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> @"Iris Ng.9845" said:

> > @"BananaHalla.4902" said:

> > Hey friend, just want to say that I appreciate the service in advance ;)

> >

> > Let's start with what I _DO_ like. I'm not a particularly big fan of (most of) the charr heavy headpieces, so I've just stuck to wearing the Mistward Headwrap since, well, HoT came out IIRC. And I do like it. If there were a central piece to my set, I'd say it'd be that blindfold. I do like the whole "Intimidating Mist Knight" vibe, or something like that. As if this character were some hardened, veteren warrior that was sent back to the world from the afterlife to exact justice.

> >

> > Aside from that, I do sort of like the Glorious Pauldrons (mostly because of their symmetry), but I'm not too attached to them TBH so they can go if needed. As for everything else... well, I'm going to have to disagree with the common understanding of "Business in the front, Party in the back", because, as my chestpiece illustrates, I am clearly all party in front, and [all business in back](https://imgur.com/lNaU5YA "https://imgur.com/lNaU5YA"). Suffice it to say, I'm unhappy with the breastplate. Leggings seem a bit too flashy for me, the gauntlets look like they weigh 100 pounds, which I'm not a fan of, and the struggle to find charr heavy boots that don't look like sneakers is very, _definitely_ real. Also, I'm not a very clever man when it comes to coloring my armor, so I stuck with the bland approach and made everything black and white (same with my fur ([screenshot here](https://imgur.com/CliD3f7 "https://imgur.com/CliD3f7"))).

> >

> > Like I suggested above, some sort of "otherworldly veteren knight" is I guess what I'd like to go for.


> Hey, I gotta say I appreciate the detailed explanation - which really helps me figure things out at much quicker pace. So let's jump into the fray. I'd like to present a few sketches in the order of my reference and let me know which you'd like then I can work out on polishing the dyes.

> * My best choice would be the Warbeast set: very underrepresented, huge presence, not subtle at all (why be? when you're a charr). The metallic dyes great even with some bogus dyes: [front](https://imgur.com/3KMcc0E "front"), [back](https://imgur.com/vzqeg4q "back").

> * Alternatively, swapping out the chest because holy, I love the Halloween chest piece on charr: [front](https://imgur.com/W32pEym "front"). Swapping out gloves and leggings to slim his figure down a bit: [front](https://imgur.com/IT9vGLd "front"), [back](https://imgur.com/oa2sqET "back")

> * Same chest as above, but go for a more believable, modest appearance, allowing to go with other big backpack/weapons for less clippings: [front](https://imgur.com/L5k3Ycj "front")

> * Keep the Glorious shoulders, go for a more stately appearance: [front](https://imgur.com/wORECN6 "front"),[ the back detail is the all time favorite](https://imgur.com/cr3yCrV " the back detail is the all time favorite").


Holy moly, you're awesome! My favorites are definitely the first and the last, so I think I'll shoot for getting those two and see what works in-game.


My only concern, and something we can work on, is with the pauldrons from the Warbeast set. I suppose I'm only realizing right now that something not as... bulky would probably suit what I'm aiming for better. The pauldrons themselves look fantastic, don't get me wrong, but I hope you can sort of agree in that they are a bit large, compared to the rest of the body. Is there any other set we could use that still retains some of that design, while not looking like they could fit on my head as a helmet?


Just a few other questions:

1. For the last set, could you provide names for all of the armor pieces? I'm garbage at armor portraits.

2. For both sets, what dyes are you using? I'm garbage at dye portraits.


Again, you're amazing. Thanks for the recommendations!

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> @"BananaHalla.4902" said:


> Holy moly, you're awesome! My favorites are definitely the first and the last, so I think I'll shoot for getting those two and see what works in-game.


> My only concern, and something we can work on, is with the pauldrons from the Warbeast set. I suppose I'm only realizing right now that something not as... bulky would probably suit what I'm aiming for better. The pauldrons themselves look fantastic, don't get me wrong, but I hope you can sort of agree in that they are a bit large, compared to the rest of the body. Is there any other set we could use that still retains some of that design, while not looking like they could fit on my head as a helmet?


