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Bring back old stability, resistance, questions, balance


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Dear Anet


In the old days of WvW there was some good balance. Awesome fights.

Now sadly there is 0% of balance for fights. What WvW is now 80% scourge and 20% Warriors bubbles.

In the old days the WvW was atleast playable for each class. Now it's only with few that has stupid range bomb.


The fights are getting boring, bomb, back off, bomb oh wait pull and ping snipe...

The HoT was still fun cause there was atleast balance of healing, remove condi against range bomb.

Now you just have to dodge and hope to God you won't die in 1 second. Then I am wondering why Firebrand is useful, while it's frontline healer.

Yes Firebrand can heal good but heal vs 10x corruption, condition, DPS, Bubble, Ping snipe, oh don't forget resistance can converted into immoblize lol...

Then saying fair balanced fight?


1) Bring back the old stability so frontline won't get cc bombed right away. So that we have chance to survive more then 1 second.

Sample, 25 stack stability, removed 1 sec. Spam stability every second, removed every second... What is the piont then? lol.


2) Bring back the resistance how it was in the beginning. Not converted into immoblize. Or we should have atleast something for few seconds that can not be removed vs condi.

Cause we deal now with DPS and Condi at the same time. While frontline as no chance..


And yes we have tested out defense bomb included with reduced damage, reduced condi damage. But it has just no fucking piont since wvw is now 90% DPS, Condi scourge blob or warrior bubbles.. The best we can do is use siege and hope we don't die..


Cause you did nerfed FB and some other support stuff. But buff the damage? I don't get your logic sometimes Anet..

If you did not touched FB and support and buff the damage then I think there will be still a good balance.


But now it has 0%... If you touch support then you should touch damage as well instead buffing it.


Sorry for my bad english.



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Clearly your comp is inadequate. You don't have enough FBs and scourges to match the enemy. Didn't you watch the 15v15 GvG tourney? Most guilds were bringing 5 or 6 of each, meaning out of 15 players, 10-12 were scourge and FB. The only way to beat the well and shade spikes(besides moving out of them) is to bring a buttload of stab/healing to overcome them.


I do agree, old stab was far better than this crap we have now, and resist corrupting into immob is one of the stupidest design decisions ever made for WvW.

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I think we get one of these threads every week. First, immobilize should be removed from the game period. Second, much as I miss the old hammer train days the old stability was too strong and the current version is more acceptable and balanced. CC spam is a problem, and stun breaks need to be updated.

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If all shouts would remove 1 condition on use as well as give 1 stack of stability , it would potentially help cut down on the condition bombs. I agree that conditions needed a buff in the past, but with the implementation of gear that increases condition duration, Resistance is quite useless especially when it can be corrupted and removed. Even with the slight adjustments to reaper that are more balanced, Scourges should not need to have an over-shield to fight. With necromancer and Reaper however their shroud decreases a lot more rapidly compared to Scourges. If anything should happen immobilize duration should increase as well as the number of condition removals each class can have.

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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> i wonder how you think old stability will change a thing. i mean that also could be corrupted / stripped.



They would need to turn stability into an effect (like superspeed) for it to have as much of an impact as it used to.


~ Kovu

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The easiest way to solve all this without having to start creating convoluted balance changes which will break WvW by spawning dhuum CM everytime a boon is given is to remove sand savant.


Change the trait so it now longer gives massive shades and most of these issues will be gone.


“But it will delete scourge” - if your class needs a single trait to be viable, in this case completely broken and mandatory across the entire game mode, then it is clearly broken and needs changing.

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> @"apharma.3741" said:

> The easiest way to solve all this without having to start creating convoluted balance changes which will break WvW by spawning dhuum CM everytime a boon is given is to remove sand savant.


> Change the trait so it now longer gives massive shades and most of these issues will be gone.


> “But it will delete scourge” - if your class needs a single trait to be viable, in this case completely broken and mandatory across the entire game mode, then it is clearly broken and needs changing.


Have you ever played necro?

