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Right-click cause leaving fullscreen

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i have 2 monitors, and since begin sometimes my game minimized and my mouse appeared on second monitor, i didnt know why


Now i see, when i go with mouse to edge of screen near to the second monitor, and when i click fast many times right click in mouse, i can leave the game with mouse


iam using classic "Full Screen" , no windowed, i can repeat this any time.


can someone please confirm this behaviour ?

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I've found something similar, although not exactly repeatable. Windows 10 Pro, GW2-64, using just the Windows "spread the desktop across both screens" feature, no third-party software involved. And I'll be doing something busy, and the mouse will exit GW2's "locked" area (it's normally locked to GW2's display by GW2 itself) and GW2 gets minimised and a desktop right-click menu appears.



* hypothesis: GW2 locks the mouse to (-1,-1):(1920,1080(1)) or something like that. For complicated and entirely invalid reasons, my "second" display is to the *left* of my "first" display, so if the mouse gets a click when it is at -1,something, that lands outside the game's window, on the second screen's desktop.

* hypothesis: the "lock" functionality isn't fast enough to always catch the mouse if it tries to exit the lock area, and clicks might leak onto the edge of the desktop.


(1) My screen is 1920x1080.

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> @"Alchymista.8192" said:

> Hello

> i have 2 monitors, and since begin sometimes my game minimized and my mouse appeared on second monitor, i didnt know why


> Now i see, when i go with mouse to edge of screen near to the second monitor, and when i click fast many times right click in mouse, i can leave the game with mouse


> iam using classic "Full Screen" , no windowed, i can repeat this any time.


> can someone please confirm this behaviour ?


OMG, I get this too! I still haven't figured exactly how to reliably reproduce it, but it usually happens once or twice a session - of course typically while in a fight!


Win10 x64. dual 1920x1080 mons, nvidia card & drivers.


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so to describe more:

i am using Win8.1 64bit, with latest updates, gpu is AMD HD7870 also with latest drivers

yesterday i asked guys in WvW team chat, and i was surprised 2 of the guys could reproduce the issue too, one of them said he has nVidia GPU.


iam using the Fullscreen mode, no windowed, guys in team chat said it was happening only in fullscreen mode, in both windows modes it was fine.

game is running only in one monitor with 1440p resolution, other one is with full hd.


i cannot use windowed mode because iam using amd crossfire


i tried to switch one thing in setting, which made left mouse button work same as right button in way of rotating camera, and i could reproduce it also with left button


iam not using any 3th party, software, any addons, nothing..


can someone here reproduce the issue same way as i do ? fast right clicking and moving mouse makes it leave game in fullscreen



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Ok, reproduced it:

1. (Assumes GW2 is fullscreen in left-side monitor)

2. In GW2, move mouse pointer to far right edge of screen - far as it will go (in my case, the pointer is almost entirely hidden underneath the plastic bezel of the monitor)

3. Double right-click OR left-click mouse while sliding mouse further to right.

4. Approx 1/3 of time, the mouse-click will cause the switch out of GW2 screen and the mouse moves to the right-hand monitor.

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> @"TheAgedGnome.7520" said:

> Ok, reproduced it:

> 1. (Assumes GW2 is fullscreen in left-side monitor)

> 2. In GW2, move mouse pointer to far right edge of screen - far as it will go (in my case, the pointer is almost entirely hidden underneath the plastic bezel of the monitor)

> 3. Double right-click OR left-click mouse while sliding mouse further to right.

> 4. Approx 1/3 of time, the mouse-click will cause the switch out of GW2 screen and the mouse moves to the right-hand monitor.


Ah, got it... The "capture" thing that keeps the mouse inside the GW2 window(1) doesn't work while the mouse button is down... That explains why it is easy to reproduce when you are clicking away like a mad thing, but not when you are just running around.


(1) Even in "full screen" mode, GW2 has a window underneath the rendered display, but *above* all the other windows. It is needed to prevent mouse clicks from reaching other programs.

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"Hair Composts.7062" said:

> This thread is over 2 weeks old now. Is there any known fix? I got this problem for ages, just always thought it was caused by some other program stealing the focus and i could not see which...


I think there are two different problems. Focus-stealing can happen any time (even when you aren't even touching the mouse OR the keyboard), and affects anyone. There are programs that can be set to watch focus transitions, and therefore tell you *what* stole the focus. Google something like _which program is stealing focus_ to find them.


There is also the problem that's being discussed here, where you can end up with the mouse escaping from the GW2 display if:

* You are in Full-Screen mode, AND

* You have more than one screen, and your desktop is spread across more than one of them, AND

* You are doing something "busy" and heavily "clicky", especially near the edge of GW2's screen.


GW2 normally traps the mouse in its screen, but there's a small fault in that logic *if* you try (not necessarily by intent) to escape from the trap while you are pressing a button. If you do that, the pointer can (a) get outside the GW2 trap and (b) transfer the click to the desktop or whatever's running on the other screen, which *gives* focus to the other window, and *takes* it from GW2, at which point GW2 minimises itself. One thing that can eliminate the minimising is to switch GW2 from "Full-screen" to "Full-screen (Windowed)" (dunno, it might be "Windowed (Full-screen)"), although this comes at the price of removing the trap as well, making it easier for GW2 to lose focus.

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The Video above my post exactly shows what happens when i play fracs/raids, basicaly everytime a bossfight gets hasty. i have jet to test if i can reproduce it like that. This is from what i understand a bug in the game(?)


On the other hand i found a focus monitoring tool that i have to test. if this is the case, some software on my pc is at fault and i can fix it myself.

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