> Just a few other questions:

> 1. For the last set, could you provide names for all of the armor pieces? I'm garbage at armor portraits.

> 2. For both sets, what dyes are you using? I'm garbage at dye portraits.


> Again, you're amazing. Thanks for the recommendations!


Glad you like them. For the [last set](https://imgur.com/IWtCeTu "last set"), here are the armor names and dyes:

* Mistwald Headwrap: Abyss, Brick

* Glorious Pauldron: Iron, Enameled Emblaze

* Carapace Breastplate: Abyss - Brick, Blue Steel - Brass

* Ascalonian Protector Gauntlet: Iron, Caramel - Dry Silver

* Triumphant Hero's Legplate: Charcoal - Blue Steel, Iron - Brick

* Ascalonian Protector Boots: Iron, Caramel


Some alternatives for the Warbeast sets:

* [Dragonscale Epaulet](https://imgur.com/IT6p3kS "Dragonscale Epaulet")

* [Dhuum](https://imgur.com/2txtOIl "Dhuum")

* [braham's Wolfblood](https://i.imgur.com/6owF4g4

"Braham's Wolfblood")

* [Perfected Envoy (legendary, raid)](https://imgur.com/0r2pquU "Perfected Envoy (legendary, raid)")

* [Good ol' T3](https://imgur.com/uOVk4ZJ "Good ol' T3")


![](https://i.imgur.com/IT6p3kS.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/2txtOIl.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/6owF4g4.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/0r2pquU.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/uOVk4ZJ.jpg "")




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> @"Poobah.6254" said:

> > @"Iris Ng.9845" said:

> > Are there some screenshots for your current look? It's hard for me to figure out based on description of the items alone.


> There was supposed to be a picture link in my original post but the weird forum code ate it. https://i.imgur.com/gDYCZ7E.jpg




I don't have the T3 Triumphant armors so I'm using a couple of T2 for dyes then preview the T3 on top. I couldn't get the aura to show off or dye them so I guess you could do it. Firstly I tried [some organic looks with a bit of autumnal earthy colors](https://imgur.com/Ura7UaU "some organic looks with a bit of autumnal earthy colors") but they don't look well with the aura on top. So I swap to some blue dye scheme for an easy divine otherworldly vibe (like [this example](https://imgur.com/VDC681n "this example")) - if blue isn't your cup of tea, it's easy to swap to something else once you decided on the look. I like the symmetry of the earlier look, so to keep it [here](https://imgur.com/Itr4m8c "here") as well. If you have access to legendary raid armor, they look great together [1](https://imgur.com/rr1b2Uz "1"), [2](https://imgur.com/yoBmtBv "2"). Also with [Dhuum armor](https://imgur.com/pzSnlRu "Dhuum armor")


![](https://i.imgur.com/Ura7UaU.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/VDC681n.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/Itr4m8c.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/rr1b2Uz.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/pzSnlRu.jpg "")




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> @"Iris Ng.9845" said:

> > @"BananaHalla.4902" said:

> >

> > Holy moly, you're awesome! My favorites are definitely the first and the last, so I think I'll shoot for getting those two and see what works in-game.

> >

> > My only concern, and something we can work on, is with the pauldrons from the Warbeast set. I suppose I'm only realizing right now that something not as... bulky would probably suit what I'm aiming for better. The pauldrons themselves look fantastic, don't get me wrong, but I hope you can sort of agree in that they are a bit large, compared to the rest of the body. Is there any other set we could use that still retains some of that design, while not looking like they could fit on my head as a helmet?

> >

> > Just a few other questions:

> > 1. For the last set, could you provide names for all of the armor pieces? I'm garbage at armor portraits.

> > 2. For both sets, what dyes are you using? I'm garbage at dye portraits.

> >

> > Again, you're amazing. Thanks for the recommendations!