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> @"X T D.6458" said:

> > @"apharma.3741" said:

> > The easiest way to solve all this without having to start creating convoluted balance changes which will break WvW by spawning dhuum CM everytime a boon is given is to remove sand savant.

> >

> > Change the trait so it now longer gives massive shades and most of these issues will be gone.

> >

> > “But it will delete scourge” - if your class needs a single trait to be viable, in this case completely broken and mandatory across the entire game mode, then it is clearly broken and needs changing.


> Have you ever played necro?


Yes and scourge since inception has completely dictated the meta across PvP and WvW since PoF. There hasn’t been any other class that broken since bunker mesmer, that says a lot.


It used to matter what you used and when with necro, now you just vomit everywhere where mashing F1-5, to say it’s brain dead would be an insult to brain dead people.

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> @"aspirine.6852" said:

> So perhaps change some of the boons to effects would solve some of the scourge cancer in WvW? The current fights in WvW are not nearly as fun as the old days, but then again the melee train just had a similar problem that it was overused too.


That is true but atleast you could make a balance with that from dps ele, necro.

You can find youtube videos.

Well skilled ele's, necro's were able to take down the frontlines. But the fights were atleast longer like 10 minutes fights. But now we try to find a balance vs whats happening now and there is just no dam way. The only balance there is to be the same number blob as them. But some servers does not have those numbers. That's why for zergs it's not possible to fight vs scourge, warrior bubbles blob, revenant blob.

And the fights end like 5 seconds. Whats the fun about that? These days doesn't matter how skilled you are. If you face a blob then you have no chance. In the old days you still had a chance. That's the difference.

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Best way to address the balance issue is to make toughness reduce crit damage and vitality to reduce the condi duration (feel free to image the X% number). Best way to fix scourge is to remove the circle around them and actually make them rely on their shade placements. In return, you can make them a bit stronger, I don't mind.


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> @"apharma.3741" said:

> > @"X T D.6458" said:

> > > @"apharma.3741" said:

> > > The easiest way to solve all this without having to start creating convoluted balance changes which will break WvW by spawning dhuum CM everytime a boon is given is to remove sand savant.

> > >

> > > Change the trait so it now longer gives massive shades and most of these issues will be gone.

> > >

> > > “But it will delete scourge” - if your class needs a single trait to be viable, in this case completely broken and mandatory across the entire game mode, then it is clearly broken and needs changing.

> >

> > Have you ever played necro?


> Yes and scourge since inception has completely dictated the meta across PvP and WvW since PoF. There hasn’t been any other class that broken since bunker mesmer, that says a lot.


> It used to matter what you used and when with necro, now you just vomit everywhere where mashing F1-5, to say it’s brain dead would be an insult to brain dead people.


Now I am not downplaying the strength and impact of Scourge in WvW. It is kind of a double edged sword though. I have said from the beginning that it is a badly constructed spec that encourages spam to win gameplay, but at the same time it along with Spellbreaker were badly needed to counter the broken and godawful boonspam meta.


Also in regards to Sand Savant...well try running in WvW w/o it and see how effective you are heh. If you are experienced with Necro then you understand it is an awkward class. It has little in terms of self reliance such as stability, mobility, cleanses, stun breaks etc so its best defense is a strong offense along with Shroud/barrier. Necro has always relied on burst rather then sustained damage to be effective, remember core wells necro, deathly chills shouts reaper, and now Scourge.

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> @"Ghost.7032" said:

> > @"aspirine.6852" said:

> > So perhaps change some of the boons to effects would solve some of the scourge cancer in WvW? The current fights in WvW are not nearly as fun as the old days, but then again the melee train just had a similar problem that it was overused too.


> That is true but atleast you could make a balance with that from dps ele, necro.

> You can find youtube videos.

> Well skilled ele's, necro's were able to take down the frontlines. But the fights were atleast longer like 10 minutes fights. But now we try to find a balance vs whats happening now and there is just no dam way. The only balance there is to be the same number blob as them. But some servers does not have those numbers. That's why for zergs it's not possible to fight vs scourge, warrior bubbles blob, revenant blob.

