at all, imo.

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> @"Oberwaldmeister.8239" said:

> Btw. I can't understand ppl who will kick you because you don't take build XY.

> At the end its a game and theres no responsibility.


At the end it's time spent and some people like to avoid wasting time pointlessly. It's as if you were almost done with a fractal and your power went out. Would you be irritated? Obviously you would, because you just wasted a bunch of time.


...but it's a game and there's no responsibility right?


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