> Glad you like them. For the [last set](https://imgur.com/IWtCeTu "last set"), here are the armor names and dyes:

> * Mistwald Headwrap: Abyss, Brick

> * Glorious Pauldron: Iron, Enameled Emblaze

> * Carapace Breastplate: Abyss - Brick, Blue Steel - Brass

> * Ascalonian Protector Gauntlet: Iron, Caramel - Dry Silver

> * Triumphant Hero's Legplate: Charcoal - Blue Steel, Iron - Brick

> * Ascalonian Protector Boots: Iron, Caramel


> Some alternatives for the Warbeast sets:

> * [Dragonscale Epaulet](https://imgur.com/IT6p3kS "Dragonscale Epaulet")

> * [Dhuum](https://imgur.com/2txtOIl "Dhuum")

> * [braham's Wolfblood](https://imgur.com/6owF4g4 "Braham's Wolfblood")

> * [Perfected Envoy (legendary, raid)](https://imgur.com/0r2pquU "Perfected Envoy (legendary, raid)")

> * [Good ol' T3](https://imgur.com/uOVk4ZJ "Good ol' T3")



Dang, if only my friends ever raided! The Perfected Envoy looks incredible.


I'll just go for the T3 for now, easy to get. Just gotta wait for those transmutation charges :(

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Thank you a lot @"Iris Ng.9845" and @"KestrelGirl.9267"! I really liked the options you gave me so I tried to use both and see what I could get. Anima really is about darker dyes but I think I got something cool. I decided to go almost full Cantha and now she looks more Canthan than my full Canthan descendant, lol. I actually chose an enameled dye I bought some time ago for my minstrel chrono, I think it looks so good.


Anyway, here's the look (I don't have the 2nd tier of WvW armor): [lalala](https://imgur.com/a/qiOiYaB "https://imgur.com/a/qiOiYaB")


I used the Lionguard staff and both the Crimson Lion mace and shield.


Btw if you don't mind I'd like to get some help with my druid, Cat, too (please don't kill me!). She has rocked some cool outfits but right now, I think, she needs something new and cool but I can't find anything. Trenchcoats don't suit her very much and I've already used too much the carapace and ascended skins. She is a krytan noble, but her dreams about living in freedom led her away from her hometown. She also loves nature, even though she also has some reminiscence of her past comfortable life and so she kinda likes luxuries and shiny things. She's very outgoing but kind of moody when she feels ignored or doubted. Her biggest pride is her ability as druid, so she takes her job very seriously. She sometimes is a little arrogant about that.


What kind of armor suits her? Something not very bulky, more like light and comfortable yet fashionable clothes that allow her to move freely. She doesn't mind showing skin since she's confident about being able to heal herself if she takes damage.


She's all about bright colors, specially white/gold. Screenshots: [here](https://imgur.com/a/WBGGifi "https://imgur.com/a/WBGGifi")

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> @"Iris Ng.9845" said:

> > @"Lt Westfield.6059" said:

> > P.S. I would love to see your take on a sylvari themed devish set if such a thing exists :)

> > P.P.S skin color can also be changed, really anything about the physique just not the race itself.


> I was intrigued so here is my best shot at [the cosplay attempt.](https://imgur.com/UYmHaHP "the cosplay attempt.") Turns out pretty decent even though the dyes can use some polish once the set is transmuted. With [the mirage axe](https://imgur.com/1EFJ3YN "the mirage axe"). [Tormented axe](https://imgur.com/SfEEo8D "Tormented axe"). [Tormented torch](https://imgur.com/sJTMov3 "Tormented torch"). Probably more believable with the scythe.



That's awesome! would you be able to send me the names of the pieces you used and the dyes?

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> @"Lt Westfield.6059" said:

> > @"Iris Ng.9845" said:

> > > @"Lt Westfield.6059" said:

> > > P.S. I would love to see your take on a sylvari themed devish set if such a thing exists :)

> > > P.P.S skin color can also be changed, really anything about the physique just not the race itself.

> >

> > I was intrigued so here is my best shot at [the cosplay attempt.](https://imgur.com/UYmHaHP "the cosplay attempt.") Turns out pretty decent even though the dyes can use some polish once the set is transmuted. With [the mirage axe](https://imgur.com/1EFJ3YN "the mirage axe"). [Tormented axe](https://imgur.com/SfEEo8D "Tormented axe"). [Tormented torch](https://imgur.com/sJTMov3 "Tormented torch"). Probably more believable with the scythe.