> And the fights end like 5 seconds. Whats the fun about that? These days doesn't matter how skilled you are. If you face a blob then you have no chance. In the old days you still had a chance. That's the difference.


> @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> Why so people keep asking for old stability? It will not make a difference at all.


Maybe because a lot of people blame that nerf for ruining fights, and seem to have rose colored glasses on by ignoring everything else.

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> @"Ghost.7032" said:

> > @"aspirine.6852" said:

> > So perhaps change some of the boons to effects would solve some of the scourge cancer in WvW? The current fights in WvW are not nearly as fun as the old days, but then again the melee train just had a similar problem that it was overused too.


> That is true but atleast you could make a balance with that from dps ele, necro.

> You can find youtube videos.

> Well skilled ele's, necro's were able to take down the frontlines. But the fights were atleast longer like 10 minutes fights. But now we try to find a balance vs whats happening now and there is just no dam way. The only balance there is to be the same number blob as them. But some servers does not have those numbers. That's why for zergs it's not possible to fight vs scourge, warrior bubbles blob, revenant blob.

> And the fights end like 5 seconds. Whats the fun about that? These days doesn't matter how skilled you are. If you face a blob then you have no chance. In the old days you still had a chance. That's the difference.


A lot of other things have changed, its not just stability. We now have elite specs, condition mechanics were overhauled, we have more boon spam and power creep, more cc/stealth spam. Really its just a mess all around, you can't just assume everything would be the same as in the past by simply changing stability alone.


There is no going back, as much as I miss those days they are not coming back. Learn, adapt, and move on.

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Its even as much of a problem that classes like spell braker winds of disenchantment is a hard counter to ele / eng clears. In effect making condi classes stronger even though in it self the spell braker is not a condi class.


Everything anet has done has only helped condis. Even condi conversion to boon helps condi dmg classes and harms the light condi classes or the build in condi effects of soft cc.


Anet is blindly balancing the game at this point.

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> @"X T D.6458" said:

> > @"Ghost.7032" said:

> > > @"aspirine.6852" said:

> > > So perhaps change some of the boons to effects would solve some of the scourge cancer in WvW? The current fights in WvW are not nearly as fun as the old days, but then again the melee train just had a similar problem that it was overused too.

> >

> > That is true but atleast you could make a balance with that from dps ele, necro.

> > You can find youtube videos.

> > Well skilled ele's, necro's were able to take down the frontlines. But the fights were atleast longer like 10 minutes fights. But now we try to find a balance vs whats happening now and there is just no dam way. The only balance there is to be the same number blob as them. But some servers does not have those numbers. That's why for zergs it's not possible to fight vs scourge, warrior bubbles blob, revenant blob.

> > And the fights end like 5 seconds. Whats the fun about that? These days doesn't matter how skilled you are. If you face a blob then you have no chance. In the old days you still had a chance. That's the difference.


> A lot of other things have changed, its not just stability. We now have elite specs, condition mechanics were overhauled, we have more boon spam and power creep, more cc/stealth spam. Really its just a mess all around, you can't just assume everything would be the same as in the past by simply changing stability alone.


> There is no going back, as much as I miss those days they are not coming back. Learn, adapt, and move on.


True old days will never come back. But moving on to get rekt in 1 second fight that there is 0% change to fight outnumbert? Nah thanks... i do agree change to new things are good and not get stuck in the same. But they should do something by now instead making it worse.

This is not fun at all. Only thing we can do is use siege or try to call more numbers while some servers doesn't have it...

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> @"Jski.6180" said:

> Its even as much of a problem that classes like spell braker winds of disenchantment is a hard counter to ele / eng clears. In effect making condi classes stronger even though in it self the spell braker is not a condi class.


> Everything anet has done has only helped condis. Even condi conversion to boon helps condi dmg classes and harms the light condi classes or the build in condi effects of soft cc.


> Anet is blindly balancing the game at this point.