> >


> That's awesome! would you be able to send me the names of the pieces you used and the dyes?


Off my memory:

* Winged hood

* Country mantle

* Spearmarshal chest (Elonian chest works but therr is less ornament)

* Elonian gloves

* Inquest leggings

* Spearmarshal shoes (Elonian if you can't afford the Spearmarshal version yet)


Dyes: green is Enameled Perseverance (recommend unless you want different hue/color), gold is Pyre (Illumination or Redemption works), brown is Mocha/Calfskin/Orange shade (not very important). The most important part is they may not look as vibrant on your blue skinned sylvari so we may need to fiddle around with the colors.

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> @"nia.4725" said:

> Thank you a lot @"Iris Ng.9845" and @"KestrelGirl.9267"! I really liked the options you gave me so I tried to use both and see what I could get. Anima really is about darker dyes but I think I got something cool. I decided to go almost full Cantha and now she looks more Canthan than my full Canthan descendant, lol. I actually chose an enameled dye I bought some time ago for my minstrel chrono, I think it looks so good.


> Anyway, here's the look (I don't have the 2nd tier of WvW armor): [lalala](https://imgur.com/a/qiOiYaB "https://imgur.com/a/qiOiYaB")


> I used the Lionguard staff and both the Crimson Lion mace and shield.


> Btw if you don't mind I'd like to get some help with my druid, Cat, too (please don't kill me!). She has rocked some cool outfits but right now, I think, she needs something new and cool but I can't find anything. Trenchcoats don't suit her very much and I've already used too much the carapace and ascended skins. She is a krytan noble, but her dreams about living in freedom led her away from her hometown. She also loves nature, even though she also has some reminiscence of her past comfortable life and so she kinda likes luxuries and shiny things. She's very outgoing but kind of moody when she feels ignored or doubted. Her biggest pride is her ability as druid, so she takes her job very seriously. She sometimes is a little arrogant about that.


> What kind of armor suits her? Something not very bulky, more like light and comfortable yet fashionable clothes that allow her to move freely. She doesn't mind showing skin since she's confident about being able to heal herself if she takes damage.


> She's all about bright colors, specially white/gold. Screenshots: [here](https://imgur.com/a/WBGGifi "https://imgur.com/a/WBGGifi")


So I'm back to you with a few ideas. When I think of Noble, usually the French Baroque era (before Revolution) comes to mind. Something like an Esquetrian outfit with a bit of [dusty Antoinette pink ](https://imgur.com/0HLjZBX "dusty Antoinette pink "). If baring calves isn't your thing, [then](https://imgur.com/98mjm6J "then"). Next, when it comes to Nature, nothing beats some reminding about butterfly and such. Even when you're tired of the Carapace, the Viper can be a lovely subtitute. I prefer some [earthy colors](https://imgur.com/jerWj6Q "earthy colors") because frankly, bright colors don't dye too well here. Lastly, white and gold - this is luxurious, glamazone in the face at its best. Why bother being subtle with facades, just swing it like Kim Kardarshian in her wedding. Pull out the biggest ~~bitc-~~ divatitude and not being sorry: with the [Dwayna gauntlet (Hall of Monument)](https://imgur.com/rvX0qH4 "Dwayna gauntlet (Hall of Monument)"), and [the back](https://imgur.com/k9gfzMn "the back"). With [Prowler gauntlet subtitute ](https://imgur.com/irFMUtC "Prowler gauntlet subtitute "). Dyes are very simple: Eternal Ice and Pyre, Matriach Brass and Illumination for any darker or lighter shade of gold if needed.


![](https://i.imgur.com/0HLjZBX.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/98mjm6J.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/jerWj6Q.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/rvX0qH4.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/k9gfzMn.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/irFMUtC.jpg "")



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> @"Iris Ng.9845" said:

> > @"BananaHalla.4902" said:

> >

> > Holy moly, you're awesome! My favorites are definitely the first and the last, so I think I'll shoot for getting those two and see what works in-game.

> >

> > My only concern, and something we can work on, is with the pauldrons from the Warbeast set. I suppose I'm only realizing right now that something not as... bulky would probably suit what I'm aiming for better. The pauldrons themselves look fantastic, don't get me wrong, but I hope you can sort of agree in that they are a bit large, compared to the rest of the body. Is there any other set we could use that still retains some of that design, while not looking like they could fit on my head as a helmet?

> >

> > Just a few other questions:

> > 1. For the last set, could you provide names for all of the armor pieces? I'm garbage at armor portraits.

> > 2. For both sets, what dyes are you using? I'm garbage at dye portraits.

> >

> > Again, you're amazing. Thanks for the recommendations!


> Glad you like them. For the [last set](https://imgur.com/IWtCeTu "last set"), here are the armor names and dyes:

> * Mistwald Headwrap: Abyss, Brick

> * Glorious Pauldron: Iron, Enameled Emblaze

> * Carapace Breastplate: Abyss - Brick, Blue Steel - Brass

> * Ascalonian Protector Gauntlet: Iron, Caramel - Dry Silver

> * Triumphant Hero's Legplate: Charcoal - Blue Steel, Iron - Brick

> * Ascalonian Protector Boots: Iron, Caramel


> Some alternatives for the Warbeast sets:

> * [Dragonscale Epaulet](https://imgur.com/IT6p3kS "Dragonscale Epaulet")

> * [Dhuum](https://imgur.com/2txtOIl "Dhuum")

> * [braham's Wolfblood](https://imgur.com/6owF4g4 "Braham's Wolfblood")

> * [Perfected Envoy (legendary, raid)](https://imgur.com/0r2pquU "Perfected Envoy (legendary, raid)")

> * [Good ol' T3](https://imgur.com/uOVk4ZJ "Good ol' T3")



Also, would it be possible to get your dyes for the Warbeast set as well?

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> @"Iris Ng.9845" said:

> @"BananaHalla.4902" the dyes i used in the preview are Enameled Legacy, Enameled Crimson and Enameled Solitude.


D: I own none of them and they're all so expensive! Are there any other similar dyes I could use that aren't so bank-breaking? (_I have 1g17s to my name_)

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> @"Iris Ng.9845" said:

> I don't have the T3 Triumphant armors so I'm using a couple of T2 for dyes then preview the T3 on top. I couldn't get the aura to show off or dye them so I guess you could do it. Firstly I tried [some organic looks with a bit of autumnal earthy colors](https://imgur.com/Ura7UaU "some organic looks with a bit of autumnal earthy colors") but they don't look well with the aura on top. So I swap to some blue dye scheme for an easy divine otherworldly vibe (like [this example](https://imgur.com/VDC681n "this example")) - if blue isn't your cup of tea, it's easy to swap to something else once you decided on the look. I like the symmetry of the earlier look, so to keep it [here](https://imgur.com/Itr4m8c "here") as well. If you have access to legendary raid armor, they look great together [1](https://imgur.com/rr1b2Uz "1"), [2](https://imgur.com/yoBmtBv "2"). Also with [Dhuum armor](https://imgur.com/pzSnlRu "Dhuum armor")


You should be able to get the aura to show by using the "Wielded" option on the dye preview or you can see it (the tentacles of light coming from my character's back) [here with a purple dye colouring it](https://i.imgur.com/VP4EhED.jpg) as you can see it's the third dye slot that governs the colour for the middle part of the armour.


I really like the ice look with your Sylvari's body and hair colour but I don't think it'll work for my character.