Works good with the same number vs your enemy group. Try that in 1 second by outnumbert blob your facing. They run you over and even you tried all of that. We used damage reduced, condi damage reduced. We lived max 3 seconds and done. Sample we run 20+ vs 40+.

40+ sourges and maybe 3+ warrior bubbles. The warrioe bubbles are not the problem. But the damage from sourge or revs are. Cause once our boons are gone then we get 2x more condi and dps damage from other classes. No balance to handel that.

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> @"Ghost.7032" said:

> > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > Its even as much of a problem that classes like spell braker winds of disenchantment is a hard counter to ele / eng clears. In effect making condi classes stronger even though in it self the spell braker is not a condi class.

> >

> > Everything anet has done has only helped condis. Even condi conversion to boon helps condi dmg classes and harms the light condi classes or the build in condi effects of soft cc.

> >

> > Anet is blindly balancing the game at this point.


> Works good with the same number vs your enemy group. Try that in 1 second by outnumbert blob your facing. They run you over and even you tried all of that. We used damage reduced, condi damage reduced. We lived max 3 seconds and done. Sample we run 20+ vs 40+.

> 40+ sourges and maybe 3+ warrior bubbles. The warrioe bubbles are not the problem. But the damage from sourge or revs are. Cause once our boons are gone then we get 2x more condi and dps damage from other classes. No balance to handel that.


Well what going on is the the lack of real though to balancing so when we see the update to the current boons (and what they become when convinced into condi) its not odd to see other things like winds of disenchantment doing something that it should not be doing most likely.


Its all about the added effects to updates and just how long it takes them to react to how things work out. So yes if your getting hit by 40 + ppl you should die but if you have effects that are made for one thing but now effects something comply different is suggesting of lack of oversight of the balancing team and a real lack of leadership.

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> @"X T D.6458" said:

> > @"apharma.3741" said:

> > > @"X T D.6458" said:

> > > > @"apharma.3741" said:

> > > > The easiest way to solve all this without having to start creating convoluted balance changes which will break WvW by spawning dhuum CM everytime a boon is given is to remove sand savant.

> > > >

> > > > Change the trait so it now longer gives massive shades and most of these issues will be gone.

> > > >

> > > > “But it will delete scourge” - if your class needs a single trait to be viable, in this case completely broken and mandatory across the entire game mode, then it is clearly broken and needs changing.

> > >

> > > Have you ever played necro?

> >

> > Yes and scourge since inception has completely dictated the meta across PvP and WvW since PoF. There hasn’t been any other class that broken since bunker mesmer, that says a lot.

> >

> > It used to matter what you used and when with necro, now you just vomit everywhere where mashing F1-5, to say it’s brain dead would be an insult to brain dead people.


> Now I am not downplaying the strength and impact of Scourge in WvW. It is kind of a double edged sword though. I have said from the beginning that it is a badly constructed spec that encourages spam to win gameplay, but at the same time it along with Spellbreaker were badly needed to counter the broken and godawful boonspam meta.


> Also in regards to Sand Savant...well try running in WvW w/o it and see how effective you are heh. If you are experienced with Necro then you understand it is an awkward class. It has little in terms of self reliance such as stability, mobility, cleanses, stun breaks etc so its best defense is a strong offense along with Shroud/barrier. Necro has always relied on burst rather then sustained damage to be effective, remember core wells necro, deathly chills shouts reaper, and now Scourge.


Yes I know without Sand Savant Scourge is a lot weaker however it has stab now, it cleanses conditions on barrier if you want, it converts a condition on F2 and it has a lot of barrier. Scourge will still have AoE damage through torch, corrupts through sand swell and trail of anguish, corruption well if wanted it’s just they won’t be the AoE pulsing monstrosity that makes the game so horrible to play.


Then if mini shades aren’t good enough ANet can properly address it, I’d even say they could undo the nerf to path of corruption. However the core of the problem is the complete disparity between big and little shades where one is breaking several game modes and the other is used so little everyone gets confused by the small circles.

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