Thanks for your work so far, and sorry for the lack of direction so here goes: I think what I'd like is something that either focuses on the "Mists/ Ascended" type look to go with the shimmer on whatever mistforged pieces get used as well as the 'tentacle' glowing aura from the chest and the glow from Ad Infinitum and possibly Aurora which I was planning to make soon. So obviously from these things there's a lot of glowing already going on just from two (or three) pieces, there's a lot of power there. My Ranger was my first character and still is my main in a lot of ways, she's the OG Pact Commander/true hero from day one - been everywhere, done everything, she's a ranger, a druid, a soulbeast, she's made allies and alliances, forged the pact, suffered huge losses both on a personal level and as a commander of troops, she's faced her nature as a Sylvari, met her literal maker and come out on top stronger than ever, she's killed Zhaitan, Scarlet, Mordremoth of course, Lazarus, Balthazar, and Dhuum, she's killed more things than all of those dragons, villains and gods combined, she's been through Fractals, Raids, WvW, PvP, PvE, SAB - where ever a hero is needed she's been there and she's been growing stronger all the time, she's earned so many powerful and legendary artifacts over her years as a hero and she's positively overflowing with magic at this point but she's still stayed true to her core - to the pale tree and ventari's teachings, to her desire to protect others and do what's right - the power hasn't changed or warped her in any essential way, just let her be herself more strongly.


[My Revenant uses a couple of Zodiac pieces as part of her mists/semi-ascended/transcendent being type look](https://i.imgur.com/n76E4a6.jpg) but I don't think it'd really work here though, especially because I want to use the Sublime Mistforged chest and I don't want to be too overwhelmingly particle effect-y since we already have some minor glow effects on whatever other mistrofged pieces get used, so maybe something a bit martially themed or rugged to reflect her veteran status, though I also kinda like what you did when you went the totally opposite way and showed a nature based look too so I leave the final decision in your hands.


I hope that helps, and thanks again.

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> @"Iris Ng.9845" said:

> From what I gather, you don't want to change your charr too drastically in terms of facial feature. He has a strong identity. You're still attached to the Flame Legion pants, so we keep that as a starter (3 looks) then completely ditch it because I think your necro can be cool without that fiery bit (2 looks). Your necro has a dark red fur so I want to keep the color palette on the warm side: tarnish brown, rust red, warm gold, muted sage green, and ashy black. I added the Hellfire gloves to make the fiery tail more cohesive:

> * [first choice: Tribal mantle, second choice: Olmakhan mantle](https://imgur.com/2wNV74G "first choice: tribal mantle")

> * [feeling more tribal? Southsun mask](https://imgur.com/AqUd9Up "feeling more tribal? Southsun mask")

> * [third choice: Avian mantle](https://imgur.com/AqUd9Up "third choice: Avian mantle")


> Now let's push it a bit further. How's about some creepy cannibalistic tribal style - pallette: bone white, fleshy pink, rust red, dirty grey-green, straw gold

> * [Harlequin mask, foefire wrap](https://imgur.com/0InlIR6 "Harlequin mask, foefire wrap"), with [mordrem cleave](https://imgur.com/ZxCXE25 "mordrem cleave")

> * [Halloween set, with Severed Dagger](https://imgur.com/Js4PlHZ "Halloween set, with Severed Dagger")


Ok, so im going to work towards the Legacy Armor avian mantle in wvw this week. Also, love the foefire wrap so i may have to fork out for some gems. Also gonna get another ascended axe and reskin to Mordrem cleaver coz it does look pretty cool. Once i get the armor skins i dont have, ill change all the dyes and show you the finished look :)

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> @"BananaHalla.4902" said:

> > @"Iris Ng.9845" said:

> > @"BananaHalla.4902" the dyes i used in the preview are Enameled Legacy, Enameled Crimson and Enameled Solitude.


> D: I own none of them and they're all so expensive! Are there any other similar dyes I could use that aren't so bank-breaking? (_I have 1g17s to my name_)


Well, no pain no gain :( What's about the last armor set you had asked me about the dyes? They are more on the affordable side and get substituted more easily.

I lack the required humor to make something the most hideous, unfortunately.

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> @"Poobah.6254" said:

> Thanks for your work so far, and sorry for the lack of direction so here goes: I think what I'd like is something that either focuses on the "Mists/ Ascended" type look to go with the shimmer on whatever mistforged pieces get used as well as the 'tentacle' glowing aura from the chest and the glow from Ad Infinitum and possibly Aurora which I was planning to make soon. So obviously from these things there's a lot of glowing already going on just from two (or three) pieces, there's a lot of power there. My Ranger was my first character and still is my main in a lot of ways, she's the OG Pact Commander/true hero from day one - been everywhere, done everything, she's a ranger, a druid, a soulbeast, she's made allies and alliances, forged the pact, suffered huge losses both on a personal level and as a commander of troops, she's faced her nature as a Sylvari, met her literal maker and come out on top stronger than ever, she's killed Zhaitan, Scarlet, Mordremoth of course, Lazarus, Balthazar, and Dhuum, she's killed more things than all of those dragons, villains and gods combined, she's been through Fractals, Raids, WvW, PvP, PvE, SAB - where ever a hero is needed she's been there and she's been growing stronger all the time, she's earned so many powerful and legendary artifacts over her years as a hero and she's positively overflowing with magic at this point but she's still stayed true to her core - to the pale tree and ventari's teachings, to her desire to protect others and do what's right - the power hasn't changed or warped her in any essential way, just let her be herself more strongly.


> I hope that helps, and thanks again.


I understand the look you aim for, hence I picked the shoulder/gloves/boots/head most complimenting your T3 chest and leggings. The color aside, does _**any combo **_interest you at all? Color can be fixed later to match your sylvari_ skintone_.

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Alright, how about something a little different. I've been striving to get my engineer to look like something out of star wars ever since I found out that[The Cutting Edge](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Cutting_Edge "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Cutting_Edge") looks a lot like a lightsaber. [This is what my character looks like right now](https://imgur.com/4jywPWx "https://imgur.com/4jywPWx"), and [here is, more or less, where I want to get him](https://imgur.com/a/DNlQ5IK "https://imgur.com/a/DNlQ5IK"), as close as possible.


I _adore_ the Subterfuge Hood because of the mysterious 'no eyes' look it gives, so, out of all the armor pieces, I'd like that one to stay the same. Also, they dyes. They aren't exactly Jedi-_esque_, I just used whatever looked cool at the time, since I'm basically style-deaf and didn't know which dyes to use to make it look like what I want in that picture. Thoughts?

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Hello! I'm in awe of your stylish choices and I'd like to hear whatever ideas you might have when you got the time.


The character in need of an in-character outfit is [Rhysanthe](https://imgur.com/5ZePgJS "Rhysanthe"). Long story short, he's a sylvari who had a close call with both the Nightmare Court and Mordremoth, and came out looking worse for wear. Thematically, I want to give him an outfit that's real spiky in places. I tried to work with a mix of the (heavy) sylvari culural and nightmare court armors, but it always makes him look cartoon-y? :/ I'm starting to turn toward _anything_ that could work for him, not just organic outfits.


As for dyes, I don't have the most widest selection in the world, so if you know of a color that'd go well with blackstone & icy wine & pale pink, let me know! It can be monochromatic or contrasting, I don't mind either way.


I don't have much skin unlocked, but I won't mind this being a long-term (or expensive) goal.

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Hello. My chrono looks like this: https://ibb.co/by1vW7

I am pleased with that look and dont want to change anything (exept if you have suggestion for shield to match with this). My request is something else. In raids I am switching gear for each encounter and I am looking for an outfit for minstrel gear (when I am tanking). The catch is that curently i am hiding my headpiece, shoulders and backpack so another outfit needs to have them hidden too (since I am lazy and dont want to show/hide them each 10 minutes and also sometimes i can forgot and it would ruin overal look). That also means i wouldnt like to change hairstyle/color. And last thing exept shining blade it shouldnt use any other same skin as the outfit in my picture since i dont want to confuse them when switching gear (and the Shining blade needs to stay).


Now to my character. She is an aristocrat so i would like stay away from "boring" "commoner" colors/style but also away probably from too bold. Since she is a mesmer she can make illusions of her clothes so the gear doesnt need to look durable but i would like something less revealing. Also the colors dont have to stay the same (but shining blade needs to stay and it is yellow and purple). I guess i can sumarise it as something that is more for practical use but still tries to show wealth?


I am sorry if it is hard to understand but english is not my first language and also I am generaly not so good about explaining something that cannot be measured.

Thanks for your time.


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> @"fasteverything.5804" said:

> Hello! I'm in awe of your stylish choices and I'd like to hear whatever ideas you might have when you got the time.


> The character in need of an in-character outfit is [Rhysanthe](https://imgur.com/5ZePgJS "Rhysanthe"). Long story short, he's a sylvari who had a close call with both the Nightmare Court and Mordremoth, and came out looking worse for wear. Thematically, I want to give him an outfit that's real spiky in places. I tried to work with a mix of the (heavy) sylvari culural and nightmare court armors, but it always makes him look cartoon-y? :/ I'm starting to turn toward _anything_ that could work for him, not just organic outfits.


> As for dyes, I don't have the most widest selection in the world, so if you know of a color that'd go well with blackstone & icy wine & pale pink, let me know! It can be monochromatic or contrasting, I don't mind either way.


> I don't have much skin unlocked, but I won't mind this being a long-term (or expensive) goal.


[My sylvari warrior](https://gw2style.com/look.php?id=13773 "My sylvari warrior") was close to your theme, so I adapted her outfits to your male sylvari - keeping spikey a tasteful main theme. Front: https://imgur.com/JzrkCp6, back: https://imgur.com/vL54oEV


Dyes used: Blue Whale, (a dark red), Midnight Rose, Pink, Taro, Strawberry, Heirloom, Royal Rose.

![](https://i.imgur.com/JzrkCp6.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/vL54oEV.jpg "")


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> @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> Hello. My chrono looks like this: https://ibb.co/by1vW7

> I am pleased with that look and dont want to change anything (exept if you have suggestion for shield to match with this). My request is something else. In raids I am switching gear for each encounter and I am looking for an outfit for minstrel gear (when I am tanking). The catch is that curently i am hiding my headpiece, shoulders and backpack so another outfit needs to have them hidden too (since I am lazy and dont want to show/hide them each 10 minutes and also sometimes i can forgot and it would ruin overal look). That also means i wouldnt like to change hairstyle/color. And last thing exept shining blade it shouldnt use any other same skin as the outfit in my picture since i dont want to confuse them when switching gear (and the Shining blade needs to stay).


> Now to my character. She is an aristocrat so i would like stay away from "boring" "commoner" colors/style but also away probably from too bold. Since she is a mesmer she can make illusions of her clothes so the gear doesnt need to look durable but i would like something less revealing. Also the colors dont have to stay the same (but shining blade needs to stay and it is yellow and purple). I guess i can sumarise it as something that is more for practical use but still tries to show wealth?


> I am sorry if it is hard to understand but english is not my first language and also I am generaly not so good about explaining something that cannot be measured.

> Thanks for your time.



I'd keep the color simple: shades of purple and a rich gold (Pyre or Illumination).

Here are some outfits would look good with the Shining Blade: [1](https://imgur.com/tFSK3NQ "1"), [2](https://imgur.com/pEnio2e "2"), [3](https://imgur.com/wkh0JxY "3").


For shield, maybe the Alchemist shield skin. For now, there is no hard match with the Shining Blade.

![](https://i.imgur.com/tFSK3NQ.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/pEnio2e.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/wkh0JxY.jpg "")


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> @"BananaHalla.4902" said:

> Alright, how about something a little different. I've been striving to get my engineer to look like something out of star wars ever since I found out that[The Cutting Edge](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Cutting_Edge "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Cutting_Edge") looks a lot like a lightsaber. [This is what my character looks like right now](https://imgur.com/4jywPWx "https://imgur.com/4jywPWx"), and [here is, more or less, where I want to get him](https://imgur.com/a/DNlQ5IK "https://imgur.com/a/DNlQ5IK"), as close as possible.


> I _adore_ the Subterfuge Hood because of the mysterious 'no eyes' look it gives, so, out of all the armor pieces, I'd like that one to stay the same. Also, they dyes. They aren't exactly Jedi-_esque_, I just used whatever looked cool at the time, since I'm basically style-deaf and didn't know which dyes to use to make it look like what I want in that picture. Thoughts?


None that would look like the Jedi Master but these look at least somewhat thematic:


![](https://i.imgur.com/yDIcnl1.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/8Pd5L3y.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/EPDm0Mn.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/sfKynaM.jpg "")





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